This guide will highlight key components of establishing a functional wine tasting room.
Published 04/28/15
This publication provides information on forestry and wood products cooperatives, including a discussion of cooperatives and guidelines for starting a forestry and wood products cooperative.
Published 11/09/12
This publication provides guidelines for how to establish a cooperative in New Mexico.
Published 11/09/12
Published 12/06/11
This publication presents a dictionary of common economic, accounting, and other financial terms used by farm and ranch enterprises.
Published 12/06/11
This publication describes common pecan grades and their effect on pecan pricing.
Published 10/18/11
This publication explains income multipliers and gives examples of how to calculate a multiplier.
Published 09/26/11
This publication describes crop marketing orders, which allow producers of a crop in a given area to exercise control over selected aspects of the marketing of their crop and yet be exempt from antitrust prosecution.
Published 09/26/11
This publication examines trends in key economic and demographic factors shaping rural life in New Mexico counties, including population, migration, employment, unemployment, farm income, poverty, education, and housing.
Published 09/26/11