For several years now there has been a lot of chatter about the importance of responsive web design. As the years go on mobile continues to be even more important, and so does responsive design. But, why is responsive web design important? What is it and how does it impact SEO? Let’s discuss four reasons why responsive design is important. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/why-is-responsive-web-design-important/
Published 08/17/21
Split tests are fun. They allow you to test your assumptions and make changes that you can be sure make sense for your audience. A split test is when you have two variations of a page on your site (or the entire site) running at the same time. You send half of your traffic to one version, then the other half to the other version. A split test tool tracks results and shows which variation produced more conversions. But, how much traffic do you need to run a split test? We’ll go over the...
Published 07/20/21
Conversion Rate Optimization (or CRO) is the act of incrementally improving your website in an attempt to increase the number of visitors that complete a desired action. One method of improving conversion rate is to send surveys to your site visitors. Then, leverage the data from survey responses to make website improvements. But how do you send surveys to site visitors and what survey questions improve CRO? This is what we'll discuss. View the full article...
Published 07/06/21
One of the best ways to improve your website conversion rate is to observe your site visitors. And one of the easiest ways to do this is with website session recordings. Now, reviewing session recordings can get time consuming. To save time, here's what to look for and what you can learn from session recordings to make an impact. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/website-session-recordings/
Published 06/29/21
Looking at heatmap images from pages on your website is fun. There’s lots of color, it seems scientific, but how does it help? You collected this data, you want to analyze it and make sense of it, but what are you looking at? Once you understand heatmaps, you can get deeper insight into how people use your website. Let’s go over six ways to increase conversion rate by leveraging website heatmaps. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/website-heatmaps/
Published 06/22/21
You need to be able to identify the pages on your website that need improvement. This is important to improve conversion, boost SEO, and enhance the user experience. We'll walk through how to find the problem pages on your site. View the full article with step-by-step directions here: https://clearpath.online/resources/identify-pages-that-need-improvement/
Published 06/15/21
More and more often you hear about the importance of page speed. You know it’s important, but you aren’t very technical and it feels like a problem that’s out of your hands. Why is page speed important and how fast is your site now? We’ll discuss that and how to improve page speed yourself. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/how-to-improve-page-speed/
Published 06/08/21
So, you have a blog. And you already know people won’t magically appear. Now you need to know how to get traffic for your blog. Here are seven steps you can take to start getting website traffic. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/how-to-get-traffic-for-my-blog/
Published 06/01/21
So, everyone knows content is king when it comes to SEO, but why? Let’s go over why content matters and why it’s an essential piece of your SEO strategy. View the details here: https://clearpath.online/resources/why-is-content-important-for-seo/
Published 05/25/21
It can be difficult to understand when, or if, to add a subdomain to your website. No one wants to spend time making a substantial change, such as adding a subdomain, only to find out it’s bad for SEO. But are subdomains actually bad for SEO? Let’s dig into how subdomains impact SEO and when to use them. View the details here: https://clearpath.online/resources/are-subdomains-bad-for-seo/
Published 05/18/21
You already know you need to do keyword research to ensure you’re writing about topics people are searching for. But how many SEO keywords should you use on each page? Here are five tips to help you determine the right keywords for each page on your site. View the details here: https://clearpath.online/resources/how-many-seo-keywords-should-i-use/
Published 05/11/21
You’re already aware you should be writing weekly blog articles. But how do you write them so they rank well on search engines? Here are ten tips to guide you on how to write for SEO. View the full article here: https://clearpath.online/resources/how-to-write-for-seo/
Published 05/04/21
When you want to learn something new, books are a great place to start. Does this apply to SEO as well? Can I learn SEO from a book, and, if so, which book? Here’s how to choose the best books for SEO.View the full...
Published 04/27/21
Blogging takes time, which is limited for an entrepreneur. So, when you’re starting and building your blog, you’ll likely be wondering, How often should I blog for my business? The answers to this range anywhere from daily to monthly. Let’s go over how...
Published 04/20/21
People visiting your website should have a good user experience regardless of the browser or device they are using to access your website. You’ve confirmed everything looks good for you, but how do you make sure everything looks great for everyone who...
Published 04/13/21
When you’re first starting out with WordPress, it can be confusing to understand when to create a post and when to create a page. Although they may seem similar at first, each has a distinct purpose. Let’s dig into what you need to know about WordPress...
Published 04/06/21
Choosing a name for your blog can be difficult. Should you think of a clever brand name? Or should your blog name be your personal name? As for most digital marketing questions, the answer is “it depends.” There are pros and cons to consider for each...
Published 03/30/21
Let’s start at the beginning. What is a blog? Aren’t blogs those websites people use to talk about themselves and rant? Why would I want one for my business?A blog contains regularly updated informational content which is displayed on a website. The...
Published 03/23/21
Clear URLs can help both people and search engines better understand what the webpage will be about. But what makes a URL clear? And what is the best URL structure for SEO? Here, I present 10 tips you can follow to create user- and...
Published 03/16/21
There are hundreds of different domain extensions you can choose from when selecting the domain for your website. They all vary in availability and popularity. How should you choose the right one for your website and which ones are the best domain...
Published 03/09/21
You know you should have your business on social media networks. You’ve already heard how important social media is, and how every business has to be on social media these days. You’ve played around with social media personally, and might have even...
Published 03/02/21
There are several different platforms to choose from when you’re building your website. A few of the options include WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly. But which one is the best platform for SEO? Spoiler, WordPress is the best option. Instead of...
Published 02/23/21
WordPress is a great platform to create your website and optimize it for SEO. It has a vast amount of themes and plugins that allow you to manipulate and customize your site as needed. With that level of customization, comes the potential for issues as...
Published 02/16/21
Does a business website need a blog? What about an ecommerce site? Is a blog only for personal websites or is there a benefit to having a blog on your business website? Setting up a blog is simple and well worth the time. Here are five reasons why the...
Published 02/09/21
Google Analytics has released a new version that completely overhauls the system, called Google Analytics GA4. But, what is Google Analytics GA4? This update includes AI, increased security, and a new user interface. We’ll dig into what’s changing, what...
Published 02/02/21