I just make this short story while i listen to Raisa-Jatuh Hati song.
Published 03/05/24
Published 03/05/24
Heres the story of my supernatural experience, i have another story about supernatural, and i will make it to you guys. Thank you for listening your tiny friend podcast.🤍
Published 09/28/23
I just dont understand why he texts me again after many years he is blocked me.
Published 06/27/23
Birthday is make life shorter
Published 02/24/23
you are enough, accept your self and love your self
Published 02/10/23
rejections always happen in life, so in this episode I gonna talk about rejections, i hope you enjoy it! thank you so much for listening!
Published 02/03/23
in this episode i wanna share about red flags of people you must avoid when talk online, in this episode i talk based on my experiences. if you have experiences when talk with someone online and then you feel this person is red flags, you can share with me on my Instagram DM @fauziahyziahh. i would like to happy if you share about your experiences when met people online and relalized if that person have a red flags. thank you so much for listening my podcast, i hope you enjoy it. see you on...
Published 01/27/23
when you feel down, like you had do anything but the results are nothing, you feel hopless and dont know what to do.  maybe this episode will help you for getting up from your down zone.  so i hope you feel better after listen this episode. don't forget you are never alone -Your Tiny Friend-
Published 01/20/23
Dear Your Tiny Friend listener, Here i make an Audiobook, it's "A Gentle Reminder by Bianca Sparacino" part 1. I'm gonna make another part, so stay tune on Your Tiny Friend. I hope you like it. Thank you so much for listening! Have a good day! Don't forget, you are never alone. keep in touch with me on my social media: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fauziahyziahh/?hl=id -YourTinyFriend
Published 01/14/23
i just want to share about my sad feelings, it's about him, ya about him. maybe one of you have a same feeling as me, you can listen this episode. you also can find me on instagram @fauziahyziahh
Published 07/16/22
Hello everyone... i make this podcast because i really feel down, and i never tell it to my friends or people who know me. i was make a high expectation to human, and when i cant get it, i  really feel down. :(
Published 12/13/21
hey i am so sorry for the voice, im so sorry for noisy there, hope u enjoy it.. and u all can give me a suggestion with DM me on my instagram @fauziahyziahh, what must we talked here :) Have a nice life :)
Published 08/17/21
hello semuanya, kali ini di podcast Ngoceh Faedah ingin ngasih tips biar ga kesepian di masa pandemi gini. mau tau apa tipsnya? mending langsung dengerin aja deh... oh ya jangan lua buat follow podcast Ngoceh Faedah yaa... *Makasiiiii
Published 07/17/21
Hello sobat ngoceh.. kali ini, aku mau ngoceh tentang keadaan aktivitas di masa pandemi ini, salah satu aktivitas yang paling berkesan bagi mahasiswa dan pelajar tingkat akhir. so, bagi yang penasaran bisa langsung dengerin aja di podcast "Ngoceh Faedah" enjoy :)
Published 05/31/21
Based on my experience :) semoga bermafaat yaa
Published 07/03/20
Mencintaimu bukan salahku dan salahmu juga
Published 05/14/20