We are encouraged to SPEAK THE WORD ONLY and why it is so necessary
Published 04/24/24
Published 04/24/24
When the enemy tries to keep you out of something God has promised to you, what do you do? Our weapons are found in: Psalms 24Psalms 77Psalms 114
Published 03/24/24
A TESTIMONY. I can’t stress enough how important it is to SPEAK THE WORD against weapons that rise up against us. SPEAK LIFE (Psalms 107:1-2 & James 5:13-16)
Published 03/01/24
Do not be deceived bad company corrupts good morals.
Published 02/24/24
After everything I’ve been through with God my heart still gets weary sometimes. This episode is about the promise that He made that got me back on my feet
Published 05/26/23
(Joshua 1:8) In a world where there are constant updates and changes Gods law remains true, unchanged and ever so relevant. The deviation from this law is the cause of all the heresies that we allow to exist in our society.
Published 04/14/23
Romans 8:14-15 As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God
Published 03/28/23
It’s a love story of Unconditional Love on full display
Published 02/14/23
Matt 24:42-44 If you knew a thief was coming to rob you wouldn’t you stay on guard to make sure your possessions were safe? Well then why do you leave your most valuable possession unguarded? Your soul.
Published 02/12/23
Published 02/10/23
This commandment is not too difficult for you, and it is not beyond reach. It is not far from you that you should send someone to go fetch it from you (Deut 30:11)
Published 01/17/23
Redeeming the times because the days are evil we learn about how we are to combat deception by looking at Eve and Christ in temptation. If you are interested in further biblical discernment here are a few sermons: Strange Fire: https://youtu.be/jRqD89ZBWyg Clouds without Water, False Prophets - https://youtu.be/y8aIS-dhU-s Dangers of trusting personal experience over biblical authority - https://youtu.be/jIkaqj9IT9E Dangerous Doctrines - https://youtu.be/qS0Mpa5BRzE Heavenly Tourism -...
Published 12/02/22
A disgruntled heart filled with unthankfulness cannot host the Spirit of Contentment.
Published 11/24/22
As children of light we should always be witnesses of the truth.
Published 11/04/22
We discuss ways we can biblically combat the urge to steal
Published 10/14/22
The only law that is about a covenant within a covenant. God’s law protects marriage. Breaking this law causes immeasurable heartache and leads to broken families so how much more when we commit adultery against God. We discuss Vows, Submission and Hosea. Hosea Summary: https://youtu.be/kE6SZ1ogOVU
Published 09/30/22
Life is sacred. We talk about the law and the heart condition that causes one to break this law. Thereafter we discuss the Sanctity of Life and Sovereignty of God.
Published 09/16/22
We talk about the family unit and it’s importance in society.
Published 09/02/22
💥BONUS💥We discuss the significance of suffering in Christ for the Glory of God to be revealed and the importance of praying during these hardships ”We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so we despaired of life itself. Indeed we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” 2 Cor 1:8,9 NIV Link to PowerPoint:...
Published 08/26/22
We reflect on the first four commandments. Take time to pause and reflect on each question and write down your answers. Find constructive ways to improve in these areas. Remember Parameters Protect Us People giving their offerings to the algorithm instead of the Almighty leaving a heart condition of an idolator. “Living our best fake lives” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NT3rkWzZCEc
Published 08/12/22
This commandment is about Rest Education. The same way we need to sleep every night to rest up for the next day. We need to rest from the world once week and let the Most High replenish our souls. Read further on the Edict of Milan, Council of Laodicia and Council of Trent.
Published 07/29/22
If you focus on the technical/linguistic aspect then you only apply this law in those specific scenarios, you end up convincing yourself that you don’t need to make a lifestyle change.  This commandment effects your ENTIRE LIFE! Hebrew Strongs Concordance: https://biblehub.com/strongs.htm Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tlgvvztqKdmHkAmRjyua8gTUyMW4KsmyFBRokmfDtAc/edit?usp=sharing
Published 06/22/22
The second commandment follows mans descent into madness while chasing excess and happiness in all the wrong places.
Published 06/17/22
We look at the significance of the First Commandment
Published 06/09/22