Published 06/06/23
More and more health professionals, including doctors, are challenging conventionalwisdom when to comes to long-standing advice on healthy eating. Through their ownexperiences of becoming over-weight and prediabetic, many have turned to...
Published 03/23/21
Published 03/23/21
Gut health continues to be a hot topic and we’ve only started to scratch the surface. One area of interest is the role of gut micro-organisms, a.k.a. microbiota or the microbiome and their role on gut inflammation, and on how diet impacts the...
Published 03/09/21
Traditional cancer treatment relies on chemotherapy, surgery and radiation and while these can be helpful, it’s also possible to support the fight against cancer at a cellular level according to Dr Winters. In this episode, she talks about her Optimal...
Published 02/23/21
Over 30% of concussions will lead to long-term, potentially permanent disability. Whether by a car accident, tripping, and falling, or due to sport-related head-to-head contact, concussions lead to severe brain inflammation. But there’s an effective,...
Published 02/09/21
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular than ever before and interest in their impact on health and disease continues. Plant-based diets have been looked at, and promoted to improve metabolic health including insulin function, and blood sugar...
Published 01/26/21
Leaky gut syndrome, a.k.a. gut barrier dysfunction, has been a hotly debated and controversial topic for the past 30 plus years. Largely misunderstood and poorly marketed by many so-called health coaches and the like, gut barrier dysfunction is a...
Published 01/12/21
Autoimmune disease have been based on two prevailing theories, the mimicry and bystander theories but decades of research based on this assumption/theories has not led to successful treatments. In this episode, Dr Petersen introduces us to the idea of...
Published 12/22/20
Getting the most out of life is all about performance including peak brain performance. Today, there are many tools and alternative interventions to help you overcome cognitive challenges, improve focus, mood, attention, creativity and more. One of the...
Published 12/01/20
General healthy eating guidelines such as moderation and balance isn’t helpful for those with metabolic dysfunction. When insulin resistance is at the heart of the issue, restricting the very thing that’s aggravating it is key to kickstarting the repair...
Published 11/17/20
Much of what you’ve been told about nutrition is wrong according to film maker Brian Sanders. He takes up through much of the history of nutrition that will surprise most listeners. A history of nutrition and dietary guidelines that weren’t based on...
Published 11/03/20
What we eat and drink directly impacts our brains, and by extension, mental health. An emerging philosophy, and approach to mental health care called nutritional psychiatry, is proving to be a powerful tool in the management of disorders such as...
Published 10/20/20
If you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes or a health professional that works with these patients, chances are, you probably think you have an understanding of what the underlying physiological issue is. I chat with Dr Tom Wood who breaks it all down...
Published 10/13/20
For decades, lower carb diets were shunned by the dietetic profession because they saw the diets as fads, imbalanced and worse, dangerous. But after decades of research to show otherwise, many dietitians are shaking off their dogmatic professional...
Published 10/06/20
Omega-3s are one of the most popular supplements that people take and with good reason, we don’t get enough and they’re a perfect choice for any foundational supplement protocol but sadly, not all omega-s supplements are created equal. AquaOmega’s...
Published 09/29/20
Victor is legally blind due to a genetic disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa and was told he’d lose his eyesight by age 30. Not accepting his fate, he took matters into his own hands, and through the power of being a self-described citizen scientist, he...
Published 09/22/20
Nothing has been, nor is more confusing for practitioners and clients a like than the IgG food sensitivity test. Promoted by many as a food allergy test, IgG testing often results in restrictive diets, unintended weight loss and a fear of eating. IgG is...
Published 09/15/20
 Studying human nutrition is a challenge. Research is rife with confounders and objectively is often lacking due to the influence that money has on research results. This includes most, if not nearly all of the central tenets of current nutritional...
Published 09/08/20
Biohacking is a new buzz phrase that is poorly understood. Many feel it is futuristic while others see it as a gimmick and fad. But what is it really? Could healthcare and medicine just be biohacking by another name? Biotechnology scientist Oksana...
Published 09/01/20
The number of people living and working on farms is less than 2% of the population yet everyone eats. Most of us have lost our sense of connection to where food comes from, how it is grown and are plagued with misinformation resulting in genuine fear...
Published 08/25/20