In this episode, I talk about why I took a step back from recording podcasts for a minute and what you can expect moving forward. I also go into the 4 non-negotiables of recovery. My Website is https://www.maneelyconsulting.com/
Published 09/19/21
Adam Gunton is helping other people in recovery to tell their story. In this episode, we talk a bit about how he is doing that and why. Adam Vibe Gunton delivers a powerful message of hope for any audience. His story of overcoming homelessness and drug addiction to becoming a 7 figure business owner, bestselling author, and coach for other recovered addicts to write and publish their stories – in only two years – motivates every audience that hears him speak to take massive decisive action...
Published 07/21/21
When it comes being a family member with a loved one in addiction/substance abuse issues, we have to come at it like we are training for a obstacle course where we don't exactly know what the obstacle course is going to look like, so we need to be prepared for anything. How do we do that? One, we don't do it alone. If I had to actually train for a marathon or obstacle course, I'd have to find people to help me. This is important for self care, so when the event happens that we don't know...
Published 07/01/21
I met Allison as part of my Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown Book Club. Wholehearted living is so important for people who are dealing with loved ones in addiction. Through the situations we find ourselves in during this time period, it's important to connect with yourself and with others. Allison has a 5 steps to connect process to help people come back to center in the chaos.  Contact Allison www.5stepstoconnect.com There are two ways to work with Allison:  1. A membership with classes...
Published 05/04/21
In this conversation we talk a lot about the family dynamic of what it means to grow up with an alcoholic parent. Family has a big influence over our lives, it can be both positive and negative as in Nicole's case. Having grown up in a home with an...
Published 04/13/21
I sincerely doubt I will ever find another opportunity to get to interview a couple like this again. Nick is a person in recovery, his wife Kaitlin is what we often will refer to as a "Normy", meaning someone who does not has substance use disorder....
Published 03/30/21
Jeff Jones is a licensed therapist, addiction counselor, interventionist and family recovery coach.
Published 03/24/21
Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis
Published 03/16/21
James Brown, struggled with sobriety his whole life He came from a partying family, he was abused as a child, traveled quite a bit.
Published 03/09/21
Recovery is messy, it can be awkward, weird, and totally worth it. It doesn't look the same for everyone and every family will have a different experience.
Published 03/02/21
Jared Diehl is from La Verne, California and has been dealing with mental illness his whole life but has spent the last 15 years managing bipolar depression and anxiety.
Published 02/23/21
In this next episode I am interviewing a gentleman named Sean Owens. He currently has almost 7 years clean and he loves his recovery lifestyle. In this episode, we discuss how he got to where he is at today.
Published 02/09/21
Polly Jessen is a person in long term recovery. She was born and raised in Kingsport, TN and currently works in Johnson City, TN at Frontier Health as a Recovery Navigator for Crisis Services.
Published 02/02/21
Today Stacy is a person in long term recovery, a wife, and a mother to two incredible, yet challenging, children. She is still perfectly capable of living an unmanageable life, but those moments of unmanageability are much fewer and farther between as we discuss.
Published 01/26/21
Andrew found out his mom was an alcoholic when he was around 12. In this episode we talked about how he has been affected by his mom's addiction, and some of the resources he uses to cope.
Published 01/19/21
In her late 20’s, Bekah could not stand to look in the mirror. She couldn’t stand to look her loved ones in the eye and see their disappointment.
Published 01/12/21
Lin's recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol began May 7, 1997. Since then, he has counseled a large number of addicts and alcoholics striving to get clean and sober.
Published 01/05/21
Kawan Glover is a Survivor because he has lived through a stroke and three brain surgeries. He also dealt with suicidal ideations, one attempt, opioid addiction, depression
Published 12/29/20
Many members of my audience struggle with remembering their own dreams and ambitions as their loved ones dive deeper into their substance abuse. But remembering to put yourself first is essential for your well-being and your loved ones.
Published 12/22/20
This one goes out to all the dads out there. Jason Palmer was raising his wife's younger sister alongside his sons as their child, him and his wife watched her as she fought a battle against a nasty disease HLH.
Published 12/15/20
When families are in the chaos of helping their loved ones, we can often find ourselves in unhealthy patterns such as drinking a little too much ourselves.
Published 12/08/20
In this episode, I discussed with a good friend of mine, Marcus Shumate, what he notices in the recovery community of who "makes it" versus those who don't seem to do so well with the recovery journey
Published 12/01/20
or Sharon, her family kept a secret and she found out. It started making her realize a few things about herself, about her life, and about her family's secrets. Find out what they hid from her for so many years until she found out.
Published 11/23/20
Rhett shares with us about his journey into finding himself and being comfortable with who he really is.
Published 11/18/20
The desire for us to fit in somewhere is so strong that we will almost destroy ourselves to find our place in the world.
Published 11/11/20