In your life, you are always doing one or the other.  If you’re not praying, you’re giving up.  And if you’re giving up, it’s because you are not praying.  Rather than worrying, Jesus is telling us to pray.  Persistently.  Without giving up.   What are you worrying about most lately?  Pause right now and turn those worries into prayer. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 03/02/22
Published 03/02/22
In what ways have you seen God bless people who trust Him? In what ways have you seen God bless YOU as you trust Him? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 02/28/22
Spend a few moments to come before God, asking HIm to make clear to you some of the resources and talents He has given you to further His kingdom. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 02/25/22
“He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” The sheep represent true believers.  They are dependent on the shepherd and they follow His lead.  In what ways do you see yourself following your shepherd as your journey through life?  And, like all sheep, in which situations do you find yourself sometimes going astray? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and...
Published 02/21/22
Jesus is the door.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  If you acknowledge Him as your savior, you have indeed passed along the narrow way through the narrow door that leads to salvation.  God’s free gift of salvation is for anyone who chooses to enter the door through faith.  God does not show favoritism, regardless of where they’ve been, what they’ve done, or who they’ve been.  All are invited to be among those who walk through the narrow door. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for...
Published 02/16/22
In today’s reading, an expert of the law asks Jesus the question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”  This very important question isn’t just answered BY Jesus.  It’s answered THROUGH Jesus.  Jesus came to bring eternal life through grace, and it’s in this new life that we are enabled to have real love toward God and others.  It’s in this new life that we are given the strength and power to live a life of true love for God and true love for our neighbors.  If we are Christians through...
Published 02/14/22
We are all sinners.  We are all lost.  But we are also all precious to our God and Father who is anxiously wanting to bring us each back to Him. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 02/09/22
Today we reflect on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  This parable is about the relationship of God to his faithful children and his unfaithful ones.  It paints a picture of a Father who desires his children to return to him, to be renewed and restored.   What steps have you taken to return to the Father? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 02/07/22
Simon had lost sight of his need for God’s forgiveness.  And we too, as we journey through our walk with God, can become desensitized to our own sin and forget our own deep need for forgiveness.  What happens when we become so accustomed to our faith that we forget the grace of God?  How easily we can  become like Simon - religious but not grateful for the grace of God, nor fully capable of demonstrating that grace to others. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and...
Published 02/02/22
When we pursue our own agenda, fixing our eyes only on the here and now and what we want at the moment, we lose sight of eternity.  But, if we let go of our own selfish aims and ambitions and entrust ourselves to the Lord Jesus, living for His purposes and seeking His will in our thoughts and actions, we not only gain eternal life but multiplied blessings in this life as well. Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 01/31/22
Reflect back to when you found Jesus. Was it difficult  to make the decision to follow Him?   What changes in your life occurred since following Him?  And consider as well, has some of the early enthusiasm and joy for the kingdom been lost since then? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs. 
Published 01/27/22
What does Jesus mean by telling us to “turn and become like children”? How easy it is for us to keep comparing ourselves to each other, always trying to exalt ourselves above those around us. But Jesus says this mindset has to change completely. Look at this little child, He says. Become like him. This child is not seen as great by anybody. He is completely dependent on his parents. He has no influence. He is weak and helpless. He cannot make money. He has no exceptional abilities. He has no...
Published 01/24/22
We all have areas of our hearts that have “soil” that is open and receptive to God, as well as areas that our “soil” is hard or less receptive.  What are these areas for you?  In what ways are your heart, soul and mind open to God, and where do you notice that your heart isn’t as receptive? Be sure to check out SoulStrength Fit for more great faith and fitness content and programs.
Published 01/20/22
Luke 1:67-79 This Christmas, we are not just called to receive Him.  We are not just called to behold Him.  We are called to share Him.  May the blessings of God’s gift fill you so completely that it runs in you and through you and blesses those around you.  May your heart be filled with hope, peace, joy, and love this season and always.  Merry Christmas! For more content from Kelly Wenner, be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit, Kelly's YouTube Channel & SoulStrength Fit Kids, where you can...
Published 12/24/21
Luke 7:36-50 You are an ambassador for Christ, and there is no greater honor or privilege.  Every conversation, every interaction you encounter with those around you, every word, every attitude shown through your body language, is your chance to represent Christ Jesus and His unsurpassing love to others.  For more content from Kelly Wenner, be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit, Kelly's YouTube Channel & SoulStrength Fit Kids, where you can find educational content for children and fitness...
Published 12/22/21
1 John 3:16-18 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”  We are called to a different kind of death -  death to our selfish nature.  Death to the part of us who wants to be right, have our way, or seek our own good. Can you think of a time that God asked you to show love to someone you didn’t particularly like or put someone else’s needs before your own (even though you didn’t want to)? For more content from Kelly Wenner, be sure to visit SoulStrength...
Published 12/20/21
Psalm 126 There are so many ways God makes His power known in our lives.  When we stop long enough to reflect on all the ways that He works in our lives, we can’t help but to be filled with the joy that comes from knowing He is who He says He is, He is with us, and He loves us. What are examples of ways God has worked in your life? www.soulstrengthfit.com
Published 12/17/21
John 13:1-17 If we are seeking true joy, it won’t be found in self-service and gratification.  Serving others doesn’t seem fulfilling, but when we adopt the mindset of Christ and honor others above ourselves, we take on a servant-attitude and find we are filled with the peace and joy that Jesus promises.  For more content form Kelly, Including Bible Study workouts and Bible story exercise videos for kids, visit: https://www.soulstrengthfit.com/12workoutsofchristmas
Published 12/15/21
Psalm 23 Regardless of your circumstances, troubles, or unmet expectations, the Lord is your Shepherd and seeks to bring you joy and peace.  As you prepare your heart for Christmas morning, can you commit to having a heart of joy? Be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit for more great content!
Published 12/13/21
Luke 1:5-25 The Rescuer, the One to save us from our Sins, the Messiah, our Immanuel is now with us.  Peace has arrived, and we now have peace with God.  Glory be to God, what a gift we have in Christ! For more content from Kelly, visit www.soulstrengthfit.com Thanks to Calvary Community Church for allowing us to use the music from their album "HOPE IS HERE" 
Published 12/10/21
Isaiah 9:6 If you are a follower of Christ, you have peace with God.  This peace isn’t temporary or fleeting; it is unchanging and unmoving. Be sure to check out the Christmas Workout series, the 12 Workouts of Christmas at https://www.soulstrengthfit.com/12workoutsofchristmas Music Credit FOR What Child Is This? & I Wonder As I Wander: CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRISTMAS ALBUM, "HOPE IS HERE" (WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CALIFORNIA)
Published 12/08/21
Luke 2:8-21 How would your trying situations or day to day living look different if you were filled with a sense of peace rather than a sense of underlying tension or weariness? WWW.SOULSTRENGTHFIT.COM Music Credit FOR the final song, Silent Night: CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRISTMAS ALBUM, "HOPE IS HERE" (WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CALIFORNIA) Produced by Michelle Tumes and Mark Libby with Jacob Wood – Acoustic guitar by Jacob Wood – Recorded and engineered by Mark Libby –  Children’s Choir: Jack...
Published 12/06/21
Isaiah 53 There is great plan and purpose behind Jesus’ birth, ministry, and death.  Jesus’ death was not a tragic event with no meaning or purpose.  Jesus’ death was a necessity, and in this season of advent, we experience the deep hope found in the birth, life, and death of our  Lord and Savior. For more content from Kelly Wenner, be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit, Kelly's YouTube Channel & SoulStrength Fit Kids, where you can find educational content for children and fitness and faith...
Published 12/03/21
Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 2:1-6  God’s people have experienced great waiting and silence from God. Between Malachi and Matthew, four hundred years passed in the Holy Land, a   time with no  prophets and  what seemed like silence from the Lord.  What’s the longest you have ever waited in prayer?  What was the situation?  Can you recall how you felt as you waited?  Forgotten?  Discouraged?  Hopeless or angry even? Sometimes we find hope in silence. For more content from Kelly Wenner, be sure to...
Published 12/01/21