Dr. Jessica Higgins is the host of the Empowered Relationship Podcast, check it out here: https://drjessicahiggins.com/podcasts/ Dr. Jessica has a free resource available called "Shifting Criticism for Connected Communication" which you can access right here: https://drjessicahiggins.com/shifting-criticism-for-connected-communication Tracy Poizner also offers dad-specific advice for parenting through and around parental alienation and other problems of post-divorce family life via the...
Published 02/16/23
Published 02/16/23
If your partner is struggling to connect, or to re-connect with an alienated teenager, make sure he registers for LIONTAMER, my new 6-week intensive for dads. He'll learn to deftly guide his wandering teen back into their natural state of loving attachment and loyalty to him. Here's the link: https://essential-training.thrivecart.com/liontamer/ You can also learn more by emailing me at [email protected]. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 03/29/22
OK, this is a bit of a weird episode - it's actually the audio from a livestream video I did in my Spectacular Stepmom Facebook group. I'm talking about how to get better at knowing exactly when to say your peace and when to hold back - when to act and when to wait. This is all about the shadow and power archetypes, and about the real difference between logic and magic. I offer a unique style of coaching for couples where you work with me individually on alternating weeks. Email me for more...
Published 03/23/22
Legacy Mastermind is exclusively for the divorced dad who feels helpless against the ongoing high-conflict that's drawing his children away from him. In this program he will be coded to strike the tone of fatherhood and develop the magnetic quality that will draw his kids back into his orbit and keep them there forever. It starts this week, Feb. 17th. There's still time to join - apply by email to [email protected]. --- Send in a voice message:...
Published 02/15/22
Join my Facebook group, The Spectacular Stepmom!  You can reach me any time at [email protected].  Don't forget to check out the UnDeletable Dad podcast too! Here's a little free advice for you: 3 SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL STEPMOMS! https://tracypoizner.lpages.co/3-secrets-of-successful-stepmoms --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 12/23/21
Just two more days left to register! Restorative Parenting for Divorced Dads begins Wednesday November 2.  By Christmas, you could become that dad who knows the trick to following through on what he says without using heavy-handed parenting tactics, how to get rules made that your kids will actually follow (it's true!) and to make sure that your kids really feel safe, loved and seen with you, no matter what they hear from their mom! Go to bit.ly/dadcodes to register. Upgrade to the VIP...
Published 11/02/21
Want to learn how to get through to kids who are being brainwashed about you? Sign up for my FREE 3-part workshop October 27-29, 2021 called Reversing Parental Alienation. Go to bit.ly/alienationstrategy to register and don't forget to join the private Facebook group just for this event! You can always reach me at [email protected]. Limited 1:1 coaching spots are still available. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 10/26/21
Welcome to Episode 1 of the Undeletable Dad Podcast! You can find it on Anchor.fm/undeletabledad and very soon it will be found on all your favorite platforms. Here's the link to sign up for Restorative Parenting: bit.ly/dadcodes You can reach me at [email protected] --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 10/19/21
Lori Sims runs the Nacho Kids Academy - sign up with this link and she'll send a portion of your fee right back here to support this podcast! Click here: https://nachokidsacademy.com/theessentialstepmom Sign up at bit.ly/tracysummit for the Ultimate Stepfamily Summit! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 09/13/21
Here's a link to the episode with Lori's husband David: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/episodes/ESP-6-3-David-Sims---Pulling-it-out-of-the-fire-elkg5g I do a livestream video every Monday in my Facebook group The Spectacular Stepmom. Tomorrow's session  (Monday Sept 13) at 1pm EDT is called Bouncing Back From Stepmom Burnout - Before It's Too Late. Join the group by sending a join request to facebook.com/groups/thespectacularstepmom or email me at [email protected] to ask for a...
Published 09/12/21
It's a Nacho Role-play with Lori Sims, the original Nacho Mama! You can learn more at nachokids.com. Sign up for the Ultimate Stepfamily Summit (Sept 15-17) at bit.ly/tracysummit Would you be so kind as to pop over to Apple podcasts and leave a quick review? If you screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected], you can win a 60 minute coaching with me! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 09/11/21
Here are some highlights of today's conversation with Seth Nelson: 1:10 - when Seth got divorced, the law required one parent was named the primary residential, the other was secondary. In the end, it’s all about your ego, it’s just a label. 5:25 - On frequency of visits, it's often better to have more visits for a shorter time, especially for younger kids. 7:25 - 95% of the time you have with your child is before they’re 18! You can find Seth's podcast at How To Split A Toaster -...
Published 09/10/21
This is part 2 of my 3-part conversation with Florida-based family law attorney Seth Nelson. Listen at 2:20 to hear Seth describe the  the 3 worlds in which he lives as a divorce attorney, at 5:25 to learn about the many categories that courts consider (Factors A, B, C....all the way to Factor T!) and 10:10 to hear his take on why 60/40 might be better for you, even if you're getting the short end of the stick. Seth's podcast is How To Split A Toaster - you can find it here:...
Published 09/09/21
"Live your life, not your divorce!" Seth's podcast is called "How To Split A Toaster: A divorce podcast about saving your relationships". Here's a link to the show on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-split-a-toaster-a-divorce-podcast-about/id1527497405 You can contact Seth's office in Tampa, Florida via his website, https://nelsonkoster.com Sign up for The Ultimate Stepmfamily Summit with my link to get my special registration bonus, access to over 50 of my...
Published 09/08/21
Visit Anna's website at https://annadeacosta.com. The Ultimate Stepfamily Summit is happening from September 15-17. It's FREE! Sign up now at bit.ly/tracysummit to get my special bonus offer of lifetime access to my library of over 50 Livestream stepmom tutorial videos! You'll never be at a loss for something to listen to again! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/essentialstepmom/message
Published 09/01/21
Loyalty is one of the most misunderstood topics in the stepfamily world. I believe it's something much more fundamental than wondering which parent to believe, or visit, or like. This episode has been pulled from a live video I did a while back into my two Facebook groups - The Spectacular Stepmom and One For The Dads. If you'd like to belong to a positive, bash-free community, I invite you to join us there. Just send a join request to either group. With apologies for the gendered group...
Published 08/24/21
Family Constellation Therapy was created by Bert Hellinger. My favourite book on this topic is by Jakob Schneider - it seems to be out of print but the Kindle edition is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Constellations-Basic-Principles-Procedures-ebook/dp/B08LVN84JX Reach out to me for a link to watch my video on some specifics of how to start making a new family. You can reach me at [email protected] or just click on this link to...
Published 08/04/21
Want to know more about exactly how to make those boundaries you wish you had? Here are my top 5 tools for making better boundaries with your ex, your kids, even your spouse. I love hearing from you - let me know what you think about this, or just reach out to me any time at [email protected] If you're a divorced dad wanting to rescue your relationship with your kids, or to learn how to parent in this upside-down family dynamic where the kids have way too much power, or to be ready...
Published 07/20/21
Boundaries. Everything comes down to boundaries. I'll break this apart and show you why yours aren't doing the job. Interested in coaching? Reach out to me at [email protected]. The first 3 new clients can access my 6-session "pay-in-full" special price broken up into 3 monthly payments. I have one spot available for a comprehensive 6-month 1:1 coaching partnership exclusively for a divorced dad who is ready to re-vamp his approach to parenting so that it protects his relationship...
Published 07/14/21
You can contact Dr. Sonia via her webiste, http://renewedbeliefs.com Her research paper about autism and stepfamilies can be accessed via Google Scholar or with this link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0192513X20959109p You can reach me on my private email at [email protected]. If your husband/boyfriend/partner is looking for help to get his high-conflict custody or parenting situation under control, he might be interested in my premium 6-month coaching offer that...
Published 06/29/21
This is part two of my conversation with filmmaker Peter Maestrey about his journey through and past divorce. He shares how he dealt with other people telling him how to feel about his divorce and how he got on with creating the life he's always wanted. Peter's podcast is called Divorce - The First Six Months and you can find it through his website, https://divorcethefirstsix. You can reach me on my private email info@essentialstepmom or [email protected]. Coaching is available for...
Published 06/22/21
Peter Maestrey is an award-winning filmmaker and producer. He's also the host of a podcast called Divorce - The First Six Months. You can find him at divorcethefirstsix.com The Visible Man Discord is open to men and women who want to have spontaneous, respectful, private conversations about how to recover and move on from the really big shit. There's also a pretty good poker game and some fantasy football, I'm told! Go to bit.ly/visiblemandiscord You can reach me any time on my personal and...
Published 06/15/21
Bobbi Brooks Wilcox is the Founder of Blended Families United, a published author, is registered as an Unlicensed Psychotherapist in the state of Colorado, a coach, and an ordained minister. She offers online spiritual counseling and blended family coaching services, programs, and resources to stepcouples to help them heal, transform, and strengthen their marriage/remarriage and relationships so they will THRIVE and not just survive. To get 3 free chapters from her book, go to...
Published 06/01/21
Greg Menendez teaches people how the mind works - and then, they never look back! Greg can be found at likeneverbefore.co.nz I have a Facebook community for stepmoms where I'd be glad to see you - join The Spectacular Stepmom by sending a join request to facebook.com/groups/thespectacularstepmom If you're a dad, you can connect with me in 3 ways: 1. My private Facebook group is called One For The Dads - send a join request to facebook.com/groups/oneforthedads 2. I'm on the private and...
Published 05/18/21