An MLB player-hosted show featuring World Series champion Eric Hosmer, 12-year veteran Peter Moylan, and renowned Process & Development Coach Justin Su'a, 'Diggin' Deep' goes beyond the field with an intimate look into the experiences of elite athletes across all sports. The show extends beyond athletic achievements to include conversations with key figures in sports business, entertainment, and culture, providing a comprehensive view of the professional sports landscape.
This podcast is an entertaining and invaluable resource for anyone interested in the complexities of athletic...
AJ Andrews joins the guys on Diggin' Deep!
AJ is a gold glove softball player and broadcaster on MLB Network. AJ explains what the landscape of professional softball looks like today and the exciting places it can go in the future. She relives some of her best experiences playing at LSU and...
Published 10/09/24
World Series Champ & 2023 NL Manager of the Year Skip Schumaker joins the guys on Diggin' Deep!
Skip talks about his playing days and how meeting guys like Pete Moylan helped shape team culture. Skip details his journey from player to manager, and how he applies the lessons he's learned as a...
Published 10/02/24