Published 10/11/19
What happens when American children lose their baby teeth? Well, most kids believe that the Tooth Fairy visits them in the middle of the night. Learn all about this custom and how it may be different from other teeth-centered traditions around the world.
Published 08/18/18
This episode is all about one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, the first President of the U.S., George Washington. You will hear about his childhood, how he got into politics, and his significant accomplishments.
Published 08/18/18
Are dogs really man’s best friend? Well, in America, yes! Today, I’ll be telling you all about how much Americans love their pets.
Published 06/11/18
Today, I’ll be talking about an American cult classic film from the 1980s, Pretty in Pink. Stay tuned to find out why this movie was so popular back then, and what ESL students can still learn from it today!
Published 04/15/18
Today I’m going to talk about a major city in the United States - Houston, Texas. I will tell you all about my hometown and why I love living here!
Published 04/08/18
Today, I’m going to discuss how Americans view the concept of time. I will explore this concept by examining some very common values and beliefs. Two frequently used idioms about time will also be discussed.
Published 04/04/18
Do you want to sound more like an American when you speak English? Then today’s episode is for you! I will discuss contractions and why they are essential when speaking English.
Published 03/31/18
This week’s podcast is all about marriage in the U.S. I will discuss seven interesting facts about what marriages and weddings look like in America today.
Published 03/31/18
This week’s episode is all about making polite requests in English in American culture. I will discuss how, why, and when Americans make requests.
Published 03/30/18
Whether you are living in an English-speaking country or not, you should be studying English on your own as well. Even if you are in an ESL class or are immersed in English as a worker in the U.S., self-study is essential to improving your language skills. You have already started on the right path by listening to this podcast. Here are 9 other ways you can develop your at-home study skills.
Published 02/28/18
In this week’s episode, I am going to talk about the idiom “breaking the ice.” What does it mean? Why, when, and how do we use it in English in the U.S.?
Published 02/24/18
This week’s episode is all about small talk! What is it? Why is it important? When do Americans engage in small talk? Which topics are common, and which topics are off-limits? And, how can you get better at small talk?
Published 02/24/18
This week's podcast is a book review of American Ways: A Cultural Guide to the United States. This is an essential resource for anyone wanting to visit or live in the United States.
Published 02/23/18
Episode 1 Introduction to the Podcast by Caren Hayden
Published 02/21/18