This lecture provides an overview and motivations for the class, as well as an introduction to the U.S. energy system. A brief history of the state of U.S. energy is given through a series of graphs and data.
Published 03/28/13
This lecture focuses on the politics of regulation through a series of case discussion surrounding the EPA and setting emissions standards in response to air pollution, coal emissions, and acid rain.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture features a guest speaker, Bob DiMatteo, the CEO and chairman of MTPV. He speaks about micron-gap thermalphotovoltaics and entrepreneurship in the energy field. Later, a short lecture is given on the green growth model.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture explores drivers of movements, such as interest groups and changing preferences, and how they affect environmental movements as well as the formation of public policy, efforts, and parties.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on the development of public policy and the roles that interest groups and factions play in governance. The creation of America's democracy is used as an example, followed by EPA regulation.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on electric power systems, grid architecture, and transmission systems. Baseload units and peaking units are compared, as are various market models, and state and federal regulations.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on future challenges that await grid technology on the policy, economic, and technological fronts. RD&D and dynamic pricing are offered as avenues toward solutions, though the primary issues still rests in policy and regulation.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on hydraulic cracking, or fracking, and its environmental consequences and impact on policy as seen from the perspectives of key stakeholders. Discussion includes a thought experiment about having a shale resource in Massachusetts.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on the state of non-renewable energy on the global market. Classic hotelling theory is covered in the beginning, and then oil, coal, and natural gas markets are analyzed over the across geographies and time.
Published 02/26/13
The lecture highlights how technology maturity, scale, scope, and capabilities of innovations affect the business model for that new innovation. Discussion about energy at different phases of innovation ensues.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on business strategies, drivers of competitive advantage, and factors that affect product value. A facilitated discussion of the Husky case highlights value-based and differentiating strategies.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture features a facilitated case discussion of barriers against organizational change as present in the Biodiesel at MIT case study.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture features a facilitated discussion of combined heat and power (CHP) and the Hexion case study, which challenges students to consider a sample net present value analysis and its implications.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture introduces how economic concepts including net present value, discount rates, and time value impact energy services and the energy market. Risk-return analyses and investment strategies are also discussed.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture frames decisions affecting energy use as framed by social science and factors that influence decision-making. The lecture makes use of a research study conducted on towel reuse, and a class discussion of group identities.
Published 02/26/13
The lecture focuses on how to estimate, calculate, and predict energy demand. Considerations for short-run and long-run demand are taken, and the efficiency paradox is also discussed.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture presents the issues of time-scales and uncertainties as barriers to climate change. Three views on discounting are discussed as well as strategies for reducing global costs, adapting to new technologies, and reducing CO2 emissions.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on path dependence and the obstacles discouraging changes in energy systems. Several examples of energy systems are given, including those unable to be changed as well as those that were changed in light of path dependence.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on the function and role of government. The video features a moderated, in-class debate regarding the Carter v. Carter Coal case taken from two different standpoints on the role of the federal government.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture focuses on energy issues during the recent history of the U.S., ranging from the creation of the EPA to the problems faced by the Obama administration. A computer model is used to demonstrate projections and issues surrounding negotiations.
Published 02/26/13
This lecture provides a general overview of various energy systems on a global scale as well as a comparison of energy consumption in correlation to GDP, industry, and recent growth.
Published 02/26/13