#57 Last episode..! What is your bigger mission?
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I have recorded a new voicemessage for you, to fill you in on the gap between my last podcast episode at Iconic in LA in november, and why this is my last episode. It all started with the question, ‘what is your bigger mission?’ I have been trying to capture my mission and vision for the longest time now, but it wasn’t until I was asked what my bigger mission is that it finally clicked for me. Oh, in thát case I would love to make a difference in education...! I would love to change the way we teach our children in school and at home about these universal laws. Because WHY DON’T WE ALL TEACH THEM THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! The Bigger Mission Question circled straight back to my original idea 2 years ago, to start the Universal Laws School© which is exactly what I am doing right now! I can’t tell you how excited and grateful I am to have the whole year of 2020 ahead of me, to set it up and make my bigger mission come alive. It is no coincidence that one of my publishers recently said they would still be very interested in a book about parenting. The very thing I turned down at the beginning of my Joyride to Freedom experiment, which makes total sense right now! The Universal Laws School© is for Transformational Teachers and Parents who want to live and teach the Universal Laws to the next generation. I am currently writing a book and creating educational materials for young children to work with at home and/or at school. And I am creating my first E-Course for TEENS about the basics of the Law of Attraction (in Dutch) and a parallel course for (their) Parents & Teachers with the same lessons for thém and how to live and learn them together with their teens. I am heading for launching these courses on February 1st. There will very likely be a new Universal Laws School© Podcast, in Dutch again, on how to live and learn these universal laws with and to our children. Updates about the next steps will be in Dutch. I am currently asking other Transformational Teachers & Parents to write to us with their own ideas about teaching these laws to children to see how we can collaborate and make the Bigger Mission even BIGGER. We have been discussing this at length in the ‘In the Pocket Club Calls’, where we are with a lot of likeminded wonderful women with the same bigger mission. This is in Dutch only, you can sign up very easily for free through this link (https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/37464/enroll) if you haven’t done so yet. The in the Pocket Club is now called The Universal Laws School© Campus. This is, for now, the last podcast episode for the In the Pocket Podcast and the last email in English. Like for the main character Santiago in The Alchemist, the treasure turned out to be right in front of me, back home. Right where I started this journey to seek for it... It has once again been hidden in plain sight, right under my nose. Too close to see. Maybe this is true for you too. It often is for most of us. It’s that thing that comes so natural to you that you can’t even imagine that it is something big. At least, that is what happend te me. Until... I answered the question: What is your bigger mission? So, what is yours? May 2020 be filled with it, or be the year that it shows itself to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being part of the year 2019 and my joyride to freedom. Thank you for changing with me, for rooting for me, and for cheering me on. I have arrived at my Bigger Mission and I can finally see that manifesting is indeed meant for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL! Inwards thén onwards. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Lou. P.S. feel free to join the Universal Laws School Campus for FREE and to become a part of the Transformational Teachers & Parents Council: https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/37464/enroll
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