Let’s talk about what happened at the Minnesota Legislature! Join Fresh Energy policy experts for a webinar we recorded the day after the legislative session ended to learn what some key accomplishments were this session, what they mean for the work ahead, and more.Webinar guests:Justin Fay, senior lead, public affairs and advocacyEric Fowler, senior associate, buildingsAnna Johnson, senior manager, state and local AffairsLaura Wagner, session associate, public affairsMetric Giles, executive ...
Published 05/21/24
Tune in to this recording of Fresh Energy's webinar from April 17, 2024. This in-depth discussion is an exploration of the inner workings of Minnesota’s natural gas distribution system from our latest whitepaper, "Hidden beneath our feet: Minnesota’s growing decarbonization challenge." Fresh Energy’s Joe Dammel, Curt Nordgaard, Caitlin Eichten, and Isak Kvam. Webinar viewers will dive deeply into the nitty-gritty details of Minnesota’s gas system, historical trends and future projections,...
Published 04/17/24
The 2024 session of the Minnesota Legislature begins on February 12. Join the Fresh Energy team for a conversation about our plans and expectations for the coming session. We'll discuss what it takes to be effective advocates at the Minnesota Legislature, what a typical “bonding year” has in store, and Fresh Energy's priorities for the 2024 legislative session. Podcast Guests: Brenda Cassellius, Executive Director Justin Fay, Senior Lead, Public Affairs and Advocacy Anna Johnson, Senior...
Published 01/22/24
The 2023 U.N. Climate Conference, also known as COP, will be held in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 through December 12. J. Drake Hamilton, senior director, science policy at Fresh Energy, was one of the more than 70,000 participants from around the globe to attend. Get the scoop from J. on some of the big discussions that  happened at the event. You can read J.'s blog from COP at fresh-energy.org/COP28. Listeners can stay up to date on Fresh Energy's work via our once-monthly...
Published 12/15/23
Minnesota’s natural gas utilities are planning to grow their gas distribution systems and the volume of natural gas they deliver over the coming decades. This poses a significant challenge for Minnesota as we strive to rapidly reduce emissions from the buildings sector to meet state emission goals. But in order to understand the problem, Minnesotans must first learn how the gas system beneath our feet works and how utilities invest in it. Fresh Energy shared a new report about Minnesota’s gas...
Published 12/14/23
The 2023 U.N. Climate Conference, also known as COP, will be held in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 through December 12. J. Drake Hamilton, senior director, science policy at Fresh Energy, will be one of the more than 70,000 participants from around the globe to attend. Get the scoop from J. on some of the big discussions that will be happening at the event, a presentation hosted by Fresh Energy, and why this year is anticipated to be the most impactful COP since Paris. Stay up to...
Published 11/09/23
Hydrogen is a hot topic in the clean energy space and here in Minnesota. Thanks to the 100% clean electricity law, Minnesota’s electricity supply will be 100% carbon-free by 2040. This is a BIG deal. But to address the global climate crisis, we must be carbon neutral across the economy by mid-century or before—and this includes our industry and agriculture sectors. Fortunately, federal action from the Biden Administration in the past few years, including the Infrastructure Investments and...
Published 06/13/23
Let’s talk about what happened at the Minnesota Legislature! Join Fresh Energy policy experts for a webinar to discuss why this year was the biggest yet for clean energy and climate—and why it means the work is just beginning. Join Fresh Energy policy experts for a webinar that was recorded on Tuesday, May 23 to learn what some key accomplishments were this session, what they mean for the work ahead, and more. Webinar guests: Michael Noble, executive directorJustin Fay, senior lead, public...
Published 05/23/23
Fresh Energy is mixing it up for Earth Day with a podcast takeover by Palms Psalm, a music project created by Eric Pasi! Tune in for a listening session of Palms Psalm's new release, "Otuhaka" with Fresh Energy's Jo Olson and Eric Pasi. "Otuhaka" is an album full of songs that weave surf rock with island vibes in a reflection on climate-fueled annihilation, specifically recalling old Polynesian music dug up by Eric, a first-generation Tongan-American.  Join Eric and Jo as they listen to...
Published 04/11/23
Let’s talk about Minnesota’s 100% clean electricity bill! Join Fresh Energy policy experts for a webinar that was recorded on Monday, February 6 at 1:30 p.m. to dig into why this bill is a big deal for Minnesota, what it entails, its history and journey through the Minnesota Legislature, and more. Webinar guests: Michael Noble, executive directorAllen Gleckner, executive lead, policy and programsIsabel Ricker, director, clean electricityJustin Fay, senior lead, public affairs and...
Published 02/07/23
The 2023 session of the Minnesota Legislature begins on January 3. Join the Fresh Energy team for a conversation about our plans and expectations for the coming session. The discussion will touch on  Minnesota’s clean energy opportunities, federal action, committee assignments, budget surplus, our policy goals, and more! Podcast Guests: Michael Noble, Executive Director Anna Johnson, Senior Associate of Public Affairs Host: Jo Olson, Director of Communications and Engagement Further...
Published 12/21/22
What happened at COP27? In November, nearly 200 countries will come together in Egypt for the global climate summit, or COP27, the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Join Fresh Energy’s J. Drake Hamilton and members of the Minnesota delegation including Patrick Hamilton of the Science Museum and Dr. Nfamara K. Dampha of the University of Minnesota for a webinar on November 30, 2022, at 12 p.m. Central to debrief COP and dig into discussions around climate finance, mitigation, and...
Published 11/30/22
What is climate finance and its related areas of climate mitigation and adaptation? How is Fresh Energy involved in driving progress on climate finance at COP27, the United Nations (U.N.) Climate Change Conference? In this discussion, Fresh Energy’s J. Drake Hamilton and Bri Kerber sit down to talk through J.’s seven-year legacy at the global climate change convening, the importance of climate finance, and how Minnesotans can support this critical progress on climate and clean...
Published 10/11/22
Are solar farms a threat to water quality or a community asset? How can we create a solar-friendly permitting process that also enhances water and ecosystem services for the host community? Thanks to the PV-SMaRT project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Solar Energy Technology Office, we are excited to debut the first solar-specific national study on stormwater dynamics and modeling. Project members include Great Plains Institute (GPI), DOE’s National Renewable Energy...
Published 09/28/22
What is networked geothermal, and how can it drive decarbonization? In this discussion, hosted by Fresh Energy on behalf of the Energy We Can’t Afford Coalition, Fresh Energy's Joe Dammel, John Farrell from Institute for Local Self-Reliance, and Zeyneb Magavi from HEET sit down to dive into the details on how geothermal microgrids and district systems can drive cold climate decarbonization and provide an opportunity for larger-scale implementation of geothermal by utilities. 
Published 09/21/22
What are building codes, and how are they critical tools in driving progress toward a healthier, more resilient, more efficient Minnesota? Fresh Energy's Eric Fowler and Briana Kerber dive into the details on what building codes are, who writes them, how they impact our lives, and how Fresh Energy is acting on multiple levels to improve building energy codes for health, savings, and climate. Additional resources:  What's up with building codes? explainer blogPodcast extra! How are building...
Published 09/15/22
What is the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and how did it get to where it is today? Sit down with Fresh Energy's Michael Noble, Anjali Bains, and Jo Olson to learn about the good and bad elements of the bill and its implications for equity and justice, as well as how Fresh Energy and advocates across the country are continuing to plug in to drive bold progress toward our carbon-free future. The IRA is the largest investment ever in climate action in the U.S. Send a thank-you note to your...
Published 08/17/22
Energy and climate issues play out across our society—in books and film, institutions of higher learning, our democracy, and in the very air we breathe.  Once again, this July, Thursdays were Fresh Energy summer webinar series days! Many special guests joined Fresh Energy each Thursday for four fun and engaging discussions about the many facets of energy in our lives.   From science fiction to popular Hollywood films, energy and climate are part of the arts today. How accurate are these...
Published 07/28/22
Energy and climate issues play out across our society—in books and film, institutions of higher learning, our democracy, and in the very air we breathe. Once again this July, Thursdays are Fresh Energy summer webinar series days! Register here to join Fresh Energy and special guests for four fun and engaging discussions about the many facets of energy in our lives. From tailpipe emissions, to natural gas in our homes, to other reliance on fossil fuels, air quality across Minnesota is...
Published 07/21/22
Energy and climate issues play out across our society—in books and film, institutions of higher learning, our democracy, and in the very air we breathe. Once again this July, Thursdays are Fresh Energy summer webinar series days! Register here to join Fresh Energy and special guests for four fun and engaging discussions about the many facets of energy in our lives. Today's webinar features how Minnesota colleges are modeling net zero innovation—and teaching the next generation of leaders....
Published 07/14/22
Energy and climate issues play out across our society—in books and film, institutions of higher learning, our democracy, and in the very air we breathe. Once again this July, Thursdays are Fresh Energy summer webinar series days! Register here to join Fresh Energy and special guests for four fun and engaging discussions about the many facets of energy in our lives—or listen to the recordings here on our podcast! Today's webinar features voting rights and civic engagement as two of the most...
Published 07/07/22
When we hear about the electric grid, it’s common to think of our local electric utility. They’re the ones we pay for our electric service after all, and it’s our utility’s trucks that we see repairing downed electricity lines. But, as explained in our “What’s up with the grid?” blog, the grid is much bigger than any single utility. It is instead a web of utilities, each interconnected with each other in a giant electric transmission and distribution system that covers the entire nation. In...
Published 05/24/22
The investments utilities make in energy infrastructure, including coal and gas plants, have significant impacts on public health, environmental justice, equity, and more. Minnesota’s leaders, policymakers, community advocates, and all who live here should have the opportunity to understand these impacts. Additionally, both utilities and regulators should consider these impacts in long-range utility planning. Together, Fresh Energy, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA),...
Published 05/19/22
Bees, monarchs, and other critical pollinators are disappearing, and scientists agree that loss of habitat is a primary concern. However, research has found that the renewable energy sector provides a unique opportunity for creating new pollinator habitat. Join Monarch Joint Venture, Connexus Energy, MNL, and Fresh Energy for a webinar recorded on May 18, 2022, as we dig into the new study, “Monitoring Pollinators on Minnesota Solar Installation,” which used field data collection practices...
Published 05/18/22