#59 Get Rid Of The Pearl
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I have left you a lengthy voice message, and like so many things, you don’t know how much you’ve missed something until you do it again. Since a few days I have felt the urge to go ‘behind the scenes’. It feels like on Instagram I am in my Teacher Role, and here I get to be the student. It would maybe make more sense to turn the podcast into a teaching model too. And tell you how you can be successful with the Universal Laws and how to apply them to get everything you want to be, do and have. But... I find it so much more interesting to talk to you about the downside of the laws, to show you where it is not working in my life and how I get carried away with stuff & status. This is the because of the law too...! I can paint you pretty pictures and tell you all the right actions to take and it WILL lead to SUCCESS. Garanteed. I have had a very successful few months, since we talked last. Absolutely wonderful and I am so grateful. And at the same time, success is precisely what keeps me from TRUE SUCCESS...! This episode is about why you should get rid of the pearl. Why it is dangerous to do the things that you know will make you money. Why, even when we start with inspired action, the ego most of the time takes over How inside inspiration often turns into outside validation Why high vibes fueled by outside validation sets you off on the wrong track and you can never win. Why speeding is wonderful, but how you can only feel how fast you were going when you slow down. How money still triggers me big time What I found when I really turned inside again What WAIT stands for, and how you can use it. What your PEARL is and why you should let it go. Why I don’t buy into the business myth of consistency What alignement really is Why being able to create a lot of things and make a lot of money doesn’t mean that it is what you are supposed to do, or even wánt to do. How the real purpose of the LoA can also push you to do things that you don’t really want to do. How come that a lot of the (LoA) teachers are not living it anymore themselves. Why I’m still triggered by social media and why you should be wary of all the prosperity and LoA teachers who are online 24/7 and share their every single step from the minute they wake up till the minute they go to bed. (Including me) and why I don’t share everything anymore. What I decided to do for the remainder of this year. Why creativity shouldn’t have to make you anything. What I am no longer doing What True Success really means (to me) Why it is perfectly oké, to start with YOURSELF. Why learning how to manifest fuels FOMO. And that if you let go of all the things and desires you don’t really need, you free up so much energy and freedom that you will feel só fine. And thát my friend, will make your point of attraction so strong, that you’ll end up in the fast lane. so make sure you attract what you You TRULY DESIRE. Get rid of the pearl girl! It will free you (in) way’s you you don’t even know existed. True FREEWAY’S because these are the roads nobody is on. Get away from the crowd chasing pearls. It’s not where your gold is. You don’t have to do all these things that you think you have to do. Better yet, dón’t do them, if you want to be successful. Whatever that entails for you. I have added the perfect song that inspired this episode to the In The Pocket Podcast Playlist (https://open.spotify.com/user/rl6s63ldyes7mq5l3b283kcbl/playlist/72bRTCFwWSp9oaUmsSLaaA?si=tlOZEC_HRpSHHcV3Dp76oA). But since I can’t play music on my podcast and pay the musicians their fair share there, I actually sing it myself. Let’s just say that I have other talents. But if you want to make a point. Forget about good. Sing out loud! Love. Love. Love, Lou P.S. One of the best tools I use to make sure that I get of on the
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