Another Reddit Story/Question. What was dating in recovery like for you?
Published 10/18/23
Another Reddit Story for you. This one is AITA for refusing to forgive my drug addict BIL. 
Published 09/27/23
I share my perspective on how to cope with a loved one's addiction, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries.
Published 09/21/23
What happens when mothers and daughters have to “adult” together? In this episode, My mom, Lynn Carnes and myself, along with another mother Christine Dickson and her daughter Lauren Martinson got together and talked about the challenges, the experiences, the memories, and some hard conversations we've experienced and how we navigated them, as well as the healing journey we've taken to mend, repair, grow, and thrive in our relationship with one another. We did something different with this...
Published 05/02/23
Are you willing to dive into some of the things that are coming up for you in order to be the support person that your loved one needs?
Published 03/22/23
Caroline Holke works with Type A, high performing women who drink more than they intend to sometimes. It wouldn't be classified as a drinking problem, but they have a problem with using it as a crutch and want to get their control back.  They hire her to get rid of the s****y parts of drinking (and this doesn't necessarily mean all drinking) and this enables them to build a life that they enjoy so much that they don't want to numb out of it.  Most people focus on what to DO to cut back on...
Published 02/08/23
Chelsea is a Narcotics Unit Paralegal Specialist with the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, and a member of Silent No More. Addiction has rattled just about every one of her family members, ultimately claiming the lives of her two oldest brothers Steven and Scott. Steven passed away from a heroin overdose in 2009 and Scott passed away from an overdose attributed to a mixture of Fentanyl and a new synthetic opioid called Isotonitrazene. Her stepdad passed away from...
Published 12/16/22
Michel has lived through absolute hell and can smile on the other side of the abyss. Her life's work is to facilitate healing and to guide people back to the knowingness of their own inner strength and to not just survive, but to live their lives fully. Outline: What does it mean to live in absolute hell?At the time that you are experiencing this, what were some of the beliefs that you had about your life and why?The day she met her son’s father.Looking at the problem from different angles...
Published 12/02/22
Tanya D. is a Certified meditation instructor (C.MI™), Usui/Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master, Sound Vibrational Reiki Healing Practitioner, Animal Reiki practitioner, Certified spiritual life coach, and Yoga4Sobriety Teacher Ambassador / Student Liason. She uses her experience, strength, hope, intuition, and teacher trainings to help people find peace and serenity in recovery from addiction.  In recovery herself, she offers a unique holistic approach to finding freedom in recovery...
Published 11/11/22
In this episode, Tracy and I get into a great conversation about what do kids need and how that translates later in life. Safety, Security, and Love are three important things and in that, creating a safe place to be heard and how important connection is.  Tracy Redfearn is a Licensed Psychoeducational Specialist who is certified by the SC Board of Education as a School Psychologist II, the National Association of School Psychologists as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and the...
Published 10/19/22
Know Hope North Carolina's mission is to remember those we have lost, support those in recovery and give hope to those still struggling.  Create memorial banner and billboards with faces of those lost to addiction in NC.  Refer clients to detox and treatment centers.  Facilitate grief groups. Outline of Podcast Topics ·      The power of creating a space to honor your feelings in a safe way. 8:17 ·      Grief doesn’t always have to be a direct result of a loss. 15:24 ·      Don’t go down the...
Published 10/19/22
It can be a really confusing time when your loved one gets out of rehab. It can be confusing for you as well as them. It's emotional, it's a little chaotic and not at all what you would expect it to look like. In this next podcast, I share a little bit about what you can expect. This is generalization, so if you have questions about your own loved one, please reach out to me. [email protected] maneelyconsulting.com
Published 10/07/22
In this episode, Michele Rogers shares with us her journey of losing her son. This was a powerful conversation about what happens next as well as her experience. The biggest take away from this conversation is, this is not a parenting problem. Here is just a little of Michele's story and what she has to say: I grew up in Tidewater Virginia and later attended Saint Leo College in Florida. I had two sons, Clayton (1989) and Bradley (1992). When I divorced in 1996 I moved with my young sons...
Published 09/19/22
Lisa grew up having a great family life with 3 brothers. She moved from Ohio to NC when she was twelve 12. She has two sons from first marriage and divorced after 9 years of marriage. Lisa raised her boys as a single mom and home schooled them until they entered high school. Their high school years were full of struggles, some normal, some not. Both boys started using drugs in their mid-teens. Sam (oldest son) escalated to IV drug use and meth. He was "in recovery" on MAT (Medically Assisted...
Published 08/13/22
My next episode includes a guest that made a new year's resolution to get sober and 4 years later, she is still sober. She talks with us about her journey into sobriety and how she did it. It wasn't the typical path, and it has shown to be successful for her. She writes openly about it in her blog titled "Wishes from the Bottom" This was her first time speaking about and I am honored to have had her as a guest on this podcast.  Pamela O’Leary is the Founder and CEO of Blossom Badass, an...
Published 03/25/22
You hear it all the time with people who have loved ones with substance abuse issues. The "Letting go". But what does that really mean. Sometimes we have a misconception on what "Letting Go" really means. It's more about letting go of our ideas of what should be or shouldn't be. This is what this podcast explores. 
Published 03/09/22
Linda Sue Key is my next guest on the Unbreakable Boundaries Podcast. She is a Mother of a son who has been in his addiction for over 25 yrs. She worked for over 20 years as a substance abuse counselor, including working in a men's prison. Recently, she started a new ministry called "The Key to Recovery is a Mother's Love." She loves the Lord with all her heart and God has called her to help moms of addicted adult children overcome the chaos, confusion, and brokenness that substance abuse can...
Published 02/05/22
When we go out to get support and our emotional needs met, we have to be careful and make sure we are going to people that can give us what we need. Some people just can't give you what you are asking for. Within that, we have to be clear about what we are asking for and who we are going to. Otherwise, we end up in a worse space going to the wrong people. 
Published 02/03/22
The Exchange Principle is something I use to navigate a lot of my decisions when it comes time to help someone. I want to make sure I am helping, and that means I can't put more energy into something that the other person is willing to. When people ask for favors, help, or anything that involves putting my energy or money into the equation, I run through this thought process first. 
Published 01/24/22
Creating unbreakable boundaries is really about honoring yourself and others. In this episode, Dr. Susan and I get into some really great conversations about creating awareness around the question that Dr. Susan loves to ask, "Why does this make sense?"  Having a loved one with substance abuse is complex, challenging, and it's important that we can honor ourselves and really see ourselves, hear ourselves and be willing to listen to ourselves. About Dr. Susan For over 35 years Dr. Susan has...
Published 12/21/21
In this episode, I go through some different things I look for when I sit down at a computer and look into a rehab. This is just to start narrowing down all the different options you have. *How long have they been open *How many people per room *Family Program *Detox management *Holistic Approach *Accreditations *Rehab story Reach out and ask more questions: www.maneelyconsulting.com Email: [email protected]
Published 12/13/21
Working on our mental health is preventative like working on our physical health. Sometimes though, we hear mental health and we think about anxiety, depression, bi-polar, addiction, etc. It is just as important for you to work on your mental health as it is for your physical health. All that chatter in our brains if we don't learn how to quiet the chatter is like if we were waking up and eating chocolate cake for breakfast. Your mental health dealing with someone that has mental illness is...
Published 11/15/21
"Live as if your prayers have already been answered" -Tony Robbins What would happen to your life if you started living as if your prayers had already been answered? Would you be sleeping better? Eating better? Enjoying doing the things you love more? Connecting better to your other friends, family members, etc? That's the idea behind this quote. You can have all those things NOW. Often times we get caught up into the idea that if XYZ would happen THEN I would be ok. IF this person just got...
Published 10/08/21
In this podcast, I discuss the can of worms. What gets in our way of "going there with ourselves?" What do we need in order to go to the depths of ourselves that we need to go to? We need people in order to help us go there so we don't fall into our own shame spirals. I discuss some about my new project in order to help people feel like they can open that can of worms. This is a great place to start. https://theyanaconnection.square.site/
Published 09/28/21