Published 03/10/22
In this two part interview, Boon Kim Fam talks with Kent Kedl and Tung Jung (TJ) Tan, Partners at Control Risks on have to identify and handle conflicts of interests among employees, vendors, and other business partners. Be prepared to listen to some fantastic stories on using modern forensic accounting tools combined with years of experience of knowing where to look for problems. And on how services like this in the M&A context don’t usually stop deals, but instead add value by...
Published 10/27/21
In this two part interview, Boon Kim Fam talks with Kent Kedl and Tung Jung (TJ) Tan, Partners at Control Risks on have to identify and handle conflicts of interests among employees, vendors, and other business partners. Be prepared to listen to some fantastic stories on using modern forensic accounting tools combined with years of experience of knowing where to look for problems. And on how services like this in the M&A context don’t usually stop deals, but instead add value by...
Published 10/27/21
In this two part interview, Art Dicker and guest host Iris Yuan talk with Mavis Tan and Jessica Pyman, Partners at Control Risks based in Hong Kong. On how to prepare for litigation including fit-to-sue analysis, securing evidence, use of experts, and finding pressure points that help lead to a favorable settlement. Mavis and Jessica explain how lawyers can work side-by-side with someone like Control Risks for a more comprehensive and often practical approach to building and implementing an...
Published 10/22/21
In this two part interview, Art Dicker and guest host Iris Yuan talk with Mavis Tan and Jessica Pyman, Partners at Control Risks based in Hong Kong. On how to prepare for litigation including fit-to-sue analysis, securing evidence, use of experts, and finding pressure points that help lead to a favorable settlement. Mavis and Jessica explain how lawyers can work side-by-side with someone like Control Risks for a more comprehensive and often practical approach to building and implementing an...
Published 10/22/21
Boon Kim Fam talks with Shirley Zhang, Global Compliance Director at Dover Fueling Solutions. On running a global compliance program out of Shanghai for a multinational company. On the challenges of “work-life integration” and time management during COVID-19.  And how Shirley and her team manage to stay on top of an ever increasing number of data privacy and other compliance regulations around the world.
Published 09/13/21
The Variable Interest Entity. Sounds like a boring term an accountant or lawyer might use. Well it is an accounting term, but it’s anything but boring when you know how its used in the real world. It’s the key to how all Chinese internet companies have been structured to go IPO outside of China for the last 20 years. Let’s just say it’s a bit of a clunky workaround to deal with restrictions on foreign investment in the internet space in China, and despite its clunkiness, it’s still going...
Published 05/06/21
本期我们与复星集团法务部执行总经理Iris 袁佳丽、FMC亚太区知识产权事务负责人Leo 李灵川进行了Lawyers Unscripted. (Unscripted means free flowing conversation, not overly planned out in advanced.)  10' IP律师业务模块介绍  16' in-house工作的沟通方式       对比与在律所工作的思考方式  30' 时代背景下对职业转变赋予的自由空间       以及新兴行业的发展对于跨领域/跨界人才的需求  41' 客户对外部律师的真实需求  47' MBA对软实力的培养  51' 如何建立对客户的吸引力与信任感  59' 如何看待行业选择
Published 04/16/21
我们访谈了Hughes - Castell的Sherry、Vicky, 以大中华区专业的法律猎头角度讨论律所的律师与企业的法务之间的市场情况。  3'05'' “后新冠时代 ”中国法律市场的情况 7'17''  给新手律师执业领域的建议以及一个新兴领域,财富管理的相关介绍 23'30'' 从甲方企业视角给新手律师以执业领域方面的建议。延伸话题:从律所跳槽到甲方企业是否需要接受降薪 34'11'' 现在的法总比起十年前的法总有什么不同 42'27'' 目前内资所和外所的招聘要求分别是什么,以及优秀的律所合伙人有哪些表现 50'40'' 国内民企和跨国公司分别是什么招聘要求,区别在哪
Published 03/17/21
We talk with Tim Klatte, head of Shanghai Forensic Advisory Services at Grant Thornton China and Qiao Peng, Partner at R&P China Lawyers. Tim and Qiao share best practices on conducting internal investigations, including several case studies, as well as how lawyers and forensic accountants work together for clients in the investigations process.  -How has compliance practices by big companies changed over the years in China?  -Is there anything about business in China that makes...
Published 11/09/20
我们邀请了高焕勇律师,美国盛智律师事务所上海代表处知识产权、诉讼业务及公司业务组的合伙人,访谈关于标准必要专利全球许可费率的管辖权: 美国,英国和中国的比较。 4:12: 标准必要专利和公平合理和无歧视原则(FRAND) 19:30: 标准必要专利全球许可费率的重要性 19:50: 美国:TCL诉爱立信 27:50: 英国:康文森无线许可诉华为和中兴 36:36: 中国:中兴诉康文森无线许可(最高人民法院) 43:00: 战狼精神 47:00: 国际化公司的全球化应对策略。 51:44: 中国:小米诉交互数字公司(武汉中级人民法院)
Published 10/12/20