What is the economic outlook for businesses in 2021?
Published 01/06/21
Published 01/06/21
What are the implications of the pandemic on where the economy could have been, and could be going in the coming years?
Published 12/14/20
What sort of impact has the shift in the types of inventions over the centuries had on society?
Published 12/08/20
How have people been using time that would have been spent commuting during the pandemic?
Published 11/19/20
During current times, are there any trends for people considering living in cities or the suburbs?
Published 11/03/20
How has society's value of location changed over the years in real estate?
Published 10/22/20
What does the Bureau of Labor Statistics outlook on the job market for the next 10 years look like?
Published 09/28/20
Is there a looming debt crisis like during the Great Recession?
Published 09/24/20
Household staples tend to go scarce in times of crisis, whether pandemic or weather related. In the past few months, has supply for certain items been met?
Published 09/15/20
Vertical farms could have an impact on the future of agriculture. What do they look like, and what considerations come with implementing them?
Published 09/02/20
What would it take to achieve high-speed internet for all?
Published 08/21/20
Recently released data provides some insight into how the stimulus checks delivered in the spring were used by recipients. NC State University economist Mike Walden breaks down how they were spent.
Published 08/12/20
There's usually a common trend in recessions between spending on goods and services. Has that trend followed in this current recession?
Published 07/23/20
Calculating inflation during the downturn can be tricky as the unusual circumstances. Do the numbers accurately reflect the current circumstances?
Published 07/06/20
The Federal Reserve recently released their economic forecasts for the next few years. What do they look like?
Published 06/26/20
Income and spending typically go up and down together, but was that the case this past April?
Published 06/16/20
As states start to open businesses back up, what other lingering impacts could there be?
Published 05/26/20
Printing money can be used during times of economic crisis to mitigate some of the effects of the crisis. What factors need to be looked out for in these circumstances?
Published 05/15/20
Is there a chance inflation could surge on the other end of the current crisis?
Published 04/29/20
What factors might be considered when talking about closing down an economy?
Published 04/17/20
What's the difference between a recession and a depression, and how are they defined?
Published 04/03/20
There are a few tactics being discusses as to how the government can respond to the coronavirus. What are they, and what are their implications?
Published 03/18/20
Vehicles can take one of the largest bites out of a households budget. What's the current status of vehicle finances in the country?
Published 03/04/20
When calculating inflation, how does one account for increases in product quality that affect the product's price?
Published 02/21/20