Ce poème est écrit en Alexandrins, donc le rythme est très important,...
Published 10/17/11
À l'écart du mouvement surréaliste, la poésie de Supervielle est humaine, souvent inspirée par le monde qui nous entourre et la nature.
Published 09/19/11
Poète et théoricien de l'Esprit nouveau, ses oeuvres annoncent déjà surréalisme. Dans ce poème, la femme est associée à une fleur des champs, la colchique. Mais la colchique est vénéneuse, c'est donc un poison...
Published 02/14/11
Paul Valéry croit que la poésie possède un pouvoir émotionnel qui peut être presque magique...
Published 08/20/10
Au milieu d’une rue étourdissante, le poète croise du regard une femme qui passe et il est ébloui par sa beauté et sa noblesse. Quand elle disparaît tout à coup dans la foule, il devient découragé....
Published 05/20/10
This poem in middle French, from the 17th century, is an hymn to indolence. Saint-Amant was a libertin poet, who enjoyed all the pleasures of life, liked to eat, drink, smoke and rest, as depicted in this poem.
Published 05/01/10
In this 16th century poem written in old French, a young woman is being married to an older man. She shares with us her attempts to seduce her husband, her torments and the decision she finally takes.
Published 03/15/10
This fable tells a great story about a reed (which represent the people) and an all-mighty oak (representing the king)...
Published 02/02/10
This 19th century poem, 336 verse long, is in fact very philosophical and talks about the human condition. Written in Alexandrines, the poet entices a woman (Èva) to leave urban life, and live in Nature (considered as God's creation) which fascinates him as much as it disgusts him..
Published 06/01/09
This is a sensual, yet very deep poem from Voltaire, 18th century.
Published 03/09/09
Aujourd'hui, je vais vous lire un poème de Théophile Gautier, qui s’intitule “Carmen”.
Published 10/28/08
"Le Niagara" by Louis Fréchette - Slow reading, author's life, analysis and fast reading.
Published 08/05/08
Poème "Sur Une Morte" d'Alfred de Musset
Published 06/19/08
"Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis" et "Épitaphe", ou "Ballade des Pendus".
Published 02/26/08
Simple reading of "La Feuille Blanche" de Paul Valéry
Published 01/10/08
Simple reading of "La Laitière et le Pot au Lait" de Jean de La Fontaine
Published 11/21/07
This is a French as a second language Podcast, using poetry as a topic for discussion using everyday conversational French. Go to www.learnfrenchinboston.com for more info on how to use this podcast according to your level.
Published 02/20/06