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Deakin Alumni
The Deakin University Alumni Community mission is to offer a vibrant online community that facilitates for meaningful lifelong communication between the University and its Alumni members. The Alumni program aims to * Provide for tailored communication and networking avenues that add tangible value to our Alumni community * Provide a valuable and continuing education and lifelong learning resource for Alumni members * Encourage as a feature of Deakin University, a sense of community through strong links with our graduates, staff...
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Recent Episodes
Emma Alberici, former Deakin Uni student and now ABC Lateline Host, talks about her path to the media and her current career
Published 09/26/12
Deakin Alumni Mr Jon Clements was a Science and Technology graduate at Deakin, and is now a multi-award winning architect. He is currently employed as the Director of Jackson Clements Burrows Architects in Melbourne.
Published 09/04/12
Deakin alumni guest Jennifer Abbey, who is now an Honorary Clinical Professor at the Joanna Briggs Institute in Adelaide. A PHD in Nursing Jennifer's area of expertise is in Dementia.
Published 11/14/11
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