Chinese Podcast EP93: How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese 学习中文如何保持动力
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Today, we are fortunate to have Keren from Unconventional Chinese join us to discuss "How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese." With her expertise in comprehensible input methods, Keren brings a wealth of experience in teaching Chinese. She will share with us the intrinsic motivation and sources behind learning Chinese. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior knowledge, there's something valuable to learn from Keren's insights. We hope this conversation will inspire and motivate you on your journey to learning Chinese. 今天,我们有幸邀请到了Unconventional Chinese的Keren老师来和大家探讨“如何保持学习中文的动力”。Keren老师以其擅长的可理解输入方法在中文教学领域有着丰富的经验,她将与我们分享学习中文的内在动力和源泉。无论是初学者还是有一定基础的学习者,都能从Keren老师的经验中受益匪浅,希望大家能够在这次交流中获得灵感和动力,坚定地走上学习中文的道路。
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