Okay, proud mum (and parent coach) moment! Let me share a story with you about how we VERY nearly had a Christmas meltdown when packing away the tree with our youngest. Emotional Intelligence and communication skills are an UNSTOPPABLE combo, trust me. These two skills have genuinely saved my bacon countless times, and my kids and I are better for it. (And actually so is my marriage!) We aren't perfect but we have speed bumps as opposed to car crashes throughout our days. And some days we...
Published 12/03/23
Ok this is a heart-strings pulling kind of conversation. Many of us don't have a TONNE of memories from our childhood, and some of us feel like we've forgotten 95% of it. But you know what? You'll still know - if you think about it - what you wish you did or didn't have to experience. And guess what, that's very likely exactly what your kids want to be hearing from you right now. Amazing right? Why do we overthink it?! I share a number of messages that people in my Facebook community (Let's...
Published 11/26/23
Welcome to a powerful episode of Emotionally Intelligent Parenting with Stephanie Pinto. 🌟 Dive into the (messy) heart of parenthood with our latest instalment, where I share 10 practical emotional intelligence strategies to combat burnout. Simple shifts in perspective and empathetic connections can help you re-discover the joy in your parenting journey that you're looking for. From mindful communication to self-compassion exercises, I've got you covered. Grab your notebook, tune in and let...
Published 11/19/23
Meltdowns are a part of life. Not only for kids, but us adults too! It's emotional dysregulation and humanness at its finest and although they're not something to fix, it's so valuable to know how to support your child through them, whilst keeping yourself in check. I love that learning Emotional Intelligence has helped me personally both anticipate challenging moments with my kids and navigate through them with ease and confidence. I want this for you so much! It IS possible and even more...
Published 11/12/23
In this episode, I delve into the fascinating world of emotions and how often we misunderstand them. You might think you're good at reading how others feel, but actually you very often get it wrong. For example, a simple smile can signify a range of emotions, from happiness to anxiety or even anger. These misunderstandings can lead to conflicts, disagreements, breakdowns and even breakups. To improve your ability to understand emotions, you need to become more mindful and take a moment to...
Published 11/05/23
Should you make your child say sorry when they hurt another? Or do it later on when the 'action' has died down? Is it really necessary to explicitly teach apologising? So many questions! Teaching your child to reconcile things when they've hurt someone's feelings or done the wrong thing, is a crucial part of their social and emotional development. Yes, we do need to encourage kids to take responsibility for their actions, empathize with others, and mend relationships. But how? In this...
Published 10/31/23
Beginning your emotionally intelligent parenting journey starts here. In this episode I'm inviting you to take a look at your emotional landscape and in particular whether or not you ACCEPT all of your emotions. It's true that the vast majority of people believe we have positive and negative emotions. We categorise them into one bucket or the other. The good and the bad. I'm here to tell you that it's time to stop judging them as good or bad. Then we're in a better position to be able to...
Published 10/31/23
Welcome to Emotionally Intelligence Parenting podcast! Here we'll talk all things emotional intelligence, kids, parenting, families... how do we raise emotionally intelligent kids? How do we become emotionally intelligent parents? Stories, ideas, tips, strategies, Q&A and everything in between! Send me your questions at [email protected] and I'll answer as many as I can on the podcast. Have you joined my Facebook Group for parents? There are 100,000+ parents in the community! 🎉 ➡️...
Published 10/31/23