Finally sex! nonhuman sex, but still. It's erotic to someone probably?
Published 01/24/23
See, last week I told you two paragraphs. And here we are, two or three again.
Published 01/20/23
You know, it's going better than last time. Our first reading we got through one paragraph in a week. It's a really dense bit here.
Published 01/17/23
Part 2 expands on everything yet, and we even start talking about sex. Well, not that sex.
Published 01/14/23
The home stretch, finally it's time to head into how we move desiring production to a space without repression!
Published 01/10/23
Sure it took us ten hours to get through it but i've sure we can make at least some headway in the convo in under two hours....right?
Published 01/06/23
Finally finishing off the Positive Task - at least the first one. the rebuilding begins!
Published 01/02/23
Even further, slowly coming around to Capital. Slowly!
Published 12/30/22
Continuing through Section 4, even more of the book comes together! Molecular/Molar regimes move a bit to the front as we start discussing the parts, breaks, and flux of it all...
Published 11/10/22
Hey, it's about time! Now we move away from the destructive, the critique, and into the 'so what do we do with this?' What we do first is the role of mechanic, but we have to recapitulate a lot of things in this new way....
Published 10/29/22
Not a simple section of the book, we probably indulge our film interests a bit more. However we do find our way back through the major points of the section and clear up (a bit) some of our own misonceptions.
Published 10/25/22
Machines everywhere! Also how we see machines, how we experience film, and the territorialities of it all. Look, you need to just listen to it. There is a ton here.
Published 10/21/22
After a hiatus we are back, and a lot more are in the hopper ready to be released. Thanks for your patience! Representation is back in full force, and how capitalism functions, psychoanalysis backs it, and what YOU do with it needs to be restated. Again!
Published 10/16/22
It's that time again! Psychoanalysis and Lacan and Freud. Thanks god we have our resident experts on it to say why Brooks is an idiot again!
Published 09/11/22
Yes this is 4.3, despite what I say confusingly at the start! DandG Dive here into the moves Psychoanalysis makes across experience, and how the psychoanalytic field has substituted so much myth and story for social and desiring production.
Published 09/05/22
You know that Marx guy? You should read his book. It would be sueful here. Also, in life. Of course it's AO so a million books would be useful. After the overt crtiqiues last week the book dives deeper and goes harder at the way general psychoanalytic thought does more than just oedipalize.
Published 05/26/22
Back on track, we continue down into 4.3 as the critique of psychoanalysis and the relation to it's work within the capitalist socius plays out.
Published 05/22/22
Finally ending Chapter 3, we move back into Oedipus, the way the universal history as built all the parts necessary, and how it all finally comes together. This episode comes after a hiatus thanks to having another child, so expect new episodes more rapidly from here out!
Published 05/08/22
Andrew Novick has a colorful past, having punk bands, art exhibits, a campaign to save Casa Bonita - but along the way he also happened to become the owner of a small pink tricycle that belonged to JonBenet Ramsey, the little girl famous for being strangled to death on Christmas in Boulder Colorado. The DGQC watched the film, and then spent over an hour talking through the implications of it, the scenes, people, background, media, and even just bullshitting as old people do about the 'good...
Published 02/23/22
Continuing with our discussion of the two regimes, why we have them and how they are useful, we end finally as we move towards schizoanalysis.
Published 02/21/22
This whole book? Finally starting to piece together why they took us on this journey. However for now, it's back to the desiring machines, their functions, the syntheses, lack, and the rest.
Published 01/31/22
So, with all we have read to this point, where does the analysis begin? Psychoanalysis has it's spot, which they've critiqued. So where does Schizoanalysis begin?
Published 01/11/22
Finishing out the section, we close up some questions I get confused again, and then I pretend to not be, and then am shown again to be confused. It ends well. Unless I'm confused again.
Published 01/07/22