#48 How Wanting To Leave No One Behind Slows You And Everyone Else Down
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Joyrider! This weeks song added to the Joyride to Freedom Playlist is Diana Ross' I'm Coming Out. And I am. Coming out. I am growing so fast at the moment, especially mentally and spiritually, that I am amazed at how NATURAL that feels. How comfortable it feels instead of uncomfortable, the way I thought it would feel. How absolutely mindblowingly easy it is to be WAY BIGGER than before than just a little bit bigger, bit by bit, and how much CLARITY that gives me. It made me realize how UNCOMFORTABLE I felt in my smallness. I felt so uncomfortable because I didn't want to leave anyone behind, so I didn't (dare to) change. But, now I know that: WANTING TO LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND SLOWS YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE, DOWN. The need to leave no one behind has kept me from growth for the longest time. I have been holding myself back because of this belief for ages. But the thing is, that if you want to leave no one behind you stay stuck at where you are. And you are not the only one being stuck, you keep the ones that you don’t want to leave behind right where they are as well because in a way you are saying: "you can’t be more than this. You can't make more money than this. This is where you are, so I’ll stay here with you, I don't believe in you either". And not only that, you are also saying: "The Universal Laws don't apply to you. You can't create abundance, wealth and succes by using these laws, so I'll stay low for and with you too". But the Universal Laws apply to EVERYONE & ANYONE. Like the Law of Gravity does. Not just for the lucky few. EVERYONE CAN CREATE SUCCESS, MONEY AND HAPPINESS USING THE UNIVERSAL LAWS. So there is no reason for me anymore to be scared to leave anyone behind. Because if I IMPROVE MY LIFE by following these Universal Laws, I AM PROOF that it can be done and THEREFORE YOU CAN DO IT TOO. So I'M COMING OUT. I'm GOING FOR IT. I have bigger dreams for me and I see them for you too. This is what the True Purpose of the Law of Attraction actually is: TO EMPOWER US, TO EMPOWER OTHERS. And that is why I'm also COMING OUT about WHO I TRULY WANT TO SERVE. You can hear all about it in today's episode. I'm going. You? Godspeed. Lou P.S. This has consequences for my business. Of course. Because like Marie Forleo say's: Insight without action is worthless. More on this in Dutch soon but if you suspect that you already know what's coming, feel free to make use of my former fear to leave no one behind and add these to your shopping cart now (https://louniestadt.com/shop-2/), because you are right. Let's all TRAVEL LIGHT HEARTED! Thank you.
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