Lack of protein Lack of Vitamin B12 Requires a lot of planning and decision making Vegetarian replacement food isn’t healthy Not enough Omega-3 Supplement with protein powder, even though vegetarian protein powder will be less bioavailable than whey or casein Supplement with a lot of B12 Plan ahead Learn how to cook and find good replacements other than cheese. Cheese is not a healthy food Supplement with a high-quality Omega-3 supplement Follow DocMayDiet Youtube:...
Published 05/06/21
Podcast 2 - Top 5 problems with Keto Intro what Keto is Food quality - not just about macros Food quantity - not a license to eat as much as you want No wiggle room - you fall out of ketosis and it takes a few days to get back into ketosis May cause keto flu - May experience headache, dizziness, fatigue, constipation at the beginning of it as the body adapts. This is due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that may occur. People think its a diet they can be on forever - it's not,...
Published 04/29/21