Leave me feedback! [email protected] or leave me a message on SpeakPipe Come see me at the New Media Expo in January!  Tenacious Gratitude Thoughts? I can tell you mine. Tenacious didn’t quite feel “right” with me. I felt that being tenacious was not something I aspired to be. It’s too rough. Too hard. Too pushy. Too manly. I imagined the quintessential football player, the one that just stampedes over the competition regardless of anything else, bulldozing through pain, through...
Published 11/24/13
Published 11/24/13
It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class! This is not a yoga asana class today, but my goodness what we have is serious yoga study and conversation. This is super special because it’s the 100th episode and also my 6th year podcasting!!! In order to celebrate I gathered two of my most influential teachers and we have incredible conversations about yoga and life. The kinds of things that are shared are the best kind of yoga you can learn and be exposed to. Listening will undoubtedly take your...
Published 08/19/13
I just wrote a post called When The World Doesn’t See You As You See Yourself, which was the basis for this episode. The execution of embodiment, which to me = action is what I feel in my humble opinion is a giant factor in creating lasting embedded change in our lives and something that most of us lack. We think a ton and don’t actually do anything. I know that I stay a lot in my head. I have the knowledge. I know what needs to be done. I am fired up and completely in, and yet for a huge...
Published 07/21/13
Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post. That image was taken very soon after I walked through my door after I got held up. I found both of my girls immersed in watching My Neighbor Totoro one of our family’s favorites. Such dichotomy. You can of course listen to me tell the story of the whole event in the class. There is a 5 minute intro and then the class begins with me telling the story of...
Published 04/21/13
When was the last time you invested in yourself? I’m not talking about buying something, whether it be a yoga class, a workshop or even a nice new outfit. I’m talking about taking some REAL time to be with yourself, to feel your body, to listen to what’s going on in your heart and in your head. When was the last time you did this right smack in the midst of holiday season? Particularly when you weren’t feeling your best….? Then this class is for you! Practice along and…. Reconnect with...
Published 11/24/12
Guess what I did??? Free Video Yoga Class is the House! This is my first full on video yoga class which includes my signature intro PLUS a cameo appearance of my girls Hunter and Mae! There is no theme. It's only 30 minutes. It's an intermediate level class, because I don't break things down to much and it keeps a pretty steady pace. I would LOVE your feedback on this format. I am still going to be publishing audio classes, so don't worry :) I may just sprinkle the video classes here...
Published 07/10/12
How Are You…Really? How many times has someone asked you “how are you?” and you mindlessly say “I’m fine, thanks.” When you are not. When I say, you are not, I don’t mean that you just had someone you love die, or you just lost your home, or your job, or you just found our your beloved was cheating on you…I mean “you are not,” because you don’t actually know anymore. “I’m fine, thanks” is something we say countless times and most of those times, we don’t even think about it. Our mouths...
Published 06/13/12
This yoga class is simple Nothing fancy. No crazy poses. In fact, there are very little poses. This is more of a practice of just doing THIS. One. Thing. It's more about dharana- one pointed concentration. It's about stopping doing all things at once (including quickly getting a yoga class in as part of your continued multitasking.) ;) Let me know what you think! This is a new format as the class was recorded at home, with no students, just you guys and me! Look below for the yoga...
Published 04/21/12
Discover The Eve Of Your Breath FINALLY!!! The more I live my life, the more I recognize that the most important aspect of the practice of yoga is the breath. Every key insight either about me, a specific pose, the way my body functions or even my relationships has come through a growth in the breath. I remember two distinct times while practicing backbends that they unfolded themselves to me when I FINALLY breathed optimally while working deeper into the postures. I also remember my first...
Published 03/04/12
I've been at home A LOT lately. My body has gone through a pretty massive transformation since giving birth, as it should, since it facilitaded an entire new human being to come out! My goodness does that still keep me in awe. It floors me when I think of what this body is capable of. If something is magical, it's our bodies :) I'm also keenly aware that as magical and intuitive as it is it MUST be nurtured. I had my sacrum/si completely go out on me about 4 weeks postpartum. Thank God my...
Published 11/15/11
I know there are some of you still in the midst of Winter. Maybe your winter has been going on for so long you're not sure how to deal with it or if you can deal with it. Winter, or at least the qualities of winter, the darkness in particular, that darkness that forces you to remain inward, to cover yourself, and to slow down is great in little bits but when it's prolonged it can get challenging. Some of you may be physically going through Winter, the season, while some of you may be going...
Published 08/06/11
The theme for this class was inspired by one of my friends Hillary Rubin. She has this amazing post plus video, asking questions that needed to be asked at that moment....hmmmmm. Or at least I needed to ask these questions ;) It was all about RUNNING OUT OF GAS! Well, at least for me it was about running out of gas. It made me think about the various ways that we deal with running out of gas: We make sure to make time to consistently fill up the gas tank at a specific time of the...
Published 05/16/11
This week show is brought to you by Ice.com, please visit ice.com/yogaclass to get 25% off sitewide. I'm getting soooo fancy! This class was inspired by one of you lovely people. The mighty Jennessa posted on my Facebook wall asking if I would consider doing a prenatal class in the next couple of weeks and voila! Here it is. Here is the disclaimer: This class is aimed at pregnant women that already have a working knowledge of yoga and have done yoga prior to attempting doing this audio...
Published 05/01/11
This whole podcasting thing has taken a life of it's own. You guys are my inspiration. You are what keeps me going. Yet again, I was inspired by another one of you. This podcast episode is dedicated with love to the virtual kula, specifically to Michelle and Alfie ♥ If you'd like to support the show's sponsors, please feel free to purchase the Elsie's Yoga Kula Podcast App for the iPhone or Android for $3.99 OR go on over to Prancing Leopard and get yourself some lovely duds using the...
Published 02/16/11
Hunter got sick and it totally made me think about immunity. I'm sure that those of you that read this blog and perhaps other content that is similar are aware that immunity is not just about bacteria and viruses being present in your body and all of a sudden you get sick. It's not just about the physical. It's all about the beautiful trifecta of mind, body and spirit. All of this affects the how your body reacts and doesn't react to pathogens that decide they want to wreck havok inside of...
Published 01/16/11
This episode was absolutely inspired by one of you. I was asked basically how to practice yoga daily. This is something that I think about every day, that I meditate on, and continue to refine. I'm not going to describe my own process but tell you what it boils down to, at least for me: Meaning and Truth. If you don’t first and foremost ask yourself who you want to be in the world, what has meaning, what has value to you, and continue to refine the answer and deepen the questions again and...
Published 01/01/11
The second mudra is called Kubera Mudra One of the hardest things to do once you have resolved to stick to a really meaningful promise to yourself, or you've committed to something really valuable to you is sticking to it. We always waver. No matter how strong your commitment. Kubera mudra is a physical expression of your deepest wish to stick to it. It’s very simple and this can be done so easily almost imperceptibly anywhere. It’s very cool :) Practicing Kubera Mudra The first thing you...
Published 12/22/10
Here is the first mudra that I’ll be sharing with you for grounding yourself attuning to your heart. I’ll first really quickly simply show the mudra itself and what to do. We are not going to practice them. If you do want to practice the mudra, check out the corresponding videos and audio only available for both of these mudras over at elsiesyogakula.com/holidaytoolbox. They will be available very soon. Keeping Your Heart Open The first one is called the Ganesha mudra. This is a powerful...
Published 12/20/10
This video is part of a series of three videos which will offer two mudras as a way to ground yourself through the holidays, and are part of my Holiday Toolbox! If you are not interested in watching the video, simply read on, and you will get the same information  The tools that I offer focus a lot on the engagement of your whole self. The mudras are not so much about concentrating on one practice but on using all of your self, most importantly your senses, simply because some of us get...
Published 12/18/10
Who Is The Bully? I've been doing a lot of meditation on worthlessness or the feeling of being unworthy. Often times this feeling arises from the way the world speaks to us, perhaps in the form of bullies around us, family members, peers, bosses, etc. but what has really become clear is that it's not the world that is the root of this feeling, but ourselves. The biggest bullies that we have in our world are not outside of ourselves but within ourselves. In this class I went back to one of...
Published 10/17/10
An Advanced Yoga Class for your consumption! Tons of sun salutes, strong hip openers, handstand, plus arm balances, be ready to rock and roll! Those of you with the app, check out the extra features: class sequence and also the mini tutorial for Vishvamatrasana I wrote a more in depth blog post over at in the Shownotes for Ep. 84 at Elsie's Yoga Kula, regarding listening and how it has and continues to affect my life and relationships.  If you want to win Shannon Gannon's new Album...
Published 09/19/10
25 minute meditation. These past few months I nearly got overwhelmed by anxiety. This hasn't happened to me in a LONG time. I lost control of my rational thought process and simply dove into a feeling that was suffocating and terrifying. I can't say that I was in any way comfortable. The only thing that pulled me out of it was my toddler Hunter. She forced me to get out of myself and engage her. The moment that I disconnected from her off I went into a very uncomfortable sense of...
Published 08/30/10
An iPhone 4 Yoga Class For Your Enjoyment! And here I thought that I was going to get some time to be able to publish more episodes to you guys...in JULY. Not so much, but alas! Here’s a yoga class to start the month off right! This one is close to my heart. It’s focus is all about the way we are swayed and often times misguided by what we see and hear all around us, especially the media. It is a call to take responsibility for our choice making and the way we go about making choices. The...
Published 08/10/10
Welcome to EYK episode #6! Just in case you are a new listener, the Elsie’s Yoga Kula Episodes are all about community. There are times when I want share with you guys more than the few minute intro that my Yoga Class Episodes allow me ;) This is where I share some of the feedback that I’ve gotten from you guys, plus answer some questions I get, or anything else that I desire to put out Today’s episode has some inspiring feedback from you guys, PLUS and interview with my twitter buddy Scott...
Published 07/19/10