Have you ever felt, “I can’t go on like this…?” You don’t have to feel overwhelmed or stressed in your home … ‍‍Join our LIVE 5-day De-Stress Your Mess™ Challenge now!If you can't imagine one more day in your cluttered spaces and are sick of stuff piled up everywhere…. then the MOST important question you can ask yourself is this … ‍Is my home a sanctuary and a safe place… OR… is it a stressful, cluttered mess? We may not be able to control what happens OUTSIDE our homes … but one thing is...
Published 09/12/22
Part II of Declutter Your Life's mini series on clutter, and mental health. In Part I, Andrew talked about decluttering as an act of self care.  On today's episode, Andrew is going to talk about clutter as a symptom of something else and getting the right help when help is needed. 
Published 09/05/22
Today is the first episode in a little mini series called clutter and mental health, decluttering as self care. So we're going to talk about the art and craft of decluttering as a direct act of caring for oneself.
Published 08/30/22
Today we're going to talk about a question, which is how has the internet changed your relationship with stuff and shopping? Andrew is curious to hear how internet has changed your relationship with stuff and certainly how it has shifted your relationship with consuming shopping.
Published 08/22/22
Today, we are going to talk about hidden treasures and traps in the garage, and all of those other spaces beyond the garage as well. So whether you have a garage or not, this will still apply to you. 
Published 08/15/22
Today we're going to talk about decluttering, our communication, and this way that we have of saying, "I'm sorry, you feel that way", as some sort of passive aggressive apology. What can you do to call them on it?
Published 08/08/22
Today we're going to talk about organizing for kids part two in our multi part series. So if you missed the first part, you'll find that in the index of previous episodes. What do they want? How do they want to feel about their stuff? How do they want to feel about getting out the door or playing with stuff or using stuff indoors?
Published 07/18/22
Hello, clutter warrior and junior clutter warrior... Today we're going to be talking about organizing for kids and this is part one of a multi part series, we'll see how many parts there actually are to this.  Tune in now to the Declutter Your Life: Reclaim Your Time & Freedom to hear this amazing episode!
Published 07/12/22
If you happen to be in the United States of America, Happy Fourth of July Wherever you are in the world, let's talk about independence day for you. It doesn't have to be the fourth of July, it doesn't have to be the 14th of July in France, it could be where whatever day you want to declare today being the day that you set yourself free from clutter. 
Published 07/05/22
When it comes to clutter, and our relationships with other people as it relates to clutter, we are often forced to make a choice between being right and being happy
Published 06/29/22
First of all, congratulations on crossing the threshold and being willing to let something go. Sounds good on the surface, if we peel back one layer and look at it, and approach it as a math equation, this is how it chunks up for you. So what is your time worth, we have to do a simple calculation and figure out whether you're a salaried employee, or you're a contractor, what is your time worth? 
Published 06/20/22
Today, let's talk about where does art fit in an organized life. Many people, when they approach the idea of organizing, or when they think about having an organized life having an organized home, for some people, who maybe are not as organized as they would like to be, they perceive that to be to mean that they're going to live in some very aesthetic, minimal kind of home, where there can be nothing decorative because it doesn't serve a purpose.
Published 06/13/22
Today, let's talk about the difference between urgent and important where they come together where they are competing for your attention.
Published 06/07/22
Hello, clutter warrior. Today's episode is all about the organizational triangle. There are three legs of the triangle, these are basically the only three rules you need to know to get and stay organized.
Published 05/30/22
Today we are going to dig into papers and filing. It's one of the places where people really are confused if you don't have a very good relationship with paper if you're not an accountant or an attorney, and you're used to dealing with paper and also really, if you've ever been in an attorney or an accountants office, they don't have a great relationship with paper either. 
Published 05/24/22
Today's topic is hopefully going to really help you set yourself free. On those days, when you don't feel your best, you don't feel fierce, you don't feel ready to take on the world and that can be okay.
Published 05/17/22
Who here in the last 30 days when somebody has asked you how you're feeling has said, I'm busy. Who here and keep your hands up, who here in the last 30 days has created a pile or moved a pile of papers or digital files on their computer desktop and said, I'll get back to that later. Everybody, almost everybody lives in the story of too much to do and not enough time.
Published 05/09/22
Have you misplaced your keys since assigning them a home about your cell phone? Do you see how something so simple can so powerfully impact your life, the average person will waste one year of their life looking for lost and misplaced items.
Published 05/02/22
Ask yourself first. Why do I want this? Why do I need this? Where will it live? What will it do? Is it replacing something? Is it absolutely necessary? Could I wait 30 days before purchasing this to confirm that I actually need it. Bringing that attention to every acquisition will certainly slow if not stop unnecessary consumption. Something in something out is the tool that you're going to use to break that pattern.
Published 04/26/22
Mindset is fundamental to your success in the unstuff world. If you don't address how you think about, how you feel about & how you interact with stuff, all of the other tools and hacks that Andrew shares with you are not going to last.
Published 04/18/22
For so many of us is the number one question on everybody's mind, and it's the confusing thing of you're feeling the sense of overwhelm, you're stressed and confused and don't know where to start. 
Published 04/14/22
Hello clutter warriors! In this episode Andrew talks about patience. How we don't base our happiness, or our well-being on the inanimate objects that are around us.
Published 04/05/22
Andrew talks about tax prep here in the US, it's getting to be that time of the year again, when we need to be preparing our taxes or preparing an extension because we're not prepared to file our taxes. 
Published 03/29/22
If you think that someday is your secret weapon, and that by pushing things off to this undefined, undetermined future nondescript date is the way that you're gonna et Out of Jail Free card, that's definitely one of your 200 lies.
Published 03/21/22
It doesn't matter how cheap it is, if you don't need it. It's still money that's leaving.
Published 03/14/22