Brian shares advice on finding mentors, cultivating champions, and what it takes to nurture those relationships. He explains how leading with kindness is a key factor in his success and how it can help young people distinguish themselves. Brian also shares what he wishes he had learned earlier, and the advice he would give his younger self.
Published 09/10/24
An entrepreneur by nature, Susan delves into how she approaches risk and why her tolerance for risk is getting higher. She shares the story of how she became an expert networker at a young age, and how she creates real connections. Susan explains why problem solving is key to distinguishing oneself, and why we can’t outperform our way to equity.
Published 09/04/24
Jim Burba, well known co-founder of Burba Hotel Network (BHN) and producer of ALIS, HICAP and other industry investment shows shares his career journey and credits mentors such as Tony Marshall, Bob Hazzard and his partner Bob Hayes for their inspiration and encouragement for co-founding BHN and Burba Hayes. He offers tips from his book ‘Smart Partners’ on relationships and speaks to how his failures led to his success. Don’t miss his quote from Olivia Newton John on self-empowerment at the end.
Published 08/21/24
Zach shares his experiences with imposter syndrome and find out whether he's a risk taker or risk averse. He discusses his strategies for public speaking, how his curiosity drives him, and how he tries to combine his career and personal life in ways that provide him balance. Zach talks about his mentors, his mentoring, and his advice to his younger self.
Published 08/19/24
Heather shares how her love for solving big, complex problems has led her to spearhead transformative initiatives within IHG, and she describes how she navigates cross-functional, multi-year challenges. She explains why having champions is critical the more senior you become, why public speaking is important, and how she crafts presentations that are both impactful and memorable.
Published 08/09/24
Jolyon Bulley shares the ways in which working internationally has shaped his career and the role one particular mentor/champion had on his path. He discusses why it's important to not underestimate yourself, have courage, and develop others around you. Jolyon talks about his evolution in thinking about work life balance, why and how he has developed a strategic mindset and the importance of data driven decision making, and one thing he's curious about right now.
Published 08/07/24
Sima shares how the hospitality industry chose her, how her board service has propelled her career, and the biggest leadership lessons she's learned along the way. She talks about how she unwinds and how she overcomes self doubt through leaning in on her own experiences. She discusses how she has learned the most through "doing" but has also developed and relied upon a deep support system of advisors and why championing others is important to her.
Published 08/03/24
Aik Hong shares the key leadership skill he identified early on and the significant learnings he gleaned navigating downturns. Following a successful career in Asia, he describes how he established himself in the U.S., then launched a new company. He describes 3 keys to building high performing teams and the Churchill quote he keeps in mind when interviewing candidates.
Published 08/01/24
Delphine Millot, SVP of GBTA, she shares her thoughts on how to effectively power and advance your career. Delphine discusses her commitment to continuous learning and growth, her proactive approach to taking on diverse assignments, and her investment in education as an adult learner.
Published 07/30/24
Jonathon shares what he's learned from living all over the world. He talks about how several company mottos have, in ways, evolved into his own personal mantra. Jonathon also discusses how running is an important part of his business travel experience, he relies on his network to keep growing and learning, he perceives taking risks and tackling challenges, and his leadership has developed over time.
Published 07/22/24
Brian discusses why resiliency and learning to work through ambiguity are two critical leadership traits. He shares his strategies for managing business travel, balancing life, and adapting to new roles. He talks about engaging with mentors, public speaking, building networks, being active in industry associations, and what advice he'd give his younger self.
Published 07/17/24
Evan describes his path to leadership and how seeking broader experiences led him to found his nonprofit, TALI, which is focused on cultivating black executive leadership. He shares why those aspiring to leadership roles need to develop their financial skills, how to distinguish oneself today, and the Frazier Formula for Success.
Published 07/15/24
Antonia Sisti, the founder, owner, and president of Go Productions, shares her journey of building her company and offers valuable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. In our conversation, she emphasizes the importance of taking risks and details her approach to overcoming challenges, drawing strength and resilience to prevail over setbacks.Antonia provides her thoughts on Imposter Syndrome and offers advice on achieving work-life harmony. She also shares her insights on the most admired leaders...
Published 07/09/24
Donna shares her journey in education and hospitality, driven by her passion for empowering others and her extensive experience in foodservice, hospitality sales and marketing, tourism consulting, and hotel asset management.
Published 07/08/24
Lynn shares why knowing his audience is an important part of his public speaking preparation. He discusses his leadership style, how it's evolved, and which leadership skills he's focused on developing over time. Lynn also talks about wellness, getting involved with associations, and what he'd tell his younger self.
Published 06/10/24
Rachel shares how aligning on purpose creates the glue within a group, and why she would advise her younger self to seek out (early on) the support she needed to achieve her goals. She also explains why developing public speaking skills are key to those looking to advancing their careers, and the practices she utilizes as a skilled presenter.
Published 06/10/24
Join Dorothy Dowling as Gissell shares her inspiring journey to America, honing her leadership skills to become an amazing executive. Gissell's self-made path, balancing work, part-time school, and parenting, inspires us all. Don't miss her incredible story!
Published 06/05/24
Join me on a transformative journey with Kimberly Twiggs, as we delve into her destination career at DIRECTV. Kim's story reveals how her executive journey has been rooted in her unwavering commitment to excellence. Through her narrative, we witness the pivotal role of mentorship and advocacy from leaders in propelling her career forward.
Published 05/29/24
Alicia shares how the hard work her parents instilled in her has impacted her including leading to an unexpected career in the events industry. She talks about the new skills she's developed as her career has progressed and why the leadership traits of authenticity and kindness are common among those leaders she admires most. Alicia also discusses public speaking, overcoming doubt, support systems, tackling risks, and her advice to her younger self.
Published 05/21/24
Caroline shares how her roles as a buyer, travel manager, and supplier have propelled her to become the CEO of Festive Road. Her primary motivation has always been to do her best work and to embrace possibilities and to become a skilled communicator.
Published 05/13/24
Michele shares why it's so important to have a positive voice in your head as you tackle challenges and self-doubt. She discusses how her leadership has evolved over time and the role communication has played in that process. Michele talks about the intentionality of setting non-negotiables for your self-care and family priorities and the need to be aligned with a company which supports those needs.
Published 05/03/24
John offers highlights of his newly released book on personal branding and shares his personal mantra. He reflects on the most profound lessons from his professional journey, emphasizing the importance of mentorship and how to cultivate effective mentor relationships. John articulates the importance of embracing risk and provides advice on coalescing diverse perspectives to achieve alignment.
Published 04/26/24
Jay describes the important distinction between managing and leading, and he shares his approach to taking risks.  He also explains why the easiest approach to networking is thinking of it as developing friendships, and why hospitality is a great connector.  He shares a quote that helps overcome self-doubt, and why slowing down for big decisions can be advantageous.
Published 04/16/24
Fran's career journey, emphasizing the importance of patience, perseverance, and personal empowerment. Fran shares her experiences transitioning from the hotel industry to association management and academia, highlighting the complexities and rewards of working within associations to make impactful changes. 
Published 04/11/24