This episode discusses hiking with your dog. You can find many resources for human hikers online, but comprehensive information for canine hiking companions is hard to locate. Most articles seem to center around bringing enough water and taking breaks. These points are, of course, important, but there is much more to consider. Some things are fairly obvious when bringing a dog on a hike, but many are not so straightforward. This episode and its companion article aim to close that gap. Visit...
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
This episode discusses the likely most controversial tool in dog training, the electric collar, aka shock collar. This tool can get some people's blood boiling. However, most online videos are ignorant of what this tool is suitable for and how to use it. It is either hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread or condemned as a torture tool. Instead of piling onto this mess, I aim to explain the shock collar, when and why one may consider using it, when it is the best or only option, and...
Published 04/05/24
This episode discusses dumb ideas, some of which have become accepted norms. We review three cases of stupidity in particular. First, trainers attacking dogs as a means of temperament testing. Second, deworming dogs that have no parasites. Third, a relaxation protocol by Karen Overall which has nothing to do with relaxation, for starters. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch the video version, see additional content, and access a list of the episode references. Buy Ralf's book If Your...
Published 03/01/24
This episode discusses the advantages and disadvantages of rescuing a dog from a shelter vs buying a dog from a breeder. We review what you should consider in making the right choice for your family. This includes the different risks and considerations going into this decision. It's not about what is better in abstract but how to approach this decision for each person or family. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch the video version, see additional content, and access a list of the...
Published 02/02/24
This episode discusses stress in dog training. It is a supplement to The Layered Stress Model episode. We review unavoidable learning stress moments that come with all learning. Understand what kind of stress is important to avoid and what stress is short-lived and irrelevant. We further review why stress measurements in many dog training studies are misleading. The episode closes with a brief review of the Salirli study on learning stress from different training tools. You will be surprised...
Published 01/15/24
This episode discusses problems without resolutions. A skilled dog trainer can address many challenges with dogs successfully. However, with experience comes perspective and a deeper understanding of what can and can't be addressed through training. Some problems are simply not fixable. Sometimes management is the only viable option, and failing to understand that just causes frustration. Also, in some cases, a dog may be inherently unsafe to live with, and the answer is, unfortunately,...
Published 08/11/23
Play-based dog training is the most effective form of dog training there is. Because it speaks to the fundamental nature of dogs. Canines refine their innate hunting skills through rough-and-tumble play with their littermates. Visit the Podcast Episode Page for additional content and a list of episode references. Buy Ralf's book If Your Dog Could Talk - Understand Your Dog Like Never Before (5th Edition) on Amazon.
Published 07/27/23
This episode discusses animal welfare for dogs. The permanent management of unwanted dog behavior has become a pandemic. It’s all the rage with veterinary behaviorists, force-free dog trainers, animal rights organizations, and other groups unburdened by knowledge or understanding of typical dog behavior. The approaches and characteristics are multi-fold. They include walking your dog during off-hours, avoiding certain homes or situations, buying enrichment toys, drugging dogs, and many more....
Published 07/13/23
This episode discusses the intelligence of dogs. How smart are they? We review the two experiments that place the dog's cognitive ability around the age of a 2-year-old child. Discuss Chaser, the Border Collie from 60 Minutes and how to look at the intelligence of dogs compared to people. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch the video version, see additional content, and access a list of the episode references. Buy Ralf's book If Your Dog Could Talk - Understand Your Dog Like Never...
Published 07/06/23
This episode discusses natural remedies for dogs. I am not a veterinarian and this is not health advice. I am sharing my own experiences with natural approaches that have worked well for me for over a decade. If these approaches are right for you and your dog is your personal decision. This is a purely informational episode. I review my practices and experiences dealing with parasites, ticks, fever, cleaning sprays, and ear mites. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch the video version,...
Published 06/29/23
Living with an aggressive dog is stressful. Never being sure what will happen on your daily walk, potential injuries, vet bills, legal consequences, etc. You don’t have to live like this. This episode discusses our training approach to working with aggressive dogs. We are specialized in resolving dog aggression of all types and will do all we can to give you the dog you always wanted. We have over 18 years of experience resolving aggression in dogs. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch...
Published 06/22/23
In this episode, I speak with Dr. Casara Andre about helping dogs with cannabis. I met Dr. Andre during a dog trainer conference in 2019 and subsequently worked with her team to assist two of my dogs with ailments, injuries, and aging through the use of cannabis. The results were remarkable, and we discuss them in more detail in this episode. Dr. Andre founded Veterinary Cannabis, helping animals with physiological challenges. She also leads Medicine of Wonder, providing a holistic approach...
Published 06/15/23
This episode discusses the different phases of teaching dogs new skills. We review acquisition, fluency, discrimination, generalization, and maintenance. Further, we examine two often ignored aspects of the learning process—first, the difference between visible and internal progress. Second, the learning law of readiness was first documented by Edward Thorndike in 1910. Visit the Podcast Episode Page to watch the video version, see additional content, and access a list of the episode...
Published 06/08/23
Unfortunately, far too many dog trainers fail to understand the ethological meaning of the terms dominance, submission, and aggression and misuse them. If this topic interests you more, I highly recommend the books by ethologist, Roger Abrantes and animal behavior expert Temple Grandin. Dominance and submission are terms ethology defines, not dog trainers. To explain these, we have to examine their origin briefly. This starts with a look at the dog's ancestors—wolves. Visit the Podcast...
Published 06/01/23
In this episode, we discuss veterinary visits with your dog. Taking your dog to the vet can be scary for your furry family member. It’s an unfamiliar place with many different animal smells. Your dog can sense the discomfort of other dogs already there. It can make your buddy tense before you even set foot inside the office. And then there is that wobbly scale, strange people coming up to touch, squeeze, lift, and examine—the vet is not much fun for a dog. Making veterinary trips a calmer...
Published 05/25/23
In this episode, we discuss dog training models. Generally, models are simplified views of reality to focus on the most important aspects to reduce complexity. As a result, all models are incomplete by nature. Models can be essential and valuable but never encompass all aspects and have gaps by definition. None of that is a problem unless we try to squeeze the complexities a model omitted into its limited scope. We discuss, the models of operant conditioning, the pack-oriented model, and the...
Published 05/18/23
In this episode, I speak with biologist Carl Person. Carl founded Animalia Herpetofauna, Inc.—one of the top rattlesnake avoidance training companies. Carl and his team have trained all my dogs to avoid rattlesnakes, and Animalia Herpetofauna is where I send all my clients for rattlesnake avoidance training. You will enjoy this conversation. Besides Carl's background and approach, we cover a wide range of topics, including the different types of rattlesnakes you encounter in the United...
Published 05/11/23
In this episode, we discuss dog parks. On the one hand, they provide a much-needed space for socialization, but on the other hand, they are dangerous places. We unpack the challenges and provide some tips to minimize the risks. Dog parks can be fun for dogs and people. You can bring your dog to these fenced areas to socialize and play off-leash games. Play with other dogs or whatever else you and your furry companion might enjoy doing. Dog parks are a great way to add variety to your dog’s...
Published 05/04/23
In this episode, we discuss the end of life for our canine companions, how to make the last moments less stressful for them, euthanasia, the veterinary process, options to consider for you and your family, and more. This episode covers a very emotional and serious topic. Be honest with yourself before listening if this topic is appropriate for you. Sadly, our dogs don’t live as long as we do. One dog year roughly equals seven human years. The correct calculation is more elaborate, but seven...
Published 04/27/23
In this episode, we discuss enriching dogs' environments. This is a much broader topic than is often acknowledged. Enrichment is important for most species. We all have experienced boredom. It’s the birthplace of regrettable ideas. Just remember some of the things you came up with as a teenager when you were bored. Some of them probably got you into trouble. But this is not just about the sins of our youth. Boredom and mental stagnation are rarely good things. Once we stop engaging our minds,...
Published 04/20/23
Podcast Episode 33: When Dogs Attack In this episode, we discuss dog attacks. We review the risks and frequency of dog attacks on people nationwide. Taking precautions to avoid unnecessary risks and several self-defense options with a good chance of working. Not a day goes by without dogs seriously injuring and, in many cases killing people somewhere in the United States. These stories make the local news where they happen but rarely make the national news. People get mauled by stray dogs...
Published 04/13/23
If you wonder how to rescue a dog, we have tips for you! Sadly, millions of dogs live in animal shelters across the nation. So when you are ready to add a new member to the family, animal shelters are a great place to find a wonderful companion. You don't have to go to a breeder to get a good dog. Of course, there is nothing wrong with purpose-breeding. It is essential to maintain dog breed and health standards. There are good reasons to get purpose-bred puppies as working dogs, hunting dogs,...
Published 04/07/23
In this episode, I speak with certified, professional canine nutritionist Kay Stewart about the importance of canine nutrition. We should feed our dogs to thrive, not just survive. We discuss the importance of healthy food, limits of veterinary knowledge around nutrition, health improvements from raw feeding, how food can help lower veterinary costs during your dog's life, increased dog longevity through raw feeding, the economics of raw feeding, the nutritional balance of dog food, the...
Published 03/30/23
In this episode, we discuss separation anxiety in dogs. Every dog finds forced isolation unpleasant. No dog enjoys you going to work and leaving them alone for eight to ten hours a day. Dogs are social creatures. While dogs sleep a lot and do need their alone time, most of the time, they would rather be with you than away from you. Some dogs just handle this separation better than others. However, separation anxiety in dogs goes far beyond this basic reality. Visit the Podcast Episode Page...
Published 03/23/23