Jacqui discusses her love of books, how living and traveling internationally have impacted her leadership, and how she manages her heavy travel schedule. She shares her strategies for effective public speaking and which skill she thinks is important in any industry but also as a life skill. Jacqui also talks about the efforts behind increasing diversity in the travel industry and also what she would tell her younger self.
Published 04/05/24
Chirag discusses how he builds important relationships especially when election cycles change frequently those who hold leadership positions. He talks about lifelong leadership lessons he learned as both a high school attendee and an annual counselor at Boys State and other lessons from his professors and mentors. He also shares his advice on work life harmony, public speaking, and how he hires and develops great teams.
Published 04/03/24
Brian, a seasoned franchise business leader, has steered Choice Canada's franchise support and business development. Drawing on his family’s legacy in Canadian franchising, Brian's strategic decisions, have positioned him as an adept leader, dedicated to fostering the success of franchisees.
Published 04/03/24
Azim discusses his path from employment lawyer to hotelier, the importance for him of his involvement with associations, and why he prefers to build his relationships over dinner. He shares why he'd tell his younger self to have fun, surround yourself with good people, and invest in yourself. Azim also shares why he takes risks and how his risks on his people and his business have enriched him.
Published 03/29/24
Dawn shares her career journey from front desk associate to Chief Commercial Officer at Crescent Hotels and Resorts.  She reveals strategic career decisions, driven by a growth mindset, hard work and dedication to excellence. 
Published 03/28/24
David uses his career journey to explain the three phases of leadership, progressing from an individual contributor to a team leader and ultimately evolving into a change-making visionary. He passionately discusses the inspiration behind establishing DEI Advisors and articulates his goals for the future. Additionally, David candidly reflects on one of his most significant mistakes, emphasizing the invaluable lessons learned from it. Don't miss out on David's advice for budding professionals,...
Published 03/27/24
Lindsey delves into the pivotal moments of her transformative journey at Preferred Hotels & Resorts, highlighting key lessons she's gleaned. She discusses the importance of integrating diverse perspectives, reflects on invaluable advice she's received, and outlines the qualities she prioritizes when interviewing executive candidates. Additionally, Lindsey provides insights on mastering effective communication, optimizing work-life harmony, and the art of networking. 
Published 03/25/24
Michelle shares her career journey and the personal mantra that guides her. We discuss her general approach to challenges, taking risks, as well as imposter syndrome. She offers networking and communication tips. Finally, she shares her thoughts on personal empowerment.
Published 03/21/24
Incoming AAHOA chairman Miraj Patel shares his career journey, his key learnings, and secrets to his success. We discuss his personal mantra and the best advice he received from his parents. He offers thoughts on effective communication, networking, and risk-taking. We also discuss leadership qualities that he admires the most.
Published 03/20/24
Julie discusses her style of leadership, the biggest lesson she's learned over the past year, and how it will impact her moving forward. She shares her approach to public speaking, how she overcomes self doubts, and how staying fresh and learning the whole business helped her grow during her first 29 years at G6, eventually resulting in her current CEO role. Finally, Julie talks about managing business travel, finding time to refresh outside of work, and the underlying basis for her mantra of...
Published 03/11/24
 A highly-respected senior leader, Joel has mentored many of the industry’s top leaders.  In this interview, Joel shares what he learned from three pivotal roles in his career as well as how he maximized opportunities to learn from industry icons early on.  Joel shares how he approaches challenges, the importance of maintaining relationships, and the right way to seek a promotion.  He also describes how he builds high-performing team, and why he is always recruiting.
Published 03/09/24
Heena shares her career journey and the advice she has received from her mentors and advocates. We discuss her approach to challenges, how she built her extensive network, and the “Imposter Syndrome”. She offers advice on improving communication skills, taking risks, and personal empowerment. She also shares her thoughts on the most important leadership qualities.
Published 03/02/24
Embark on an inspiring journey with Kristie Goshow, Chief Commercial Officer at KSL Resorts, as she shares anecdotes of those who believed in her, supported her, and fueled her passion for the industry. Kristie's personal story, filled with mentors and opportunities, resonates deeply, offering insights for both personal and professional growth. 
Published 02/29/24
Traci shares her remarkable life and career journey, highlighting her transformative approach to tackling challenges with a positive mindset.  Traci offers profound insights. Venturing into growth roles and relocating to Asia, she embraced diverse perspectives, enriching her cultural awareness. Traci advocates for discarding the notion of a rigid work-life balance, instead emphasizing the importance of investing time meaningfully in relationships, work, and other commitments. 
Published 02/26/24
Eva discusses how her mentors propelled her career forward, and she shares the source of her motivation.  She describes how she develops her network and overcomes self-doubt as well as how she navigates the tightrope of being strong and kind at the same time.  Eva also discusses what people can do to distinguish themselves, and how combining hard work and your network can be a powerful platform to grow from.
Published 02/14/24
Embark on a captivating career journey with this Steve Allmen, as he grew his career from early startup involvement in data provision and loyalty coalitions to becoming a seasoned loyalty expert and consultant. Steve shares his invaluable lessons from adversity and how his consulting practice positioned him for his executive role of strategic advisor and business development partner to his many club stakeholders in Canada with the Canadian Automobile Association.
Published 01/29/24
Greg discusses the evolution of his leadership, including the many skills he needed to develop to become a servant leader. He shares how important communication is and why to be able to advocate successfully it takes two parties - the one communicating the message and the one available to truly hear it. Greg talks about self care and how parenting has been an integral part of his personal growth and leadership style.
Published 01/26/24
Join Flo Lugli as she discusses her career journey, starting as a line employee at People Express Airlines and rising to the Presidency of Wizcom, eventually becoming EVP of Gallileo and Travelport. Explore her remarkable career in distribution and technology, where she served as a trailblazing role model for women in the field. Flo also reflects on the pivotal role mentors played in shaping her path and the support of her husband in taking on demanding roles.
Published 01/25/24
Join Amanda Voss on a 20+ year journey with MGM Resorts, from a reservation agent to VP of the iconic Bellagio Hotel Sales Team. Learn how MGM supports career growth. Discover her transformation from individual contributor to team leader, managing high-pressure situations, and empowering her team for success.
Published 01/22/24
Matt shares how advocating for himself eventually led to his role as Starwood’s SVP, Global Development and what he learned about leading diverse teams when he moved to Asia.  He describes how to find mentors and how a mentor inspired him when he began leading teams.  Matt explains how he develops lasting relationships despite being an introvert, and he encourages us to consider whether we might be living in the good old times right now.
Published 01/19/24
Industry icon Mike Leven shares some of the challenges he faced in his illustrious career and how he overcame them. We talk about the important lessons he learned from his father and his bosses. He reveals his secret to building a successful franchise business. We discuss his mantra and his advice to students. He offers his advice on building a great team and earning followership.
Published 01/13/24
Steve shares how communication and trust are the cornerstones to creating a corporate culture where people come first and can advocate for themselves. He discusses the importance of self-care and wellness and why he advocates for mental health and co-founded Ben's Friends. He talks about why passion and grit can take you far and how you tackle obstacles can propel your career forward.
Published 01/12/24
Winnie shares her story of rising in a field traditionally dominated by men. We discuss formal and informal mentorship, her focus on staff development, and how she overcame the “Imposter Syndrome”. She offers her thoughts on taking risks and advice to her younger self and self-empowerment.
Published 01/11/24
Stuart shares the pivotal moments that altered his career trajectory. He offers his ideas on improving diversity, equity and inclusion as well as allyship. We discuss his role as a strategic adviser and the best advice he has given and received. Stuart offers tips on improving one’s persuasion skills and building a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
Published 01/11/24
Lori Kiel, a self-made leader in hospitality, embodies intentionality and accountability on her path to success. Her journey, marked by self-ownership and determination, has led her to excel as a commercial leader. Lori's commitment to learning and maintaining a growth mindset continues to fuel her growth while she passionately gives back to the industry.
Published 12/28/23