Our theme for May is Mayday, Mayday, Mayday... is it time to dance around the May pole ? These are strange times and there are two ways to view and approach our situation. Version 1. This is a emergency, everything is terrible and going to Hell in a hand basket or Version 2. This is an opportunity to learn, grow and change so let's make the best of it. In this Episode Dr. Red and her guest will discuss which of these approaches seems to work best and how you can implement that in your life...
Published 05/05/20
This is our last show in April with our theme. "Are you being fooled or are you fooling yourself ?" It's pandemonium! OK Stay calm, stay home and be prepared ! People are very confused and frustrated. Wear gloves or don't bother ? Drink disinfectant or maybe just Listerine ? COVID 19 is deadly or maybe not so bad ? They will have a vaccine soon or we will all have herd immunity? Everything will go back to normal in a few month or the new normal will never be like it was? Don't go outside or...
Published 04/28/20
Published 04/28/20
We continue our "April Fools" theme of "Have you been fooled, are you fooling yourself" ? People are scared, confused and vulnerable. This is the perfect environment for Cons, Rip Offs, Scams and Fraud. "Caveat Emptor" Buyer beware ! In addition to your usual SPAM Calls and Emails from the IRS, Microsoft Support, Google Accounts, Credit Card Companies, Computer Hostage Takers, Slick Salesmen and Opportunists, get ready to hear from anyone and every company that might "help" you during...
Published 04/21/20
This is a difficult time.The COVID 19 pandemic is making us more concerned about taking care of our health and taking care of our loved ones. Many are seniors and disabled, have debilitating diseases and are immune compromised. If you are a Caregiver and responsible for someone it is very stressful and difficult. Many people in assisted living or nursing homes are in greater danger than the regular population and require constant proper medical attention and support. Our guest this week is...
Published 04/14/20
Our theme for April is " Who is fooling who and are you fooling yourself ?" In this episode Dr Horne and Dr Red discuss some myths and truths about COVID 19 and the Preventatives, Potions and Pitches that are coming out of the woodwork to confuse and rip off people who are scared and unsuspecting in this difficult time. In addition to COVID 19 related scams there are many financially related cons and scams being perpetrated on the public via robo - calls, advertising and social media. How...
Published 04/07/20
This is the final episode about our theme for this month. "Are you Marching to a different drummer?" Have you ever wished you could travel the world and make a living working online in your pajamas? Our guest decided to follow his Vision and do that. Ten years ago Andrew Zirkin left his home and business in San Diego and traveled to Asia. His expertise in Digital Marketing allowed him to make a living from anywhere in the world that had cellphone and internet service. Now he teaches others to...
Published 03/31/20
We continue our theme of "Marching to a different drummer". Life is short and uncertain, what do you have on your bucket list ? What is it that you want to do and experience in life that you haven't ? Imagine you are on your death bed, are you looking back on your life and saying... would of, could of but didn't ? Don't live a life of regrets ! Get out of your comfort zone and go for it ! Don't just dream about it. Do it ! Our guest for this show, has done that and is helping others to...
Published 03/24/20
We continue our show theme this month of "Marching to a Different Drummer". Is the drummer loud and giving you a migraine or quietly whispering sweet nothings ? Do you listen to the small quiet voice within or the noise and racket? Are you marching frenetically in all directions or carefully taking steps toward what you want? This Episode is about "Mindfulness" rather than "Mind Full Ness". Our guest, Billie Frances is a MFCC Therapist and Director of "Guiding Mindful Change". Billie...
Published 03/17/20
We continue our show theme this month of "Marching to the beat of a different drummer". In this episode we will explore what it means to travel the entrepreneurial path and the unique challenges that go with it. The entrepreneurial spirit of adventure created the world that we live in today and continues to shape our lives. This drummer plays for people who have the vision to take risks and give everything to make it work. What about the spiritual journey? Can someone walk the...
Published 03/10/20
The theme for this month is .. Marching to a different drummer. What does that mean ? How does our mind operate? Why do we do the things that we do ? How do we create happiness and health ? How do we explore and understand our own unique qualities ? In this show our guest is Robert Szentes. Robert has spent 10 yrs studying and researching these subjects and has found practical solutions to help people overcome complex problems such as severe anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD,...
Published 03/03/20
We are wrapping up fabulous February and our theme of self love and love for others with the "Self Love" Doctor, Dr. Rani. She has created a mind, body, and soul program to guide individuals looking to heal and connect to their inner self. We all know that the most successful life is one that based on wisdom from the spiritual scriptures, science, and common sense, Dr. Rani can show you how to accomplish that in your life. More than a “mechanical doctor” Dr. Rani brings the best of...
Published 02/25/20
Have you ever heard of expressive arts therapy? Maybe if you spent Valentines Day watching videos with your cat or dog you might want to learn more about it. This show is about getting in touch with our bodies and our attitudes toward love, self- esteem, dating and raising your EQ – emotional intelligence and social skills. Our special guest will give us a description of expressive arts therapy that uses disciplines such as music, movement, poetry, visual performance, etc. in a...
Published 02/18/20
Each of us longs to be loved and accepted for the person we truly are. Our partner is central to our life and there is no better opportunity than our love relationship for us to be fully ourselves. Even though his or her validation is critical, we are inclined to hide our true self. Ironically, we become guarded from the most important person in our life. The soul-bearing intimacy and willingness to know and be known that made the beginning of love so passionate and exciting becomes...
Published 02/11/20
February is the month of love and forgiveness and if you cannot forgive yourself and love yourself then you certainly cannot do that for others. Join us for a heartfelt discussion on how to learn to forgive yourself for such heinous crimes as bending or breaking your New Year’s resolutions, not wanting to walk the dog in the rain and other good crimes and misdemeanors against the heart. We will definitely get into the subject of loving oneself first so that you have a good practice to...
Published 02/04/20
The most powerful force in the You - niverse is ... the force of habit. This episode is about habits. How to make them, break them and how they create your life. As January comes to a close, we continue our theme this month of New Years Resolutions and why they don't work for most people. How do you create the life you love with more more fulfillment, joy, purpose and authenticity ? How do your habits help or hurt you ? Listen to the show ... and find out !
Published 01/28/20
It is already January 21, 2020 ! How are you doing with your New Years resolutions ? Most people have already given up on their resolutions. Our guest is Wil Fisher : Life Coach Our topic on the show today will be: How do you beat procrastination and get into action ? This episode of the Dr. Red Show is all about getting past resistance and creating the life you love. We will talk about bringing more fulfillment, joy, purpose and authenticity into your life.
Published 01/21/20
Dr Red and Al will discuss predictions for 2020 and rant about some of the frustrating and weird things that we all have to deal with in our lives. We will also talk about what Dr. Red is planning for the show in 2020. The audience is welcome to call in with rants of their own to our toll free show phone number. 888.346.9141
Published 01/14/20
So it’s the first week of January and have you kept all those promises that you scribbled down on a “resolutions list” while you were tipsy on eggnog at the office Christmas party? I bet I can guess a few of the items on your list: lose that weight I didn’t lose last year, get more exercise, improve my profession/work, spend more time with my family, etc. If you can you get through all that you probably also need to squeeze in more time to sleep. Join me for a spirited discussion of these...
Published 01/07/20
Published 12/31/19
Published 12/24/19
Happy holidays. Santa may have made a list, but you better have made one too, because there are so many things that you have to do during this most wonderful time of the year. You have to remember who to send Christmas cards to, who to send Hanukkah cards to, and who to send happy holidays cards because we don’t want to offend anyone. If Family is coming you have to make sure your house is perfect, and the accommodations are adequate. If mother-in-law‘s coming, make sure it’s white glove...
Published 12/17/19
There’s no place like home for the holidays – if you have a home. More than 550,000 Americans are homeless in a typical night, and 1.4 million will spend some time in a shelter. Flawless counts are impossible to come by. The transient nature of the homeless population presents a major difficulty. The Department of Housing and Urban Development - HUD - estimates that 40,056 veterans are homeless on any given night. Approximately 12,700 veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi...
Published 12/10/19
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s what the songs say, but if you have a problem with overindulgence, it may not be such a wonderful time. Ever since Halloween we’ve been bombarded with holiday music, so by the time December hits we’re almost overloaded with “Christmas cheer.“ Commercials everywhere encourage you to indulge in and give gifts of food, alcohol, electronics, etc. The stress is enough to make you overindulge in chemical respite. No matter what your religion, you...
Published 12/03/19
We’ve talked about the past and the present of the military. It’s fascinating to know that those red uniforms that the early military wore were lovely but didn’t make any difference when people were stabbing each other with bayonets. Then they had to go to camouflage outfits when the armies developed the ability to shoot at each other from long-distances. Now we shoot each other with drones and aren’t even in the aircraft! How the military has changed. President Trump has mentioned bringing...
Published 11/19/19