Lieve luisteraar, Allereerst hartelijk dank voor alle harten onder de riem, de mailtjes en de reacties op Spotify (zo leuk dat dat kan!) op de afwijzing van de uitgever. In deze podcast een update en uitleg over het héle project rondom Charlie (dus inclusief onderwijs etc) en hoe ik het voor me zie. Daarnaast deed ik een ontdekking in het verschil tussen de schaal van Hicks en de schaal van Hawkins die alle verschil maakt! Zoals ik destijds tijdens mijn joyride to freedom experiment...
Published 02/05/24
Op veler verzoek eindelijk weer eens een episode van de In the Pocket Podcast. De ‘lead Jingle’ voor deze aflevering is: ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ van Bob Marley en is inmiddels toegevoegd aan de ‘In the Pocket Podcast Playlist’ (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/72bRTCFwWSp9oaUmsSLaaA?si=0fecf1b6d0304ec8). In deze aflevering neem ik je mee in het proces van mijn boek en de afwijzingen die ik er dit jaar van verschillende uitgevers voor kreeg, en vooral wat dat met mijn Innerlijke Criticus heeft...
Published 01/25/24
Wauw, wat een wervelwind heeft de blog van afgelopen vrijdag veroorzaakt. Als je die hebt gemist, je kunt het hier teruglezen (https://louniestadt.com/zoveel-verdien-ik-echt-met-mijn-business/). Om meer te begrijpen van de podcast van vandaag zou ik dat zeker even doen. Ik heb een podcast episode voor je opgenomen als voicebericht. Het is een lange aflevering geworden. Ik had je zoveel te vertellen en had veel context nodig om je het hele verhaal uit de doeken te doen. Ik vertel hoe het kan...
Published 02/13/23
Dat is lang geleden! Ik had gedacht dat toen ik stopte met social media, dat ik dan wel weer zou gaan podcasten, dat ik je dan vaker zou mailen en je op die manier wel op de hoogte zou houden van mijn wel en wee. Maar niks van dat alles. In plaats daarvan ben ik weer 'gewoon' juf geworden zonder er iets over te delen of te mailen. Maar vanmorgen wilde er ineens een podcast door om je even te updaten over de lessen die ik zelf aan het leren ben, hoe ik mijn weg moet vinden en hoe het...
Published 02/21/22
Hé daar, Lou hier. Even een teken van leven nadat ik (voor de tweede keer) gestopt ben met social media. Ik had gedacht meteen over te gaan op podcasten en je via de mail op de hoogte te houden van mijn wel en wee offline on life. Maar dat bleek een gedachten die nog gekoppeld zat aan doen, doen, doen. Nu ik weer offline ben valt het continu in actie zijn en steeds maar delen van wat ik doe weg. Ik dóe ook niet zoveel. Ik bén vooral. Ik heb een klein kattebelletje voor je...
Published 10/26/21
In this episode I share with you my MAJOR OMG's, AHA's & EUREKA's I am having now that we are diving into Human Design in Kathrin Zenkina's Manifestation Babe Academy. My my mind is truly blown. I don't even know where to start to tell you what this episode is all about, but let's start by saying that yes, the Universal Laws are universal, but we, the people, are not. We all have a UNIQUE DESIGN to connect to the Universe, to the quantumfield. I found out that my Human Design is a...
Published 05/17/21
Well Hi there. It has been ages since I've recorded a podcast last, but I just had to hop on. This episode is about how I've realized that éverything that really matters to me, I haven't manifested myself. It has manifested me...! I tell you all about it in this episode. It is very well possible that you are trying to make things work, and are trying to manifest everything and anything, and are searching for your purpose, but by doing so are totally missing what wants to be manifested to...
Published 05/10/21
I have left you a lengthy voice message, and like so many things, you don’t know how much you’ve missed something until you do it again. Since a few days I have felt the urge to go ‘behind the scenes’. It feels like on Instagram I am in my Teacher Role, and here I get to be the student. It would maybe make more sense to turn the podcast into a teaching model too. And tell you how you can be successful with the Universal Laws and how to apply them to get everything you want to be, do and...
Published 05/26/20
Well, what do you know..! Could it be true, that I’m not only back on Social Media, (LinkedIn http://linkedin.com/in/lou-niestadt-99981819b), ánd that I have recorded a Podcast Episode while I said that my last episode was the lást episode?! Yep. One of the things of following your inner guidance is that you actually follow it. We are prone to hold ourselves back, because we already said something about it, usually the opposite of what we are now doing. Don’t hold it against yourself....
Published 02/04/20
I have recorded a new voicemessage for you, to fill you in on the gap between my last podcast episode at Iconic in LA in november, and why this is my last episode. It all started with the question, ‘what is your bigger mission?’ I have been trying to capture my mission and vision for the longest time now, but it wasn’t until I was asked what my bigger mission is that it finally clicked for me. Oh, in thát case I would love to make a difference in education...! I would love to change the...
Published 01/03/20
In the Pocket Podcast Posse! Lou here, with a little note from the road. I am on my way back from Phoenix Arizona to Los Angeles, California after a 2 day event with Ali Brown. Although that is a very high end event, I am traveling by.. GREYHOUND! I’ve left you a voice message of my Greyhound bustrip to Phoenix and the first day of the event about why I sooo love to take the Greyhound and how I am growing more and more into an and/and state of mind. And business class ánd the Greyhound....
Published 11/08/19
Podcast Posse! It has been a while since I sent you a voice message. I was all in creation mode and still driving with my Gas Cap on. But today I felt a longing to talk to you. Finally, it's happened to me. (guess what song is the lead jingle for this episode ;-) ) and I wanted to share it with you, so you can have it happen too! I have distilled 3 steps to manifesting anything your HEART desires. Turns out I have been trying to manifest everything my HEAD desired. Those are not real...
Published 10/18/19
My dearest Podcast Posse, It's been a while since we last 'spoke', and that has EVERYTHING to do with this episode. I have been practicing driving with my gas cap on, and I've got to tell you, silence is GOLDEN indeed. But today I am hopping on to the World Wild Web, because... My One Year Experiment is in the Pocket! It has officially ended last Sunday, September 1st. And just 2 day's before the finish line, the Million Dollar Idea came to me. The evening before my epiphany I had a...
Published 09/04/19
My dearest Joyrider, Having my children and grandchildren over for a few weeks has taught me a few very valuable lessons. I hardly got my 'own' job done, only to realize that when I OWN my impact everything can be my job. Besides, my only real job is, JOY. I only get frustrated when I strive for Impressive or Income because those things can not be found in everyday life. This episode is about knowing your value. On one day, after a text message from my son in law, I made a choice...
Published 07/15/19
My dearest Joyrider, It has been a while since I’ve last left a voicemessage for you, as a Note from the Road. This one is about why sharing is NOT caring, and why we are driving with our gas cap off most of the time when we share every thought, feeling, insight, aha, experience, joy or where we are or what we do, immediately. I’ll tell you about Fear riding shotgun when you start to WAIT (Why Am I Talking?) and decide to be still if you realize that it is your ego that wants to share...
Published 06/27/19
Joyrider! This weeks episode is all about a HUGE TRANSFORMATION I am going through right (write!) now, thanks to Christine Kloser's Get Your Book Done Program (https://tq122.isrefer.com/go/gybdsp/Lou/). But I didn't need the program to have a BREAKDOWN first before I had the BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH for my Book ánd my Business YET! And I had almost dropped out of business, thinking it wasn't something for me after all. But Boy was I wrong. Turns out I have been WRONG about MANY things. I...
Published 05/29/19
Ooops, Joyrider, I did it again... (and no that is not the song for this Episode of the Joyride To Freedom Podcast Playlist (https://open.spotify.com/user/rl6s63ldyes7mq5l3b283kcbl/playlist/72bRTCFwWSp9oaUmsSLaaA?si=OaPZIvKmTJWPF3gatN-g-Q), but could easily have been... The song to this episode is: 'I'm So Excited' by the Pointer Sisters. And I am Excited! Thrilled even! Over the moon! But still. I did it again. Because I'm so excited I did it again...! I let myself get carried...
Published 05/23/19
Joyrider, Now that I am riding the Universal Laws at the speed of light, I have come to an amazing conclusion: Taking a QUANTUM LEAP is actually EASIER than taking BABYSTEPS. Who would have guessed?! In this episode of the Wild & Free Society Podcast and my JOYRIDE TO FREEDOM, I share with you why that is, how it changes the whole INNER ROADTRIP for me, and how you can speed things up too. You can you know. You are way bigger than you think you are, and you are way closer than you...
Published 05/13/19
Joyrider! This weeks song added to the Joyride to Freedom Playlist is Diana Ross' I'm Coming Out. And I am. Coming out. I am growing so fast at the moment, especially mentally and spiritually, that I am amazed at how NATURAL that feels. How comfortable it feels instead of uncomfortable, the way I thought it would feel. How absolutely mindblowingly easy it is to be WAY BIGGER than before than just a little bit bigger, bit by bit, and how much CLARITY that gives me. It made me...
Published 05/06/19
Joyrider! On my Inner Roadtrip I recently discovered something very interesting. I knew that we have a conscious and a subconscious mind. But what I didn’t know is that until about the age of seven we are mostly ónly subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does little to none filtering and correcting. It takes everything in like a sponge and will believe everything you tell it. It can’t make a distinction between right or wrong, true or false. This is why young children will believe...
Published 04/24/19
Hi there Joyrider, I'm back from a month being in Bali! I must have crossed some boarders along the way. Not just literally but also the boarders along my Joyride to Freedom because all of a sudden the language has changed. Not for me, because my Inner Guidance has always spoken in English to me, but I've been translating it to Dutch for you, because, you know, I'm from Holland, and who do I think I am, and 'doe maar normaal dan doe je al gek genoeg' But. My Future Self has bigger...
Published 04/09/19
Liefste Joyrider, Ik luisterde vanmorgen naar een interview van Roanne van Voorst met Adil Izemrane in the Braveheart Club Podcast (https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/the-braveheart-club-1-adil-izemrane/id1447851138?i=1000426476230&mt=2) die Roanne in samenwerking met Happinez maakt. Roanne is mijn Freedom Writer (https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/freedom-writers-podcast/id1440606213?mt=2) Friend en zij heeft mij ook geïnterviewd voor deze serie. Ik ging eens luisteren naar mijn mede...
Published 03/05/19
Lieve Joyrider, Het Magical Manifesting Motel is OPEN! Het MMM ligt langs mijn JOYRIDE TO FREEDOM, mijn INNER ROADTRIP. Deze Note from the Road is een uitnodiging voor een éigen kamer in het Magical Manifesting Motel. Wat dat is zie hoor je in deze podcast. Je kunt hier meer lezen over het Magical Manifesting Motel: https://louniestadt.com/magical-manifesting-motel/ Je investering in je Magical Manifesting Motel Room is éénmalig €111,- ex. B.T.W. Voor de prijs van één nacht, krijg je...
Published 03/03/19
Joyrider! De meest gehoorde vraag/opmerking van de laatste weken is denk ik: Maar wat als het (weer) niet lukt? Wat als ik wéér wat begin en niet afmaak? Het nummer voor deze podcast was dan ook zo gevonden! In deze Note From The Road Podcast deel ik: Mijn visie op die angst. Waarom Creatievelingen hier extra veel last van hebben (en waarom dat echt niet hoeft) Wat het verschil is tussen een left-brain business en een right-brain business en hoe ik me jarenlang hebt laten...
Published 03/01/19