"Dracula" is a classic Gothic horror novel written by Bram Stoker, first published in 1897. The story revolves around the character Count Dracula, a mysterious and charismatic Transylvanian nobleman who is also a vampire. The novel is structured as a collection of journal entries, letters, and diary excerpts, providing a multi-perspective narrative.The plot follows the journey of Jonathan Harker, a young solicitor, who travels to Transylvania to assist Dracula in a real estate transaction in England. However, as Harker stays at Dracula's castle, he soon realizes that he is a prisoner and...
CHAPTER 27The group confronts the gypsies transporting Dracula. The fates of each are revealed.
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Published 09/22/23
CHAPTER 26 Mina helps the group determine Dracula’s intended destination. They split up in hopes of cataching him before it it too late.
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Published 09/22/23