Melonie is better than all my therapists!
I was so happy to recently discover you have a podcast! I already watch all your videos on YouTube. The reason why I can’t get enough of the information that you give is because you dig the deepest of all the YouTubers that I’ve come across that talk about narcissistic abusive relationships. I am about to see my 4th therapist for this year to prepare me for healing before a custody court battle with the Narc... and we have actually been ordered to do Co-therapy apart and in our own separate cities....and this is going to be the ultimate test to see if he is willing to change or accept responsibility for his actions. I get to show my evidence of abuse (including physically violent behavior multiple times, attempted to cause an accident in my car at 7months pregnant by grabbing my steering wheel on the freeway) that was inflicted upon me during my pregnancy and quickly after the baby was born around our baby, so this is an opportunity for my therapist to validate that I was in an abusive relationship and share that information with my narcs therapist (because I’m sure he’s playing victim with his therapist) so that he can be confronted about his behaviors by his therapist... and everything said between our two therapists and us will be permissible in court so that I can prove that this person is mentally unstable and therefore I should have full custody. I specifically have been working hard to find somebody that deals with people who come from narcissistic abusive relationship so I’m hoping to go into a deeper transformation here soon with the new therapist but other than that you have been better than all of my therapists. And I love that you go into a deeper transformation and spiritual healing. You talk about some things that are so deep that sometimes I have to watch your video twice just to understand because that’s how deep you dig into the spirit and the soul when one is going through narcissistic recovery. Plus you are a lot more positive than some of the other people that talk about narcissists and a lot of times too much negativity about a narcissist just gives me more anxiety but you actually relieve my anxiety:) Anytime I’m feeling down or feeling like my narc is getting to me or I need a reminder of how far I’ve come after picking up and leaving to another city with my newborn (leaving the Narc blindsided), I always revert back to your YouTube videos. And now I can play your podcast in my car. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into your videos and podcasts and just know you are changing peoples lives!
Baby Hendrix via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/10/17
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I have so much gratitude for Melanie, she is a beautifully selfless, incredibly intelligent, life-changing human being with the power to affect others in such an intensely honest healing way. Her innate integrity to empower yourself to love shows throughout any episode. She saved my head from...Read full review »
Pablos_Mpls via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/03/18
It sounds like she is speaking in a tunnel covered with a thick blanket. The sound quality is terrible.
262JN via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/27/19
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