In this episode Jonathan Chang begins by asking Jason Robertson about an article he wrote for the Journal of Chinese Medicine (https://www.channelpalpation.org/s/Point-Pair-Synergy-and-Defensive-Qi.pdf). In the course of discussing the article, Jon and Jason reflect upon  just a few of the concepts surrounding clinical application of defensive qi (衛氣 wèi qì) theory in East Asian medicine.  While avoiding  assigning  one-to-one equivalency of  'defensive qi' to the  'immune system', cases are...
Published 02/23/22
In this episode, Jonathan Chang and Jason Robertson discuss two unusual cases- one from Dr. Wang’s clinic and another from Jonathan’s clinic in Beijing.  An analysis of these cases leads to a review of extraordinary vessel theory, modified point locations and some insights into the types of situations where extraordinary vessel theory can help unwind a difficult case.
Published 01/22/22
Does this fall season have you re-assessing and returning to your routines and rhythms? In this episode, Jon and Nyssa talk about the seasonal affect on our Lung Tai Yin systems and things that we can do to support our bodies and minds. 
Published 11/13/21
In this episode, Mei and Jonathan discuss Dr. Wang's case study book 《王居易针灸医案讲习录》。They discuss their inspiration for working on this project with Dr. Wang, including talking about some of the clinical cases that initiated the writing of this book. In addition, Mei and Jonathan give an update on the progress of their translation of this book into English.    
Published 10/30/21
In this episode, Jonathan talks to Yefim about his approach to the treatment of chronic pain. The discussion covers the point-pressing technique and channel palpation for diagnosis, including common points used to treat chronic pain. There is also a summary of a recent chronic low back pain case. 
Published 10/01/21
In this episode Jason Robertson and Jonathan Chang discuss Dr. Wang's first published article on what eventually became Applied Channel Theory. This article was recently translated with commentary by Jonathan an re-published in The Lantern (https://www.thelantern.com.au/) The discussion re-visits core concepts at the heart of Dr. Wang's clinical approach and how that approach is being used in our clinics today.  
Published 07/15/21
In this episode, Nyssa and Jonathan discuss Dr. Wang Ju-yi's clinical application and location of LR-5 (蠡沟), and how its location shifted over the years. Discussion of this point also expands to briefly describe Dr. Wang's location of the foot jue yin liver channel.  
Published 06/09/21
In this episode Jason and Nyssa build upon recent discussions of Taiyin and Jueyin physiology by exploring clinical presentations of qi stagnation/constraint/鬱 yù.  When we first begin to study East Asian medicine, we often fall into the trap of considering all qi stasis patterns to involve the liver.  This discussion uses clinical insight to compare and contrast Jueyin and  Taiyin qi constraint and some point pairs used to address this common presentation in the modern clinic.  
Published 05/26/21
In this episode, Jason and Jonathan discuss the relationship of the liver and pericardium in Jueyin using insomnia as an example.   Within each of the six channels, the particular relationship of the organs is unique.  When confronted with theoretical complexity, it is often most helpful to begin with a case study to bring things back to reality. 
Published 05/12/21
In this episode, Yefim and Jonathan discuss the point pair combination LU-5 + SP-9. Yefim recalls his initial obsession with this point combo, and how his understanding of it evolved over the years. The functions of this point pair on regulating tai yin physiology are introduced. In addition, it is compared to another common point pair -- the four gates. 
Published 04/28/21
In this episode Jonathan Chang and Jason Robertson discuss the back shu points.  Dr. Wang had a unique location for these important points which is discussed in detail.  In addition, Jon and Jason discuss how to palpate these points for diagnostic clues...
Published 04/09/21
In this episode Jason Robertson has a follow-up discussion with Yefim Gamgoneishvili  about the concept of the five minds and how they might relate to the seven emotions. The discussion takes ideas outlined in an earlier episode and further explores...
Published 03/24/21
In this episode Nyssa and Jonathan reminicse about Dr. Wang, especially his love for swimming. They discuss the impact of Dr. Wang's approach to life on their clinical approach, from his curiousity to never being in a rush.  
Published 03/10/21
In this episode, Yefim discusses with Jonathan the treatment of a patient suffering from chronic upper back pain. He describes in detail the palpatory findings both distally and locally, while also analysing the points selected for treatment. There is...
Published 02/24/21
In this episode Nyssa Tang and Jason Robertson discuss a series of recent cases, how palpation and questioning shaped their diagnosis and insights gleaned from results.  In particular, the cases have revolved around the impact of modern life on Taiyin...
Published 02/10/21
In this episode, Mei Li and Jonathan Chang discuss Dr. Wang's concept of channel confusion and exhaustion. Mei talks about her experiences treating American patients who have developed channel confusion from the use of antibiotics and steroid...
Published 01/27/21
In this episode, Jonathan Chang and Jason Robertson discuss the relationship of Yangsheng/ 養生 (Nourishing Life Practices) to the channel system.  An understanding of the physiological role of the channel system is fundamental to the flexible clinical...
Published 01/12/21
In this episode Jason Robertson joins Nyssa Tang for a discussion of how an initial exposure to Dr. Wang Juyi began a process which slowly changed an understanding of the practice of acupuncture.  Applied Channel Theory is an approach to East Asian...
Published 01/02/21
In this episode Jason Robertson and Mei Li discuss some of Dr. Wang's ideas about needling on the head.  The discussion includes his well-known use of Du-19 (hou ding) as well as other points he often used.  Conditions successfully treated as well as...
Published 12/17/20
In this episode, Nyssa and Jon talk about Dr. Wang Ju-yi's approach to treating facial paralysis. Nyssa also shares an interesting personal experience with facial paralysis while she studied with Dr. Wang in Beijing.  
Published 12/09/20
In this episode, Yefim discusses Professor Wang Ju-yi's understanding of the five minds and how he has incorporated these concepts into his clinical practice for the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders. 
Published 12/02/20
In this episode, Jason and Mei Li discuss an interesting and difficult case treated with acupuncture. Mei Li describes her initial intimidation treating a case of gangrene and threatened amputation.  As the discussion unfolds, certain diagnostic and...
Published 11/24/20
In this episode, Nyssa talks about the channels as a living system that can reveal a patient's "story." Later in the episode, Nyssa also explains Dr. Wang's bamboo steamer analogy of the six levels. Finally, Jonathan gives a brief description of one of...
Published 11/18/20
In this episode, Jason Robertson discusses source and collateral points with Mei Li. The conversation begins with her experience being treated by Dr. Wang for a difficult skin condition and how that has shaped her understanding of using this common...
Published 11/10/20
In this episode, Yefim Gamgoneishvili discusses his methods of diagnosing orthopedic disorders by using a point pressing technique.
Published 11/04/20