In this episode entitled Paul Podcast Made Danny Different Mosh With Plants, well Paul Podcast Made Danny Different Mosh With Plants. It's True. They also review MORT GARSON, ENSLAVED, ZULU, JOE VALENCE AND BRAE & SUICIDE SILENCE. Honest.
Published 04/10/23
Published 04/10/23
Would you believe it. Danny the Different & Paul The Podcast return after what seems like not that long at all to deliver onto the world the greatest review show podcast the world has ever witnessed. We got yer Tobacco review, we got yer Temples review, we got yer Paramore review, we got yer Pigs x7 & of course er Groop Dogdrill. Why, we got that too.
Published 03/31/23
New music from Wuw, Altin Gun, SANGUISUGABOGG & Smashing Pumpkins, that's what we are chatting about today but then Paul threw in a curveball with a Different Times choice, well, he opted for Slayer's 'Christ Illusion', an album both hosts have never heard before, leaving it ripe for discovery. Adding to these an exclusive early listen to an exclusive conversation Paul had exclusively with Dave Lombardo. This is all getting a little bit exclusive. Listen or don't. We've done our bit.
Published 03/11/23
What a super return to the forefront of smashing reviews & smashing the system. This week Paul Pod-cast & Danny Different get stuck into the latest releases of which the Latest F****d Up was one & so was Tim Hecker & so was Obijuan as was Trastorned. Dan chose ICED EARTH as his album from a different time. Paul Podcast felt sick.
Published 02/25/23
Back after a hectic & frightening start to the new year where Danny Different had to fight Phil Anselmo naked in the mud whilst Paul Podcast took photos of it on his blackberry 8520, the boys are back in town. Different Times town. Its actually more like a sensible village where they chat about the latest albums & singles & events from OBITUARY, Iggy Pop, Pantera, Screamer, POLYPHIA & definitely more that I forgot to write down.
Published 01/31/23
Holy fart knocks - Christmas has finished but the hits keep coming. Today Danny Different & Paul Podcast hunt high & low for some decent music to listen to. New music by Gost, Feuerschwanz, A Void, Crosses & Zeal & Ardor. Plus a rundown of their top picks from the recent Hellfest announcement. Also some interesting chatter about pants & socks.
Published 01/09/23
Today Danny Different & Paul Pod-Cast delve into the legend that disappeared for ever, that has been reborn, that's right, it's Nickleback, plus also Pantera. Not only that but we cover 2022 Megadeth, Carpenter Brut, Stealing Sheep & What Paul believes is a band called the Melting Forks but are actually called Melted Body. As ever it's a trip.
Published 12/19/22
Three episodes on the comeback trail now & things are back in the swing. This time we talk about recent releases from Destruction, Dance With The Dead, Metallica, Bloodywood, Rubber Oh & L.S Dunes. Also Clawfinger? Anyone?
Published 12/05/22
Two shows within the space of a month. Business is back is business is business, you know what we're sayin'? It's business time.
Published 11/14/22
They have been away for exactly one year. But they are back once again to speak utter nonsense about music, Danny Different (himself) & Paul Pod-Cast (that's the fella) discuss the hot topics of the day & the smashing new albums & singles that are penetrating their weak minds. Will they return in a timely manner for the next episode? Maybe.
Published 10/22/22
Back once again to speak utter nonsense about music, Danny Different & Paul Pod-Cast discuss the hot topics of the day & the smashing new albums & singles that are penetrating their weak minds. Will they return in a decent time for the next episode? Maybe.
Published 11/01/21
Back once again to speak utter nonsense about music, Daniel Sargent & Paul Waller discuss the hot topics of the day & the smashing new albums that are penetrating their weak minds. Will they return in a decent time for the next episode. Probably.
Published 10/15/21
Paul Podcast gets a bit serious talking about how his record label closing affected him. Plus the cool & hip elderly guys review some awesome new music and review an old Kerrang from 2001!
Published 07/16/21
Danny Different & Paul Podcast return in an episode where Paul appears to hate everything & Daniel's mind is far more receptive to new music.
Published 07/09/21
Danny Different is back & Paul-Podcast is present but who is right? Are Trivium actually good? Have Elephant Tree released the greatest record ever made? Are pugs dogs? All these questions are answered in this weeks episode.
Published 05/08/20
Danny Different's house actually exploded this week so instead of your usual half decent podcast you get this absolute nightmare from Paul. Imagine Paul's top 40 singles released in 1983 & then imagine him talking about them & playing you bits... That's what this is.
Published 05/01/20
Holy crap balls, Paul Podcast & Danny Different take on the plague single handed & almost win too, but, unfortunately they lost. Waitrose won. As did Tizer. Which does still exist.
Published 04/24/20
The microphone is fixed. We sound like humans, plus we have mastered the art of crafting the perfect podcast about music. We have reached the top. The very topper most of the popper most.
Published 04/17/20
Is Danny Different's Microphone Still Broken? Is Paul Pod-Cast the only person holding this thing together? Will Danny Different be sick on air? Will the boys ever appreciate Mike Patton again? Will Danny Different end the podcast playing the whole of one of his own band's old songs? I wonder....
Published 04/10/20
Danny Different Returns. And actually does a sick in a cup. Can Paul Pod-Cast steady a shrinking ship.
Published 04/03/20
We are back sort of, & a day late at that. It's been a tough time for us all. Piles of blood, scabs & hair. Bodies wasted and their beat. People dying on the street. We love Living in the City. um... Sorry
Published 03/29/20
If finally happened. Daniel picked one of his own choices out the hat. Unfortunately he chose Insane Clown Posse so we find out all the crap facts you never wanted to know about the band.
Published 03/14/20
Here is a repress of our 6th ever Episode. This is the one where Danny Different & my good self listened to EVERY genesis album & decided if they were any good or not. Plus an interview with Steve Hackett, legendary Genesis guitarist.
Published 03/07/20
Danny Different is back from the dead. Today Paul & Dan explore some new albums & hate everything or do they? Why do we even write this bit. Who reads it? Do Dan & Paul appreciate me doing this for them. I hate them. They're beastly.
Published 02/29/20