Danny Different couldn't get over the breakup of the Beatles. It him him hard. He had to take a week off. This gave Paul Pod-Cast a change to hit it old-school & rejuvenate an old classic. He gripped an old issue of Kerrang & went to town on it. Here are the results. Many apologies to fans of Loverboy, Joan Jett & Armoured Saint. Spoiler!
Published 02/22/20
As they come to terms with The Beatles splitting up Danny Different & Pauline Pod-Cast listen to the new Green Day, grow beards & lick each others eyeballs.
Published 02/15/20
Paul Pod-Cast & Danny Different, Danny, Danny Different talk about several new releases that you probably won't remember by next week. Except for that new Midnight record, that's a stone cold classic.
Published 02/08/20
Once in a lifetime a human being can meet another human being & they can both like the same musics & types of other peoples & then they talk a lots & do podcasting. You are welcome
Published 02/01/20
Danny Different, Danny Danny Different, We Love You, We Love You. With added Garganjua, OHHMS, Elder, Pallbearer, Aerosmith, Elephant Tree, Steve Moore, Zombi, Brian Eno, The Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and Napalm Death.
Published 01/25/20
The plucky survivors of the post rock apocalypse, Danny Different & Paul Pod-Cast, take you on a journey to the deep, dark worlds of Black Flag, Slipknot, The White Stripes, Ghost, Apocalyptica, Oriza, Kiss, Let Live, Poppy, Pressure Cracks, Henry Rollins and Rollins Band.
Published 01/18/20
Would you believe Paul & Dan are back after the Xmas break so ignore the war & bring forth the 'core.
Published 01/11/20
Danny Different & the awfully nicknamed Paul Pod-Cast open presents on Christmas Day. Then Paul runs down his favourite songs of 2019. What a gift!
Published 12/25/19
This is in every way THE definitive chart of the very best music that came out in 2019.
Published 12/07/19
Hey, hey, hey... Dan & Paul make it through their Kiss 1980s experience. They lived it so you don't have to. Also Poppy released some real good s**t & so did Tygers Of Pan Tang... sorry.... what?
Published 11/30/19
In this Episode we don't talk about Poppy. That's in next episode. What is wrong with us? Nothing. Everything.
Published 11/23/19
Paul Pod-Cast & Danny Different choose their personal top 10 picks for the best albums of the decade. What more do you want? Blood? Well ...if you want blood... you got it
Published 11/16/19
After 99 Episodes Paul Pod-Cast gets to talk about Kiss in depth. Don't turn off just yet through as Danny Different gets to chat about some new releases, the return of My Chemical Romance & the illusion that is Threatin.
Published 11/09/19
Can Paul Pod-Cast get over his fear of Christians, Can Daniel ever like (let alone love) a Kiss album. These questions & not much more are answered in this weeks Different Times Podcast.
Published 11/02/19
Danny Different does his best to tear apart the Beastie Boys space time continuum all the while Paul falls for the new Kim Gordon record like a small child might fall in love with their school teacher & if that's not enough then go somewhere else...
Published 10/25/19
This episode has everything Car Bomb, Shampoo Liberation, Kathleen Hannah, Monolord, Static X, Electric Wizard, Ghost, Nirvana, Slipknot , Hed(pe), Incubus, Coal Chamber, Municipal Waste, Leffe, Down ā€™nā€™ Outz, Nuclear Assault, Ice-T, Public Enemy, Lightning Bolt, Keaton Henson, Baby Metal, The Locust & of course the Beastie Boys.
Published 10/18/19
Danny Different & Paul Pod-Cast partake on an adventure to the local Vue Cinema to watch Lars Ulrich attempt to out drum a classically trained percussionist during S&M2. The results are mixed so Daniel invents a new corner in the review section.... Album of the week has begun.
Published 10/11/19
Paul is away on Holiday so no new releases this week. Just a deep dive on one of his favourite thrash bands. ACID REIGN.
Published 10/04/19
Welcome to Different Times Poocast. As well as chat on the latest on Download Festival & a bunch of new releases & Paul's fave era of Mastodon's career, our heroes discuss their various bowel movements.
Published 09/27/19
In this weeks extravaganza we give you all the content that you never knew you wanted; from Paul ruining other bands gigs to Daniel reuniting with his first Nu-Metal love.
Published 09/20/19
Are you feeling low? Need a little something to pick you up? Well, listen to a decent podcast then. For this episode if you can even call it that, Paul celebrates his birthday with a wet himself moment visit to The Overlook Hotel and Daniel once again doesn't correct him on any of his ridiculous pronunciations. Chats about Stanley Kubrick . John Williams . U2 . Noothgrush . Def Leppard . Vulture . Whiplash . Mudhoney . Nirvana . Weezer . Harrowed . Lana Del Rey . Year of the Goat . Blood...
Published 09/13/19
Paul witness' a traffic accident & it puts him off his stride. Dan finally relents & listens to the new Tool with mixed results like when a football match has four different teams playing at one & the game goes on for six hours.
Published 09/06/19
Paul watches the Exorcist & loses it whilst Dan attempts to pick up the pieces as per usual. Also Thrash Corner is horrible this week. Converge . Knocked Loose . Deafheaven . Employed To Serve . Meth. . Dillinger Escape Plan . Daughters . Purson . Rosalie Cunningham . Sacred Reich .
Published 08/30/19
We are back like a heart attack to facts, taste and common sense. Season 2 begins with a roundup of new releases and news and ends with a hot take rush on the first three Converge albums.
Published 08/23/19
Paul Pod-Cast & Danny Different return, giving a lowdown of what is to come in series two of Different Times Podcast & reviewing a bunch of records they have listened to not enough times to form any sort of intelligent critique about. Welcome back.
Published 08/08/19