There are so many voices in this world. So many people have a lot to say and suggest. In such a world as ours it's very possible that we tilt towards believing the opinion of people but what is most important is our convictions. Every opinion is a suggestion that has the potential to be wrong. We must define what our convictions are because they ultimately define our decisions and they in turn define our reality.
Published 04/10/24
Published 04/10/24
Jesus you love me too much oooo... I'm sure you know the response already. Excess Love is such a beautiful song by Minister Mercy Chinwo. I remember how it trended for a certain period and oh my it blessed us. People deserve love in lavish amounts but can we love people too much that it hurts them and damages them? It's important to remember that love has many dimensions and one of it is discipline and restraint. In this episode we discuss how to avoid living people in excess.
Published 03/24/24
It takes a lot to get me to live someone but in this episode I share a very deep secret that would probably get me married soon enough and hopefully some of us can use the same principles for ourselves... This episode is a fun one though
Published 02/20/24
How many times have you fallen in love? How many X's do you have? For some of us our past relationships had good moments while for others, our past relationships were dreadful. In this episode we talk about the necessity of dealing with the past, both and good and bad and how ignoring it can wreck a beautiful experience
Published 02/16/24
Happy Valentines Day to you all... So I don't have a Val but decided to come up with a fake Val story... Ente into my world of imaginations...
Published 02/14/24
Have you ever asked someone out by mistake? Here is my story of how this happened and it's pretty hilarious. Imagine the many things we miss out on just because we are not bold enough to ask.
Published 02/01/24
In this episode I share about my Culture and some of its peculiarities. In turn I discuss how our culture shapes our identity.
Published 01/25/24
If there is one thing I have come to realise causes the greatest level of disappointment is when you don't get the results you desire from a thing. The truth is if we consistently depend on results to motivate us we may struggle to be consistent in our dealings. There must be something greater to fuel our passion in life and that is purpose. In this episode we share why purpose is so important and why it should be prioritised over results
Published 01/22/24
In this episode we discuss the reality that Heaven truly helps men. As it is important for us to live right and do right there may be times that we act out of order. In such moments we feel guilty reaching out to the Father but our solution lies in running to him.
Published 01/19/24
Being a fan of super hero movies one of the many powers seen in them is the ability to deflect bullets or stop them from penetrating heros. This is a truly great ability and one that we can use in our personal lives. In this episode we discuss developing tough skin in this new year so that the world around you doesn't affect you in anyway...
Published 01/15/24
Have you ever tried to remember certain things and details and sadly seems to never remember it existed? This happens a lot and it can be frustrating. As frustrating as these things may be it can sometimes help us as as recalling certain things can be extremely painful and detrimental to our progress. In this epiosde we discuss the benefit of forgetting certain things so that we can actually make progress.
Published 01/11/24
Ever heard of the word NOSTALGIA? It is the emotion you feel when you encounter something from your past. It is usually a happy feeling packed with a lot of emotion. The very ability to have nostalgic feelings is a gift because you can draw emotional strength even from past experiences. There is a gift in recalling the faithfulness of God. Sometimes all we need to do is take time to remember the things God has done in our lives for us to draw strength for the future
Published 01/08/24
In this episode I share on the value of relationships and taking advantage of the most important relationship available to us, The Holy Spirit. As we move through the New Year it is important that we don't weary ourselves by doing things on our own.
Published 01/04/24
Happy New Year family. I'm so glad we made it to 2024. As with all new things there is always a wave of excitement and passion found in them. In this episode I decided that it would be very important and beneficial to help align our motives for doing things and also remind us that there is nothing wrong in trying to complete things from the previous year. You don't have to do new things but you can strive for new results.
Published 01/01/24
It's been a very long time since I posted an episode and this will have to be one of the hardest ever. We always tend to move towards things that soothe our ego and cuddle our pride but it does more harm than good. In this episode I share the benefits of having uncomfortable conversations and the dangers of avoiding them.
Published 11/16/23
There are so many things we receive as believers that come through our union with Jesus, our fellowship with other believers and the access granted by various vessels. A lot of things can be imparted but one thing that can't be imparted is our History With God. This doesn't just serve as a proof of our walk with Him but also a Testimony of His dealings in our life and how these dealings strengthen our convictions. God doesn't just want to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also your...
Published 10/13/23
The Word of God is truly powerful. The Word of God is both instructive and prophetic. The words hidden in scripture don't just teach us but they show us possibilities for our lives. The word can come in such a way that it seems deeply personal and specific while other aspects seem general. You must see yourself and assignemt as it is captured in the Word of God. It will take both diligence and hunger to receive the power of God's Word. Every answer you desire is hidden in the Word of God
Published 10/10/23
Faith is a very strong pillar of our Christian walk and its important we get a grasp of it in order to get the best of it. Whatever thing you define poorly will never benefit you. It's true that the concept of Faith may be one that is particularly hard to comprehend but I've come to see that God has placed so many pointers in the Word to make things clearer. In this discussion we delve into what Faith is and how it functions
Published 10/08/23
Many people live in their own world facing their own issues living their own reality. The greatest seat of our reality is our mind. What the mind conceives is one of the greatest realities we would experience. Having a healthy and Co fident mindset about you isn't just some motivational antique but a true way of living your best life. The first limitation in your life is that of the mind and your advantage will come from your mental convictions. The things around you will never be as real as...
Published 08/24/23
Have you ever felt like what you carry isn't special or loved with a mindset of deep comparison? Well it is something many of us face especially if you're in the creative space. With so many people doing similar things to you it's hard to see yourself in the light of someone with something special. One thing we must have at the back of our minds is that God placed a unique gift in us and that gift is needed to serve and bless an generation. Self doubt has crippled so many of us anf robbed the...
Published 08/23/23
Ever felt like you are a second grade individual or that what you carry isn't worth it? It's a feeling many of us get and most times we try to soften the effects by affirming we weren't created for greatness. This mindset has stopped so many of us from giving our best. Who we are is greater than what we do. How we dispense a gift is of more importance than the nature of the gift itself. God doesn't make second grade things. Remember, you are good enough.
Published 08/15/23
Nothing was created for nothing. There is a purpose attached to everything including you. Life has a way of dealing with us that makes us feel we are created less than others or that we are 2nd grade individuals. This is far from true. God designed us with originality and uniqueness. The moment you discover you were created for something great that is the moment you begin to experience true living
Published 08/11/23
Addictions come in all type of forms. It could be a habit, a craving or desire and many other things. One of these things is actually 'ENTITLEMENT'. This is a mentality that wrecks individuals and destroys relationships. It creates expectations in leolme that they probably would never meet and ultimately builds resentment. The basis of this episode is to reveal a certain truth which is 'NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING'
Published 07/20/23
If there is one thing that is pretty common amongst us as humans is that we all have experienced failure in one form of the other. In truth if you haven't failed at something it's highly probable that you haven't tried anything at all. It gets even worse when you are really trying to break a particular habit or attitude and you seem to slip off more times than you can count. It can leave a bitter taste and weaken your morale to even try but there is a way out. Your understanding is key to...
Published 07/18/23