So, time for Marx, time for Commodity, and time for Seinfeld references, all int he service of understanding exactly how representation operates within Capitalism!
Published 01/02/22
Just as how the Despotic shifted how we might find meaning, how we make sense, and how representation works at a fundamental level, the Capitalist machine has it's own form of representation. It works very, very differently. It's a difficult one. Bear with us.
Published 12/09/21
We continue the discussion around Capital, Commodity, Marx, Das, Macluhan, salaries, the rich, Hasan, and more as we dig into how DandG break down the functioning of Capital flows.
Published 12/05/21
We continue here and dive into Capital v Money, the alliant and the filiative. We also spend perhaps a bit too much time on translation questions of Flow v Flux. If that discussion bored you, drop at the 2 hour mark when I do the outro, otherwise stay on for 30 minutes of us breaking down the difference a word makes. And it's pretty huge.
Published 10/24/21
Money isn't capital, fiat isn't either. Money and Capital are strange elements that find themselves crossing each-other as the filiative or alliant once did. This section dives deep into the difference, the elements, and how it comes to manage the machine of production across everything
Published 10/18/21
As we move from the primitive, a new machine is created, The Urstaat. How it operates on society should be familiar, or will become familiar, but here DandG make their case that we aren't talking about many states in succession, but a single UrStaat simply changing form.
Published 10/03/21
Not an easy one, here we answer questions and discuss parts of the section we still have issues with after all this time.
Published 09/30/21
With the new socius comes a new way of representation. A new way meaning is built and generated. you might say, a new logic of sense. The way signification works, the way language has been created, and the form it takes all shift how perceptions of the world work - and this one is a doozy. Part three moves into precursors for what is to come. Written words, spoken words, language, representation and more are starting to exist as we now know them.
Published 09/08/21
With the new socius comes a new way of representation. A new way meaning is built and generated. you might say, a new logic of sense. The way signification works, the way language has been created, and the form it takes all shift how perceptions of the world work - and this one is a doozy. Part two here gets deep into the unification of graphism and voice, the creation of language as we know it, and the way there is a tiny fascist waiting inside almost every word we say
Published 09/06/21
With the new socius comes a new way of representation. A new way meaning is built and generated. you might say, a new logic of sense. The way signification works, the way language has been created, and the form it takes all shift how perceptions of the world work - and this one is a doozy.
Published 08/29/21
All lines trace back to the despot. Everything we once did through natural obligation to the family, we do for him. All we once did for alliances and the tribe, he gets. And somehow the functionaries of ijt all feel magical, god-like.
Published 08/19/21
As we go forward into the shifts in Socius through history, there are some basic elements that need to be laid out first. In the territorial socius, the primitive, we must re-evaluate some assumptions about pre-modern man.
Published 08/16/21
So as psychoanalysts travel the globe, as ethnologists find tribes, indigenous locals, and somehow still reveal that Oedipus was there all along...why? Here we discuss how imperialization and colonization of cultures leads to oedipalization.
Published 08/07/21
So as psychoanalysts travel the globe, as ethnologists find tribes, indigenous locals, and somehow still reveal that Oedipus was there all along...why? Here we discuss how imperialization and colonization of cultures leads to oedipalization.
Published 08/04/21
So - that paralogism. The one with the three parts? Can we break it down so much it becomes more clear yet also more confusing and then clear again? Here we do this, as we get into how representation shifts and pushes desire down, blocking it up, misshaping it.
Published 07/29/21
You know how they had said Incest is impossible? Well, here we dive into how, and the way that representational knowledge is passed, infects, and shifts us. Let's revisit some Paralogisms!
Published 06/27/21
How is it that our social machines functioned prior to any semblance of a state or economy? How did we know what needed to be made? What organized our labor?
Published 06/21/21
Now that we are moving outside of the self, the subject, and into the space of social machines - like the Socius - we start to learn about how desire itself gets coded, why the flows usually have to be coded,
Published 06/08/21
We close out the psychoanalytic talk as we dive into the process overall, the question of what madness is, what normative means, and asking ourselves, what is it that we call madness, how do the psychotic or neurotic or perverse relate to Oedipus? Or could it be that they don't...and there is something else at the foundation?
Published 06/04/21
The Afterward appears here finally, the final paralogism, and the question of what it is that truly drive desiring production and how it works. We also play another round of 'did Brooks change Mic's again only to return it after the recording made him pissed'. They answer is yes.
Published 05/23/21
So, the question now moves into the space of how repression operates. Is it truly separable as social and psychic? Does repression exist only in one, are they united? With all we have discussed, how is Desire held back and why?
Published 05/10/21
Now we dive back through and Oedipus comes front and center. We trace through the syntheses how desire moves, how Oedipus forces it to shift, and ultimately to the errors produced by such a misuse of the process. Myth, Law, Lack, Signifiers and more are taken to task.
Published 05/03/21
Okay. Now we close and explain it all. And boy do we have a ton of new thoughts on everything.
Published 04/27/21
It continues. And continues. I'd write something here but this is the middle. It's not final, it's not the start. It's just moving from Oedipus into the creation of representation and how it all gets f****d up.
Published 04/23/21
Now we have gone through the first two and the creation of Oedipus and involved in the repression of the poor desiring machines. Buckle in. it's a long one.
Published 04/20/21