In this episode we dig into the concept of drilling, and how it applies in dog training. It’s pretty common for most of us to have an emotional response just to the term itself - for good reason! But is there any baby in this bathwater? In this episode, we discuss that drilling is significant for skill acquisition in various contexts beyond dog training, our emotional responses to drilling are shaped by personal experiences and the nature of the activity, a good drill should isolate core...
Published 02/28/24
In this episode, we discuss the history behind Kiki’s master’s thesis project, Signaled Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior to Address Excessive Vocalization in Dogs, what gave her the idea - the case of the dog barking when guests are over, how training stay on a mat actually seems to have caused the problem, the new strategy - signalling that food will not be available when towel was hung up (“if this van’s a rocking”), a discussion of DRO w/o extinction, and does this strategy...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode, we discuss using concepts around stimulus control to stop demand barking before it stops, how cues create expectations of what reinforcement is available, using naturally occurring events that are already built into your routine to signal when reinforcement is available and when it is not, overly-simplified reminders of including good dog household management, which you already know, but sometimes it’s good to hear it again, teaching the stand up-sit down game, and principles...
Published 02/02/24
In this episode, we are talking about Demand Barking. This is a three-part series, at least for now. For the first two episodes, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and what I’ve learned about working with dogs that “demand” bark. And then for the 3rd episode, we’ll talk to a guest on the subject! In this episode, we discuss how barking isn’t just one behavior, it’s actually a lot of different behaviors that we lump into one category, in order to figure out what to do about problematic barking, we...
Published 01/18/24
In this episode we discuss the importance of getting really, really good at working with reinforcement, how the topic of reinforcement and using it in training is FAR more nuanced than most trainers recognize, food is probably the most convenient reinforcement but it does require specific conditioning and strategies to use effectively in training, Ashlee’s game, Clockwork - a fancy application of treat tossing that specifies where and when to toss for clients, and building motivation for food...
Published 10/19/23
In the last episode, we talked about what errorless learning really means. And I shared a few strategies that might make it easier to apply in your training. Of course, the major benefit to using errorless learning concepts in your training is the outcome of behaviors with a cleaner learning history and less emotional baggage. Of course, we don’t want attempts to avoid errors to mean we also avoid making progress. We still want to get where we’re going, just with fewer wrong turns. In this...
Published 10/05/23
In his 1968 book, The Technology of Teaching, B.F. Skinner wrote: Errors are not a function of learning or vice-versa nor are they blamed on the learner. Errors are a function of poor analysis of behavior, a poorly designed shaping program, moving too fast from step to step in the program and the lack of the prerequisite behavior necessary for success in the program. - BF Skinner And that sounds great. It also sounds like a lot of pressure on the dog trainer. Never fear! In this episode, we...
Published 07/21/23
In this episode, we discuss what is the ethological definition of dominance?, how does dominance show up in behavior?, how might dominance be relevant in dog training?, differences in dog-dog vs dog-human relationships, and does dominance require aggression or punishment? For full show notes, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/177 This podcast is supported by Patreon: www.patreon.com/DFTT
Published 06/23/23
In this episode, we discuss what is stimulus-stimulus pairing and how it works?, what is a “classically conditioned recall” and why might we consider calling it something different, revisiting the differences and interplay between operant and classical conditioning, the difference between describing a procedure and describing a process, and lots and lots of examples of how to apply this concept in different training applications. For full show notes,...
Published 06/06/23
In this episode, we discuss what is arousal?, how does arousal show up in our training?, how does arousal affect both people and dogs?, how arousal affects reinforcers, and “eating as behavior” and how to build functional food drive with a dog that won’t eat. For full show notes and transcript, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/175 This podcast is supported by Control Unleashed Over the Top Workshop for High Arousal Dogs: www.cleanrun.com
Published 05/19/23
In this episode, we discuss the most important thing for dog professionals to know about working with families, the importance of understanding developmental milestones, working with and setting expectations, finding ways for children to safely participate in training, and the importance of providing support to families and especially mothers. For full show notes and transcript, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/174 This podcast is supported by Zero to CD: hannahbranigan.dog/z2cd/
Published 04/26/23
In this episode, we discuss that the first step to dealing with a problem behavior is to identify the function, figuring out a plan to control access if possible and practical, if that reinforcer is not practical to work with, identifying a substitute reinforcer that is as close as possible to the original, choosing your alternate behavior, strategies if you are teaching the alternate behavior from scratch, deciding if you’ll be using differential reinforcement, and if you are not planning to...
Published 03/02/23
When we pair two stimuli together as part of a classical conditioning training plan, it can sometimes be hard to determine when the association has been made between the old stimulus and the new stimulus… the “food” and the “bell”, to draw from a popular example. In this episode, I answer a question submitted by a patron with some ideas on what to look for to determine if that association is strong enough and it’s time to proceed to the next step. In this episode, we discuss quick review of...
Published 02/14/23
In this episode, we discuss, when you might outsource maintenance to the environment?, functional difference between intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers in maintaining behaviors, how easy it is for behaviors to start slipping before we notice, one way to avoid or minimize that slippage is to design a rotation, start by grabbing some behaviors or exercises that matter to you, then give yourself a time frame to rotate through those behaviors (I usually use a 2 week block), and starting with...
Published 02/06/23
In this episode, we discuss tradeoffs when using systematic “drills” to isolate specific aspects of an exercise, drills help us isolate specific aspects of an exercise and give us the advantage of Deliberate Practice for expertise, what is meant by “fun”?, play and fun often introduce more variability as well as a dialogue, strategies to protect myself from myself, using “play sandwiches” to break up a session, training overlapping skills in the same session, and using...
Published 01/26/23
In this episode, we discuss what inspired Erin’s Tiktok, what advocating for our dogs even means, why does it matter?, what gets in the way?, how does trauma affect our ability to advocate?, what societal factors may be in play?, and how can we support ourselves and each other? For full show notes and transcript, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/169 This podcast is supported by Karen Pryor Clicker Training's Brand-New On Cue! Training Treats: clickertraining.com/treats
Published 01/09/23
In this episode, we discuss why everything is hard (just kidding, no answers here. Why IS everything so hard?); behaviors, routines, and material acquisitions that are helping take the edge off; behaviors that reduce my daily annoyance level and make it easier to enjoy my dogs (stationing/crating from a distance, putting their own collars on, picking up my ear buds when they fall, especially under furniture, Cavaletti, front and back paw targets); routines (nail trimmers on same hook as...
Published 12/14/22
In this episode, we discuss what are “ethics” and why should we care?, can we answer the question “am I a good person?, how can we measure welfare?, the five freedoms/five domains of welfare, every animal has right to freedom from, hunger, thirst, discomfort/injury, and to express normal behavior, guidelines for beneficence: even if some good comes, can’t outweigh the harm done to the group that were subjects. "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius ...
Published 12/05/22
In this episode, we discuss why we often consider shaping to be an advanced technique, why I think it doesn’t have to/shouldn’t be that way, why I think how many of us first learned about shaping is contributing to the problem, how the expectations we have around shaping (based on how we were taught) might be getting in the way of doing good training, the two expectations that can get in the way: that shaping is linear and that it should be spontaneous, changing how we think about shaping to...
Published 11/16/22
In this episode, we discuss why we often consider shaping to be an advanced technique, why I think it doesn’t have to/shouldn’t be that way, why I think how many of us first learned about shaping is contributing to the problem, how the expectations we have around shaping (based on how we were taught) might be getting in the way of doing good training, the two expectations that can get in the way: that shaping is linear and that it should be spontaneous, changing how we think about shaping to...
Published 10/10/22
In this episode, we discuss what could aggression possibly have to do with play?, the importance of engaging in play for behavioral wellness, what do we mean when we are talking about play in this context?, and how Karen incorporates play into her protocols when working with aggressive behavior. For full show notes, visit: www.hannahbranigan.dog/podcast/164 This podcast is supported by Voilà! Pets: www.voilapets.com/?ref=DFTT Because DFTT listeners have loved Voilà! Pets treat pouch so...
Published 09/07/22
In this episode, we discuss, can we use a tactile cue like leash pressure to train in an R+ framework or is it still just R- that we put a treat on top of to make us feel better?, putting food in the picture doesn’t necessarily make it positive reinforcement, so how can we tell what contingencies are really in play?, review what we mean by positive and negative reinforcement, an example of a situation that I thought I was training with R+ but now I’m realizing it’s really R-, despite my best...
Published 08/15/22
In this episode, we discuss a question from one of my favorite listeners about a stereotypic/compulsive tail chasing behavior in her dog, brainstorming steps one might take when unpacking a stereotypic (I’m practicing my language!) behavior problem, taking a baseline to help with staying objective about the training, identifying and testing possible variables that might be part of the antecedent, considerations when selecting a goal or replacement behavior, and layering in relevant pieces of...
Published 08/03/22
In this episode, we discuss what are compulsive behaviors?, using the language of stereotypy vs compulsive to describe this category of behaviors, cribbing behavior in horses and the effects on welfare, and a case study of Blondie, including getting a baseline, changing the environment for training sessions, introducing new behaviors to expand her repertoire, the plan to integrate training into life, and where Blondie is now and the state of her cribbing behavior. For full show notes,...
Published 07/20/22