In this episode Tom and Pete discuss the Future of music and what that might entail. The discussion focuses on what music may sound like in the future including thoughts on AI. Hop into your Delorean, pop a banana peel in Mr Fusion and enjoy.
Published 06/24/24
Published 06/24/24
Raindrops on Roses, and Whiskers on Kittens. These may have been Fraulein Marias favourite things but what about her favourite bands? In this episode Tom and Pete explore what makes a Band a favourite. Join us for a cerebral discussion from differing sides of the tracks (hemispheres).
Published 05/24/24
Remember that song you loved...until it became the cheesy jingle for a car insurance ad? Join Pete and Tom as they lament the ways beloved tunes get hijacked by corporate marketing and other contexts before turning the conversation towards what it means when artists ‘sell out’.
Published 04/12/24
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet. That may have been true for Romeo and Juliet, but when it comes to band names some names are sweeter than others. In this episode we explore the divisive nature of band names, and the make or break nature of a solid group name. 
Published 03/05/24
Mayans, Pagans, and Jonestown. All tied together by ritual amongst other things. In this episode Tom and Pete discuss music rituals, and like the Pagans before him Tom also enjoys shedding his clothes to be closer to nature. 
Published 02/12/24
Do music competitions really lead to good music, happy musicians and fulfilled audiences? Do talent show judges really know what quality sounds like? Luckily for you lot, Tom and Pete have a lot to say on the subject - this episode delves into the depths of the competitive music industry
Published 11/17/23
In this episode Tom and Pete explore the world of cover music. Including some  intriguing discoveries, and a feeble attempt at performing a hit cover.
Published 10/15/23
In this episode, Dr Tom Pierard and Pete explore the phenomena of social media and music . The evolution of which is continually morphing like the T1000. It would be fair to say things have moved on a lot since dubbing tapes.
Published 08/17/23
In this episode Tom and Pete dig six feet under to explore the complex nature of  music at funerals, including the awkward use of the word 'Dirge'.
Published 06/30/23
In this inaugural episode of 2023, Pete and Tom discuss their experiences of a recent cyclone that devastated the Hawke's Bay region. The conversation takes a lighter turn when they explore the therapeutic qualities of music in times of trouble.
Published 05/29/23
Break out the spectacles and smoking jackets – in this episode Tom breaks down the main theme of his recently-completed PhD study while detailing the trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs of postgraduate study from a (physically) mature perspective.
Published 05/29/23
In this episode Pete and Tom discuss some fearless innovative figures in music, in particular those who used music as a vehicle for influencing social or political change. And that time Tom cried in a big band rehearsal. 
Published 02/25/23
In this inaugural episode of 2023, Pete and Tom discuss their experiences of a recent cyclone that devastated the Hawke's Bay region. The conversation takes a lighter turn when they explore the therapeutic qualities of music in times of trouble. 
Published 02/23/23
Lubricant. The word has connotations. In this episode Pete and Tom try to keep the inevitable schoolyard humour in check while investigating the role music plays in the formation of relationships.
Published 12/14/22
Things take a cerebral turn in this episode, where Pete and Tom explore the phenomenon of how music can represent communities. This episode is supported by Brave Brewing Co. 
Published 11/03/22
Why is it that little ones love the music they do? And while we're on it, what makes the same music sometimes so utterly, utterly unappealing for adults? Pete and Tom discuss this and explore some of the other 'big life questions' in this episode
Published 10/07/22
It’s not the most palatable nickname but it’s apt - Pete and Tom delve into the dark art of creating earworms in this episode while reminiscing over some that have stood the test of time to become mainstays in popular culture. 
Published 08/11/22
Pete and Tom take a deep dive into the impact that sampling has had on modern music, discussing the origin of some hiphop favourites as well as unpacking some ethical questions around 'borrowing intent' from classic recordings
Published 07/14/22
What do Kentucky Fried Chicken and Veuve Clicquot have in common? They're two of the most in-demand items on rock band riders! In this episode Pete and Tom delve into some of the more whacky rider requests by some of the biggest names in music before building their own hypothetical backstage banquet.
Published 06/27/22
In their ongoing quest to find ways of burning the thousands of calories  consumed during each podcasts recording, Pete and Tom list their all time ‘most danceable’ songs in this episode.
Published 05/07/22
We love music. We also love food. Does that mean they always go together? Pete and Tom discuss this while doing very little to disguise the fact that, coincidentally, they eat lollies through the entire episode.
Published 03/25/22
Pete and Tom stir the murky waters of music theory by combining their best and worst school subjects  - music and maths. How does maths relate to music? Does being good at one help the other? Why is Pete talking about the sky being green? The answers lie within!
Published 03/02/22
Things take a dark twist in this true crimes episode as Pete and Tom discuss famous musicians who’ve had run-ins with the law, ranging from petty misdemeanours to first-degree felonies.
Published 02/10/22
Enjoy some first-take A capella versions of popular TV series themes in this episode, while Pete and Tom try and decipher the power of theme music and why it seems to be more memorable than the narrative in some cases. 
Published 01/13/22