For most people being hungry means a grumbling stomach, headaches, light-headedness, shakiness, irritability, fatigue, and inability to focus. Since eating removes the symptoms, they are mistakenly believed to be signs of hunger, but they are not. This pattern of "toxic hunger" causes people to constantly overeat and undermines any attempt to lose weight. Understanding true hunger could be a key factor in reversing this trend.
Published 06/23/21
Nutrition always played a large role in the Fuhrman household. Tune in as Jenna and her parents, Joel and Lisa Fuhrman, discuss the fun, games, and challenges of growing up Nutritarian and raising healthy kids.
Published 05/11/21
Everyone knows someone effected by cancer. Cancer rates have skyrocketed during the 20th century and experts have predicted cancer numbers to increase in future years. We are here to win the war on cancer, Join Dr. Fuhrman and Jenna Fuhrman as they explore the history of cancer and the actions you can take to protect yourself. View the reference list at drfuhrman.com/podcasts
Published 03/30/21
Meet nutritional expert, board-certified physician and 7-time NY Times bestselling author Joel Fuhrman, M.D. His nutritarian diet – the gold standard of whole food, plant-based eating – has made sustainable weight loss, disease prevention and healthy longevity a reality for people around the world. In this episode, discover how a career-threatening injury inspired this former world champion athlete to pursue a medical career that would help change the way we fuel our bodies. He’s interviewed...
Published 03/02/21