Even his mother's pain didn't break his faith. Ammar (RA) was not the only one...there were more. But the Quraysh never even stood a chance against the hope they had in Allah (swt). So, over time, what changed? With the situation of our Palestinian brothers and sisters getting worst day by day, it feels like… Our hands tied behind our backs, and we feel like we can't do anything. Somehow, we’ve allowed our flames of hope to die out. We’ve lost the spark in our Duas, we’ve misplaced our...
Published 11/23/23
The whole Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best case study for us. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah) sheds some light on the life of Rasul Allah (PBUH), the struggles he went through, the sacrifices he had to make, the loss he bore, and the pain he endured… And how despite the tests, he always showed compassion, began conversations with love, instilled hope in mankind, and helped Muslims become resilient believers of Allah (swt).
Published 11/16/23
Stop with the boring Duas... If you're not switching up your prayers... You'll soon find yourself just 'saying' the words instead of meaning it. Life is hard enough with grief and anxiety lurking around every corner... And Dua is our only weapon to fight off the horde of negative emotions. So, use different names of Allah to keep your mind charged. Find ways to ask your Dua in a more compelling and meaningful way.
Published 11/09/23
How did Daud ﷺ overcome the powerful Goliath?  How did the believers of Badr overcome thousands of Quraysh? Hint: It was never about strength or numbers.  The hurt from seeing others in pain becomes a voice echoing in our minds: "I'm just one person. What can I do?"  Listen... Shaytan's responsible for a lot of things...but not this one.  While we're tired of seeing pain everywhere we go online... We're also imprisoning ourselves for the crimes of others outside our reach. Back to the...
Published 11/02/23
Are we worthy of receiving Hidayah from Allah? The answer is: YES. When Allah blesses someone with the gift of guidance, then it doesn’t matter how long a person has been astray… As long as they vow to never repeat the same sins again and devote their time and energy to worshiping Allah (swt). Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah) uncovers some gems about: - What exactly does ‘Hidayah’ mean to Muslims? - Insight into the two types of guidance: seeing the straight path and accepting...
Published 10/27/23
Join Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah) where he touched base on how we can make Taqwah a part of our identity. It means aligning every aspect of our life with Allah (swt) and helping ourselves depart on a journey of personal development and spiritual growth. In this episode, he talks about: Ramadan is more than just fasting; it's a time for self-improvement and increased spiritualityHow our surroundings and situations can significantly impact our behavior and actionsHow to motivate...
Published 10/20/23
In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahulAllah) speaks about captivating stories from the Quran that were turned into powerful supplications (duas).  These stories are not only inspiring but also serve as a guide on what we should be asking for in our prayers.  Join Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahulAllah) where he discusses: Story of Talut and JalutHow patience can help us get through difficult situations; andThe connection between power, wisdom, and knowledge
Published 10/12/23
“Why should I put my trust in Allah’s plan? What if, His plan is different from mine?” Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef explores the idea that every event, whether a trial or a blessing, is predestined by the Divine. Trust doesn’t mean everything will work out the way we want, but it ensures we stand our ground and accept what Allah has destined for us. This is where he emphasizes on: - The significance of offering specific and meaningful dua (prayers). - How the calamities of life like fear,...
Published 10/05/23
Sipping coffee with like-minded friends feels like a perfect Sunday evening... Until one of them asks, "How's work?" Why would this make you want to end the conversation sooner? Why do we dread going back to work on a Monday? Why do clocks at work seem to be running at a turtle's pace? The absence of joy in our work life has created a vacuum we're constantly stuck in. If the work itself doesn't excite us to face new challenges and depletes our energy quicker than others... It...
Published 09/29/23
Allah knows the gut-wrenching pain a mother has to go through to protect, sacrifice her own desires, and raise her child. That's why He treats them a certain way like no other. He comforts and instructs them to have faith in Him. If we look through the Quran, Allah talks in a motivational and comforting tone when dealing with mothers. Whether it's the mother of Maryam (AS) and her desire to supplicate her child in the service of Allah... ...or it's about Maryam (AS) when she was...
Published 09/21/23
Something’s been keeping you and your children so busy, that you might’ve been forgetting to pause for a moment. Between their school drop-offs, appointment chasing, and your work responsibilities, where do you squeeze in real, meaningful connection? By the time the whole family reaches home, everyone is too swamped. But, while you get busy…again…with the house chores and setting up meals… The kids barely have any energy left to do anything else, and before the clock hits bedtime...
Published 09/15/23
Muslim community all over the world has been fed negative beliefs. And that’s one of the Fitnah our Prophet (PBUH) warned us about. So, even if we manage to achieve the desired mindset and actually change our lives for the better, what if somewhere down the line… Traditional personal growth clashes with our Muslim identity and tarnishes both perspectives in a single blow? Would we have the Islamic perspective to customize our ‘traditional development tools’ to tackle those mind...
Published 09/08/23
These aren't minor setbacks. They're symptoms of a far greater problem... Watch the episode here When trust in our ability to perform is lost, our confidence erodes, stress piles on at home, and without ever realizing it...  ...we're hanging on to our careers by a thread. What’s the root cause? It began quietly years ago with the disconnection from ourselves and Allah.
Published 08/30/23
We read so many books on relationships, fictions, sci-fi, horror, motivation, business, mindset, and whatnot. But, why don’t we make time for the Quran? Why do we ask for guidance in every Salah when we recite Surah Al-Fatiha, but don’t act on the guidance by Allah? Watch the episode here Join Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rahimullah) as he dissects Surah Al-Fatiha and answers: What are the 3 key pathways to cultivate Hidayah from Allah? Why do we need to introspect how we recite Surah...
Published 08/24/23
If you think both are the same, think again. Alhamdulillah = “Thanking Allah by words.” Shukr = “Thanking Allah by actions.” The word ‘Alhamdulillah is a general phrase; something you’d say after a good meal, but if you thank Allah for the delicious food and give away a chunk to someone in need… That’s called ‘Shukr’ Here Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef discusses: The core difference between Alhamdulillah & Shukr.What’s different in Sajdah of thankfulness (Sajdat ash-Shukr?How fasting...
Published 08/16/23
Everyone is burnt out and in constant survival… So what is the hidden factor that’ll tip the scales to the other side… …and help you cope with the daily responsibilities (without feeling overworked)? Watch the episode here In this podcast, Razia explains: Why recognizing the need for a healthy perspective on stress and challenges is necessaryHow well-being is both personal and spiritual, tied to a relationship with oneself and AllahWhy reflection on shortcomings and seeking feedback...
Published 08/09/23
In this engaging episode, we explore the powerful concept of forgiveness through the lens of Allah's mercy. Watch the episode here Does Allah forgive that easily? In fact, seeking forgiveness cleanses the heart… Wiping away the dark marks left by our sins, that’s the transformative power of repentance… Just like applying the right meds for a snake’s poisonous bite. Allah’s mercy is boundless for those who turn to Him. And it’s a powerful reminder for us to be compassionate and merciful...
Published 08/03/23
Why do we assume what Allah’s intentions are?  More importantly, why do we claim to know more than others? Join Muhammad Alshareef (rahimullah) as he delves deep into this delicate matter. Here you’ll learn: What incident enlightened Shaykh about the connection between causation and correlation?Why the temptation to know Allah’s intention could do more harm than good?How spreading false claims about Allah’s intention could be a disaster?Why shouldn’t we fixate on specific outcomes during our...
Published 07/27/23
In today's podcast, Razi Hamidi meets a former student: Lorelle Yuen. She's the founder of Duha - a remarkable social enterprise Home - Duha (duhaforniger.com) She’s not just a successful sister... But also a former student who has grown to new heights with the power of coaching. Lorelle shares how she overcame self-limiting beliefs... And embraced the power of Dua (supplication) to achieve her dreams. Here you’ll get to know: How Lorelle can empower women to break free from...
Published 07/20/23
Do you prioritize your eternal home above your worldly desires? In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef sheds light on the topic of "Adarul Akhara,"... …which refers to the Hereafter or the Final Abode. We, as Muslims, need to put Allah and the Akhra in the equation of our goals… …to intensify our devotion to Allah SWT and make the pursuit of desires worship in itself. Click here to listen to the episode. In this 30-minute journey, you’ll get to hear: Thought-Provoking TalesWhere desires...
Published 07/11/23
Do you believe you’ve wasted the precious moments of Ramadan and now you’d have to wait a whole year? In today’s podcast… Razia talks about the significance of the Day of Arafah… Which we seem to have forgotten for a while. As we’re dwelling on the fact that we miss our spiritual energy we once endured… Sister Razia explains how this pre-Arafah huddle can help you… Channelise spiritual dullness into something powerful… And bring back the lost positivity you’ve been missing in your lives. The...
Published 06/27/23
How often do you find solace amid the chaos? In today’s podcast… Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) talks about how everything is in Allah’s control. It’s all about our belief in Him and His power.  As humans, we face things that can have drastic consequences…if things go downhill. But the most important thing that can single-handedly infuse us with hope is our faith in Allah (SWT). One of the best examples we have is the Battle of Badr. The odds of Muslims winning the upper hand were slim to...
Published 06/21/23
In this episode, Sh.  Muhammad Alshareef (rahimahullah) talks about a beautiful Dua that Allah made part of the Quran… And the events leading to it. He highlights that people in times of distress and pain call out to Allah but asks wordly solutions… And how studying the same Dua can help us get through the turmoil in our lives. Here you will find out: Why did Allah make this Dua a part of the Quran?As Muslims going through a hard time, what can we learn from this Dua?How can we benefit from...
Published 06/15/23
Sh. Muhammad Al Shareef (RA) talks about the importance of Dua… And how asking for worldly matters (especially babies) doesn’t come under self-serving purpose. He emphasizes the fact that Allah can do anything… Even when our limited minds can’t comprehend its practicality. Here you will find out: How even Zakariya AS was astounded by Allah’s miracleWhy making Dua even for worldly matters is crucialHow a couple (having tried multiple fertilization techniques) ended up having a child with a...
Published 06/08/23
Ever feel nervous when speaking in front of others? The anxiety kicks in, maybe you’re worried about stammering or making a mistake. Well believe it or not one of the greatest Prophet (A.S) had trouble with his speech, And the Dua he made to deal with the matter became so beloved to Allah that He (S.W.T) mentions it in the Quran. In this DiscoverU Short we revisit Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef’s Duas That Became Quran series and explore the depth and gems behind this epic Dua. *Get inside...
Published 05/11/23