Allergies…. A seasonal irritation for some and a constant worry for others. Allergies can present a major health challenge for our animals and ourselves. When they become severe, it can be critical to get medical intervention quickly. As humans, we can vocalize our discomforts and evaluate what factors may have been at play to cause our bodies to go into a histamine response. For our animals however, its’ not that easy to determine when they start to feel unwell and then trace it back to what...
Published 07/28/21
As a bodyworker, we can see a variety of horses in any given day and we likely have worked on horses from many disciplines. However, it isn’t uncommon to get in involved with having more clients based in a certain discipline. Whether that be because it’s the discipline we ourselves compete in, or because it’s the barns we’ve been working in predominantly that have a specific focus. Whatever it may be, we thought it would be fun to chat with individuals from a variety of different equine...
Published 07/14/21
Often when we talk about riding for straightness, the image of a horse, collected and engaged, going in a straight line down the long side of the arena comes to mind. But how do you achieve straightness in the corners? Or out in the field? And why is it important to work on straightness in our horses? How do we as bodyworkers, help riders achieve success here? Today we chat with Crystal Kroetch of Carousel Stables. Crystal is a master at the art of achieving straightness in horses and has...
Published 07/07/21
Todays guests are Tyler and Kayleigh Albrecht of Albrecht Performance Horses. Tyler is a professional trainer and Kayleigh, a non-pro in the western performance discipline of Working Cow Horse. One of the most exhilarating western sports to watch, working cow horse competitions showcase an incredibly athletic horse, versed in multiple events, all combined into one sport. With roots going back centuries to the vaqueros of Mexico working cattle on large tracks of land primarily in the state of...
Published 06/30/21
We have been bandaging and splinting horses limbs for years, in order to help heal an injury, to hopefully prevent one from occurring or to give support during stalling and shipping. But the technology of compression bandages took a turn for the better many years ago with the Equicrown products. In todays episode, we talk with Donna von Hauff of Strathcona Ventures who is the technical specialist and distributor for Equicrown products here in Canada and many other parts of the world. Her...
Published 06/23/21
Mention Chuckwagon Racing and it is bound to get the heart pumping!! This is a fast paced, exhilarating discipline that marries the traditions of our western heritage with todays sport performance horses. It has many fans and loyal supporters that follow the wagons around the circuit of Western Canada throughout the spring and summer. The last two years have been difficult for the wagon families, as it has been for many of us, but with families to support and dozens of horses on top of all...
Published 06/16/21
We started our discussion on acupressure with Jesse McCowan of Birch Animal Wellness and Tallgrass Canada in episode #5 on March 10 of this year. Today we are going to look specifically at the use of acupressure to help our horses transition from Spring to Summer season. Transitions are something we all experience, a process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. The transitions from one season to season can be especially difficult for a horse when they grow or shed...
Published 06/09/21
PEMF or Pulsed Electronic Magnetic Therapy, is a relatively new modality, with the majority of the studies being done in the last 20+ years. It has been talked about more so recently in conjunction with equine therapies as there are now so many various types of equipment and individuals utilizing it. Like many tools, it can be a beneficial addition to a bodyworkers kit when applied properly and knowledgeably. In today’s episode, we’re talking with Cassidy Barnert EST, BSc Kinesiology of...
Published 06/02/21
Published 06/02/21
As a bodyworker, we can see a variety of horses in any given day and we likely have worked on horses from many disciplines. However, it isn’t uncommon to get in involved with having more clients based in a certain discipline. Whether that be because it’s the discipline we ourselves compete in, or because it’s the barns we’ve been working in predominantly that have a specific focus. Whatever it may be, we thought it would be fun to chat with individuals from a variety of different equine...
Published 05/26/21
We see it often, a horse that is sore, lame or simply just “off”. Recovery is often dependent on so many factors including the individual itself (age, temperament and severity of injury), environment they can recover in (large or small, controlled or just turned out?), time commitment of caregiver (are they around 24/7 or only can deal with it once a day?) and use of a team approach (including the vet, farrier and bodyworker). Sometimes not matter how well the recovery seemingly goes,...
Published 05/19/21
In the world of health, there can often be more than one way to approach a problem. Always looking at it from a team approach, but many modalities exist to help form individual health plans. In today’s episode we are going to look into one such modality that has been around for millennium, but which has only recently been formally studied and given a name; Zoopharmacognosy (an animals ability to self select elements to help itself heal). We will be talking with one of the few individuals...
Published 05/12/21
Chiropractics.  Always a word that will evoke a lot of discussion when you talk about it in the equine world, especially the Equine Bodywork world. We tackled this topic last year with Dr Sarah Pedersen as well and had a phenomenal interview with her, talking about what the legalities of using this modality are and why it is so important to ensure you have a qualified, insured and certified (by a governing body) practitioner who is laying hands on your equine partners. There are two types of...
Published 05/05/21
When we talk about riding horses, more often than not, that means we’re sitting in a saddle of some design, with a pad and other tack such as the cinch and breast collars. The FIT of these pieces of equipment are vital to the comfort and biomechanics of your horse, and for you as the rider and partner in sport. Without proper fit comes pain and compensation which leads to postural imbalances, in both horse and rider, and potentially can cause long term damage to the tissue it’s putting...
Published 04/28/21
Hundred of years ago, horses were the staple mode of transportation for humans. These days, it’s the horses being bundled up and hauled all over the world! With that hauling comes stress and potential for many incidents to happen. As bodyworkers, we work to help mitigate the soreness these horses can go through while hauling, but what if we could be pre-emptive with our plans and help the horses arrive more relaxed and without as much tension? Today we talk to two very knowledgable...
Published 04/21/21
As a bodyworker, we can see a variety of horses in any given day and we likely have worked on horses from many disciplines. However, it isn’t uncommon to get in involved with having more clients based in a certain discipline. Whether that be because it’s the discipline we ourselves compete in, or because it’s the barns we’ve been working in predominantly that have a specific focus. Whatever it may be, we thought it would be fun to chat with individuals from a variety of different equine...
Published 04/14/21
As a bodyworker, we can see a variety of horses in any given day and we likely have worked on horses from many disciplines. However, it isn’t uncommon having more clients based in a certain discipline. Whether that be because it’s the discipline we ourselves compete in, or because it’s the barns we’ve been working in predominantly, that have a specific focus. Whatever it may be, we thought it would be fun to chat with individuals from a variety of different equine sports to discuss the ins...
Published 04/07/21
Nutrition…. One of the most common questions we get is “what should we be feeding our horses?”. A loaded question for sure and one that is not that easy to answer. No one answer will even be the same, as each horse will have their own unique requirements. There isn’t a product on the market that is fit for every horse, although with marketing and the amount of opinions out there, you would be sure there must be a magic formula! I’ve had experience caring for horses that needed to be fed up...
Published 03/31/21
Spring is in the air here in Canada and that usually means our show seasons start just around the corner. Some of us may have been already working on strengthening our horses condition while others might just be getting their heads wrapped around it. Regardless of where you are at, todays’ episode is going to be one to listen to as we break down where and how to evaluate a conditioning program to enable your horses the strength and proper posture they require for sport. Tina has been a...
Published 03/24/21
Spring is in the air here in Canada and that usually means our show seasons start just around the corner. Some of us may have been already working on strengthening our horses condition while others might just be getting their heads wrapped around it. Regardless of where you are at, todays’ episode is going to be one to listen to as we break down where and how to evaluate a conditioning program to enable your horses the strength and proper posture they require for sport. Tina has been a...
Published 03/17/21
As equine bodyworkers, we often work in multiple modalities of soft tissue. One such modality that is gaining in popularity for the benefits it can deliver in a gentle and affective way, is acupressure. Today we talk with Tallgrass Canada owner, Jesse McGowan in regards to acupressure and how it can compliment or stand alone as an option in woking with equine and canine athletes. Jesse holds a bachelor of science in animal behaviour as well as her training in complimentary therapies of...
Published 03/10/21
We often talk about our the horses condition or fitness when evaluating their performance. We need to consider that there are two partners connected, when we work with riding horses. There are many factors at play of course which include their own posture and balance as well as tack or blanket fit, but what about us, the rider? We need to consider how our fitness, balance and posture affect our equine partners and how they then need to compensate to find their own balance while performing...
Published 03/03/21
Kissing spine is seemingly becoming more prevalent in sport horses these days.  Possibly due to improved diagnostic imaging, but it certainly is a buzz word these days.  Often associated with an end to their career, it can rage in severity but certainly doesn't have to be the end of their riding.  As you'll hear in todays episode, a great conditioning and rehab program can bring back their abilities.   Last episode we talked with Emma Baldwin on the owners perspective to equine bodywork....
Published 02/24/21
We often talk about the team approach here on this podcast.  And there wouldn't be a team without the horse owner.  The center piece of who brings in the professionals to work with their horses, we wanted to chat with one of our owners to hear her thoughts on bodywork, exercises, stretches and how to incorporate it all into a daily routine.   Emma Baldwin along with her husband Kurt operate Bar EK stables from Sundre, Alberta.  Their riding lesson program means there are plenty of horses...
Published 02/17/21
Season 1, episode 7: Throwback to last year at this time when we were dealing with a severe case of ulcers on one of my mares.  Listen through as Katie and I go over her case and discuss this common occurring disease.    Update:  Annie is doing well and spent the summer being ridden by a young rider in local shows where she excelled!  We continue to monitor her for signs of ulcers and are careful to watch that she has enough fiber, water and gut health support through simple supplementation....
Published 02/11/21