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Nick Keyte
English that Sticks!
FREE English course! Each class is about a specific expression, a few specific words or a grammatical structure and is divided into 4 tracks. In each track the things you're learning are repeated again and again but with different dynamics so you don't get bored! Track 1: Explanation (use, examples, common mistakes) Track 2: Conversation (hear the words in context in a conversation, followed by analysis) Track 3: Interesting Stuff! (a short presentation about a topic) Track 4: Translation Challenge (you have 5 seconds to translate from Spanish to English to review what you've...
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testing 1, 2, 6
Published 08/09/22
testing upload
Published 08/06/22
Conversation to continue practising 'job' and 'work'! Plus 'to keep getting', 'if I were you', 'fall asleep' and 'miss' vs. 'lose'. I also give you lots of advice regarding how native speakers pronounce naturally, how we combine words and more. Like my classes? Please consider treating me to a...
Published 07/21/22
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