#54 A Million Dollar Idea + My 1 Year Experiment Is In The Pocket!
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My dearest Podcast Posse, It's been a while since we last 'spoke', and that has EVERYTHING to do with this episode. I have been practicing driving with my gas cap on, and I've got to tell you, silence is GOLDEN indeed. But today I am hopping on to the World Wild Web, because... My One Year Experiment is in the Pocket! It has officially ended last Sunday, September 1st. And just 2 day's before the finish line, the Million Dollar Idea came to me. The evening before my epiphany I had a 1:1 coaching session with Christine. In this episode I tell you how it came to be that she replied to me after I emailed her my AHA: 'I knew we were on to something yesterday, but this is BRILLIANT, I LOVE IT!' Further more: This episode is all about Zipping It. I had not shared the brewing of my idea, that only just turned into a million dollar idea a few day's ago, with anyone,except for my husband Pascal, my Sister Tika and my writing coach Christine Kloser. I hadn't shared it with my kids, and I hadn't even shared it with Janet Attwood and Debra Poneman while I was with them in Ojai, who are two very influential Manifesting Queens of the original teachings of the LOA and have connections with TOUT TOP NOTCH MANIFESTING MOGULS. Hell, I haven't even shared it with BYRON KATIE, who came to visit us in Ojai where we talked desires over coffee. Once you start driving with your gas cap on, you just want to keep that powerful fuel for yourself and your creation. It is the biggest take away from my experiment I'd say. So Zip it! That said, on September 1st, like I did a year ago, I drove to Paris, to LIVE the WRITERS LIFE and follow my JOY & FREEDOM to celebrate my 1 year 'Experimentversary.' Under way I stopped to do a Live & Drive, a Mobile Masterclass, with my brand new In The Pocket Book Club (DUTCH). I had invited my Magical Manifesting Motel Members, my Dutch email list and the Experimentalist of my Lab of Attraction to come together in a Priceless Place, a SAFE PLACE, where I shared my million dollar idea with them. And it was AWESOME! I love my community and the way they are so supportive and open and bring POSITIVE vibes! If you speak DUTCH and you would like to be part of the In The Pocket Book Club, you are more than welcome to join. (https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/37464/enroll) But please know that by enrolling you sign up for being PART of a POSITIVE POSSE. It is a sacred and safe space. It is for TRUE INTENTIONS ONLY. and It's PRICELESS. It's the only place where I DO share my new project. And for all the English listeners, I have no idea with how many you are but please email [email protected] and write I DO in the subject line if you want to be in the Book Club too. That will let us know if there are enough English speaking listeners who want to be in on it I'll consider creating an English In The Pocket Book Club as well. What will happen with this Joyride to Freedom podcast I don't know. Time will tell, but whatever it will be, THANK YOU FOR RIDING SHOTGUN WITH ME ON MY JOYRIDE TO FREEDOM YEAR! Love, Lou P.S. don't get tripped up on the term Million Dollar Idea. It is a Million Dollar Idea when your idea makes you FEEL like A MILLION BUCKS! That's all. Go with it. Inwards! For the full blog + pictures, please go to my website: https://louniestadt.com/episode-54-million-dollar-idea
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