Philosopher, pro-activist and author Jeremy Lent explores the underlying nature of our civilizational crises and how a greater understanding of the physical, biological, noetic & cultural interconnectedness of reality can inspire us into a new level of devotion to life itself. Jeremy’s book The Patterning Instinct traced patterns of thought that led human civilization to its sustainability crisis and his new book, The Web of Meaning offers an integrative worldview for a sustainable,...
Published 08/28/21
Published 08/28/21
Poet, teacher and interfaith chaplain Fred LaMotte shares the inner processes and revelations from which his luminous poetry arises and explores a place beyond words and beliefs where there is simply presence and dwelling in the tender receptivity of the miracle of each moment. Fred is an author, a graduate of Yale and Princeton Theological Seminary, a director of Religious Studies and Community Service, a college instructor in World Religions, an interfaith chaplain and a meditation teacher.
Published 07/10/21
Futurist, teacher, and author Peter Russell explores how the exponential acceleration of complexity in our civilization may exceed our capacities as a species, and how a radical letting-go of our efforts to counteract that destiny can dissolve whatever gets in the way of us showing up fully, sanely, and gratefully. Peter is a leading thinker and writer on consciousness and spirituality, he is on the faculty of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and his beautiful new book is Letting Go of Nothing.
Published 06/26/21
Social psychotherapist and political entrepreneur Indra Adnan explores the politics and power dynamics of “waking up” to our meta-crisis and to one another. She shares her pioneering work as Founder of The Alternative UK creating “community agency networks” and considers how we can shift from narratives of trauma, disconnection and collapse into a radical certainty of our solutions. Indra has consulted to the World Economic Forum, Indian and Danish governments and NATO, amongst others. Her...
Published 06/14/21
In a new and unedited conversation with evolutionary biologist and social theorist David Sloan Wilson, Terry and David continue to explore evolution’s design principles and practices that can enable social experiments and cooperative communities to succeed and grow. They consider the virtues and exploitations of competition, multiple layers of competition, genetic vs. cultural steams of evolution, the role of symbols in evolving our cultural narratives, and the political economist Elinor...
Published 06/01/21
Evolutionary biologist & social theorist David Sloan Wilson clarifies the science of “multi-level selection” and how interpersonal cooperation and altruism are central to evolution. He shares the specific conditions that are required to nurture prosocial behavior in groups, as well as those that would qualify humans as a “superorganism” that prioritizes the wellbeing of the whole. David is the author of several books including a new novel, Atlas Hugged. He teaches at Binghamton University...
Published 05/22/21
Spontaneous poet, culture activist & shamanic bard Stephen Jenkinson explores the disarming ordeal of bearing witness to death up close, including Terry’s uncertain situation — probable lung cancer with no diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment plan. They wonder together about the overwhelming nature of beauty and the vividness that dying well can bring to living. Stephen co-founded Orphan Wisdom, has authored four books and is now recording with musician Gregory Hoskins, most recently DARK...
Published 05/01/21
A rebroadcast of a tender and deeply grounding conversation with psychotherapist and soul-activist Francis Weller, whose presence, wisdom and “soul obligation to register the rips and tears of the world” remains powerful medicine. He and Terry share their griefs and rediscover fierceness to protect all they love. Francis' work as a soul-centered psychotherapist synthesizes insights from psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, and indigenous cultures in healing rituals for those working...
Published 04/24/21
Chess Grandmaster & philosopher Jonathan Rowson explores our global meta-crisis from new angles — as a crisis of civilizational purpose, a lack of a meaningful global ‘We’, and its various socio-emotional, epistemic, and spiritual features. Jonathan is a sensemaking entrepreneur and the Director of Perspectiva. He is an applied philosopher with degrees from Oxford, Harvard, and Bristol Universities, and the author of The Moves that Matter, Spiritualise, and the brilliant essay "Tasting...
Published 04/03/21
Integral scholar and “exo studies” pioneer Sean Esbjörn-Hargens explores an integral approach to conspiracy theories and the strange territory of anomalous phenomena — what’s “real” about them, what makes it possible to experience them, how they require our models to evolve, and how they might catalyze a shift into wiser structures of consciousness. Sean is a leader in the application of integrative thinking, the founder of MetaIntegral and the Exo Studies Institute, and the Dean of Integral Ed
Published 03/20/21
Author & professor Jeffrey Kripal explores what he calls “the flip” — a paradigm shift from imagining consciousness as an accidental epiphenomenon to recognizing that it’s likely more fundamental than matter to the nature of reality. He also shares how popular acceptance of paranormal phenomena serves a larger cultural project of transitioning to a new story. Jeff chairs the department of Philosophy & Religious Thought at Rice University, serves on the board of Esalen and is the...
Published 03/13/21
Prophetic teacher, psychologist, author & poet, Bayo Akomolafe invites us to make “fugitive breaks” away from familiar ways of knowing — to become consciously “lost” or “exiled” from our patterns and embrace playfulness in our ways of being at this apocalyptic time. Bayo began teaching in Nigeria and now lives between India and the U.S. lecturing at universities and serving as Chief Curator of The Emergence Network. He’s written multiple books, including These Wilds Beyond our Fences.
Published 03/06/21
Philosopher & author Tim Freke examines our meta-crisis in the context of history, considering the nature of “chaos” and the tendency for each generation to imagine it’s living in the “worst of times.” He explores the implications of “paralogical” thinking, his concept of “unividualism,” and how joy and grief coexist at the knife-edge of emergence. Tim is the author of 35 books and the founder of ‘Unividualism’, which integrates evolutionary science with deep spirituality.
Published 02/22/21
Terry Patten shares a “state of the union” address on the delusion, anxiety, loneliness, and fear gripping so many around the world, as well as the power of sacred, next-stage friendship as a key leverage point for collective healing and coherence. Terry invites members of the New Republic of the Heart practice community to share their experiences experimenting with transformational relating and co-creativity. Terry then extends a special invitation to fellow practitioners and change agents.
Published 02/06/21
Purpose guide and psychotherapist Jonathan Gustin explores the vital process of actualizing our soul’s purpose and key distinctions between purpose, vocation, and pleasure. He explains his “three worlds” model of consciousness, in which the “lower world” represents our descent to the imaginal realm, our discovery of purpose, and our becoming a unique gift to the whole. Jonathan is the founder of the Purpose Guides Institute, serves as adjunct faculty at JFK University, and teaches meditation.
Published 01/30/21
In light of the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, host Terry Patten shares spontaneous reflections on endings, new beginnings, hope, despair, the spiritual tasks of this time, and how we can refuse to put anyone out of our hearts. We hope that you appreciate this episode, and, most importantly, that you are finding your own way to a renewed and inspired civic engagement during the current transition. Also:  We invite you to join become a Friend of State of Emergence on...
Published 01/23/21
Ecopsychologist and wilderness guide Bill Plotkin explores the journey into mature human adulthood via the challenging spiritual process of “soul initiation,” which demands the metamorphosis of our egos into “co-creators” born to serve a unique niche in our ecological and social worlds. Bill is Founder of Animas Valley Institute, which has guided thousands into soul initiation. He’s the author of Soulcraft, Nature and the Human Soul, Wild Mind, and his new book, The Journey of Soul Initiation.
Published 01/16/21
Evolutionary leader and founder of The Shift Network Stephen Dinan explores how conspiracy thinking and new paradigm ideas sometimes merge in a phenomenon called “conspirituality.” He also considers the psycho-social implications of the radicalization taking place online and which conscious efforts counterbalance it with sanity and trust. The Shift Network serves millions globally through a variety of summits, courses, and trainings. Stephen is the author of Sacred America, Sacred World and...
Published 01/09/21
Mystic and teacher Thomas Hübl explores how all of us are affected by the collective wounds of human history and how we can harvest the evolutionary life intelligence and energy of trauma by consciously allowing the self-healing mechanisms of our own bodies and minds. Thomas works globally guiding large-scale healing events and just published a new book Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds. He is the founder of Academy of Inner...
Published 01/02/21
Author of Wake Up Grateful and Exec. Director of A Network for Grateful Living, Kristi Nelson shines light on the differences between gratitude and gratefulness, and she explores the elusively obvious gift of this very moment as a transformational practice. Kristi is a non-profit leader who has worked with Wisdom 2.0, Institute for Jewish Spirituality, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Soul of Money Institute, and more. She is a stage IV cancer survivor feeling blessed to be sharing the gifts of...
Published 12/19/20
Leadership development expert Barrett Brown explores which capacities might inform the new Biden administration as it begins to “lead in the unknown” amidst hypercomplex adaptive systems, heightened polarization, and a damaged information ecosystem. Barrett is the Managing Director of Apheno Advisory and works across six continents with executives from Fortune 500 companies and international non-profits. He also holds a PhD in Human & Organizational Systems and has held consultancy status...
Published 12/12/20
Environmental philosopher and activist Rupert Read explores the state of our ecological emergency, its philosophical and spiritual implications, and how the still-untapped power of parents’ love might coincide with rapid transformation. Rupert teaches Philosophy at the University of East Anglia and he is the author of This Civilisation is Finished and the upcoming Parents for a Future. He was Chair of Green House think tank, a Green Party councilor, and a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion.
Published 12/04/20
Systems change strategist and facilitator Tuesday Ryan-Hart explores the trauma, tenderness, and sacredness underneath our discussions of equity and systemic injustice. She considers which skills and relational practices help us to stay in the complexity of collective healing and honor both wholeness and multiplicity. Tuesday leads systems change for diverse organizations, helping them reframe persistent issues and enter into new mindsets. She is a trained psychotherapist and Co-Founder of...
Published 11/21/20
Cosmologist, futurist and holistic activist Jude Currivan describes her understanding of the quantum nature of reality and its implications for our planetary crises and the potentials for creative emergence. Jude’s work integrates 21st-century physics and consciousness research with essential understandings of humanity’s wisdom teachings. She holds a Masters in Physics from Oxford in cosmology & quantum physics and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading. Her latest book is...
Published 11/14/20