As we adapt to an increasingly digitally reliant world, this episode explores how digital innovations, shifts in target demographics, and lifestyle changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are drawing fashion players to explore opportunities in the metaverse. What challenges and opportunities will fashion players face while trying to capitalise on the expansion digital fashion in the metaverse?
Published 02/18/22
The legalisation of the cannabis industry in California in 2016 was signaling the end of the illegal market and promising economic gains. Today leading California cannabis companies warn that they’re on the verge of collapse as most local governments have been reluctant to loosen regulatory frameworks, reduce taxes, permit wider range of product formats, and establish more attractive distribution systems for easier access. According to Euromonitor’s Global Lead for Nicotine and Cannabis...
Published 02/18/22
This episode is the first in a series that explores how hybrid working has impacted several industries in Western Europe. After a year of working from home as a result of the 2020 pandemic, hybrid working came into full play by the end of the fourth quarter in 2021 in the UK, with the return of people to offices on a flexible basis. Analyst Nina Marston and consultant Natasha Cazin discuss how fashion brands and retailers are responding to this change in working patterns, in terms of product...
Published 02/08/22
As India begins to emerge from the third Covid-19 wave, what tips and tricks will help restaurants keep afloat amidst the dynamic rules and regulations? Euromonitor International's Food and Nutrition Insight Lead India, Shreya Sharma, takes us through the performance of the Consumer Foodservice Industry in 2021 and how it is expected to pan out in the future.
Published 01/27/22
As part of Euromonitor International's Megatension series, analysts Lucas Pinto and Chloe Maarek discuss how the pandemic has aroused a range of different feelings, leading some to increased anxiety and stress, and others to a higher proactivity and “can-do” attitude. Based on these conflicting needs, products aiming to enhance focus and attention are becoming more popular at the same time as products intending to increase relaxation and calmness. Pandemic-related needs have brought this...
Published 01/06/22
Consumers are growing more aware of environmental issues in fashion; yet, consumers' readiness to embrace circular fashion practices differs across the world. In this podcast, we will explore consumers preferences in the market of Eastern Europe, including the Baltics region. Are Eastern European consumers ready to prioritize sustainability in their purchase decisions? Are brands making any commitments to circular fashion? What changes in consumer perceptions are expected? 
Published 12/22/21
Latin American economies shrunk by more than 8% on average in 2020. This reality fosters the concept of frugal innovation, given the inadequate fiscal and monetary stimulus in the region. Consumers will continue to be price sensitive and receptive to affordable products that answer their needs. Innovation, social networks, business models and flexible payments methods will be key actions that must be taken to engage with this targeted consumer.  
Published 12/14/21
While being a vehicle for job creation, prosperity and equality, if out of control, travel and tourism can damage precious ecosystems and biodiversity. Climate action was accelerated during the pandemic, where travel businesses took advantage of the pause to rethink their corporate strategies and supply chains to drive cost efficiencies. The intersection of climate action and green technology is a sweet spot for innovation for travel brands and destinations on the pathway to net zero.
Published 12/01/21
Hot off the back of COP26, Caroline Bremner speaks to Jeremy Smith, Co-Founder of Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency in the latest Travel Leaders podcast. Hear from Jeremy about the journey that Tourism Declares has been on, culminating with the launch of the Glasgow Declaration to provide a working framework for the tourism sector to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. Jeremy gives an insight to what happens next now that the momentum is well and truly rolling on climate action.
Published 11/29/21
In this episode, Euromonitor International’s Nutrition Research Analyst Ekaterina Tretyakova discusses the main trends in the ready meals market. Consumers tend to cook less often but still perceive eating together as an important social occasion, which is driving demand for ready meals. Increased spending on ready meals and their delivery is accelerating the development of new business models, and close collaboration between retailers and foodservice operators. Within this burgeoning...
Published 11/23/21
The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered a change in consumer transport patterns. More people have turned away from public transport due to lockdowns and strict social distancing rules in favour of cycling and private car travel, while others have reduced demand for transport due to remote work arrangements. In a post-pandemic, world transport demand is likely to return to some level of normality, though personal car travel is likely to decrease in favour of mobility-as-a-service and micro-mobility.
Published 11/15/21
This month’s episode of Fashion Friday by Euromonitor International analyzes the digital resale market in North America. While the resale market has existed for decades, it is currently booming thanks to the changing needs and values of consumers, especially Millennial and Gen Z consumers. A range of new, digital-native players and initiatives by existing clothing brands have emerged to meet these needs. Who are these new players? What drives consumers to a particular resale platform? Will...
Published 11/04/21
In this latest episode of Travel Leaders Series, Head of Travel Research Caroline Bremner speaks to Shaon Talukder, Chief Executive Officer of Geotourist, an award-winning audio-tours platform that enables local people to share and preserve their stories. Geotourist’s transformation in becoming a vital tool for destination management, leveraging visitor analytics, encouraging dispersal and inclusion. Tune in to hear about future opportunities for the creator economy.
Published 10/22/21
In the aftermath of COVID-19 lockdowns, stark tensions and contradictions have arisen in many parts of the world. Behavioural tensions and responses range from empathy and a growing sense of community to a “me first” attitude of self-interest; from a “more is less” approach to consumption to indulgence spending and comfort clutter. Consumer behaviours towards sustainability in fashion are characterised by a tension between opposing trends, especially in an age of overconsumption: are...
Published 10/15/21
Hallyu (a Chinese term that translates to ‘the Korean Wave’) refers to the transcendence and increasing popularity of South Korean cultural exports such as South Korean TV dramas and pop music. Popular in Asian countries from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, the second wave or Hallyu 2.0 is now becoming popular in Western countries - and luxury brands are seeking out more collaborations with Korean celebrities as global brand ambassadors. Are Western consumers and Korean consumers different...
Published 09/23/21
While the global luxury goods market is expected to recover from the pandemic in the coming years, sustainability will be an increasing focus area for luxury players to engage with consumers, with a new-normal having emerged as values were transformed by the experiences in the pandemic. Euromonitor International’s Industry Manager Fflur Roberts and Consultant Yuri Gorai discuss sustainability trends in the global luxury goods industry as well as in the important Japanese market with Taro...
Published 09/13/21
This episode is the second of our new podcast series on “Restarting Europe”, where Food and Nutrition Research Analysts Margaux Laine and Marie Breban will dig deeper into the evolution of the physical store one year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, as Europe is gradually re-opening. The episode will explore two pillars shaping the future of the brick and mortar store in Europe – ‘Betting on Suburbia’ and ‘Exploring new concepts’. With e-commerce further gaining advantage during...
Published 09/09/21
As the region experienced recessionary economic conditions in the past year due to the pandemic, the value of the apparel and footwear industry declined by 15%. As a result, new trends such as digitalisation, cash-on-delivery and the rise of casual wear emerged and started gaining traction. Though the pandemic caused massive disruptions to supply chains with country-wide lockdowns, port backlogs and shipping delays, many companies have turned to produce locally, which creates an advantage of...
Published 09/08/21
In this podcast, we take a fresh look at the Experience More megatrend, where the virus put a stop to real life experiences during lockdown with consumers seeking their social, shopping and entertainment kicks online. Consumers continued to seek enhanced products, enhanced by technologies like AI and augmented reality for greater personalization. The pandemic also brought into sharp relief inequalities as seen by the continued rise in social activism, such as the Black Lives Matter movement....
Published 09/07/21
Hygiene has become a buzzword since the beginning of the pandemic. With the simple measures like wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, and washing hands are being considered the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus. Given the threat of infection, hygiene beyond personal care has become relevant to consumers as they spend more and more time at home. Which has lead to domestic hygiene becoming an important part of our daily lifestyles.    However, since 2020, given the...
Published 09/02/21
Latin America is expected to be the second-fastest growing region for cannabis over the next five years. Although the current regional market is undeveloped, companies need to ensure communication strategies, product development and commercial efforts are aligned with consumer values and priorities, which will impact how cannabis categories develop in the future. In this episode, Shane MacGuill, global lead of nicotine and cannabis, joins Erwin Henriquez and Rodrigo Mattos, two of our...
Published 08/31/21
The airline industry is coming out of the pandemic completely transformed, with fewer operators in the market, as they seek operational efficiencies, fight shrinking cash flows and declining business travel, whilst driving a wide range of cost cutting measures and substantial restructuring programmes. Sustainable transportation is set to become the real game-changer in the post-pandemic business environment for airline operators, as consumers increasingly embrace more responsible tourism.
Published 08/05/21
The opening ceremony of the Olympics Games Tokyo 2020 finally took place on July 23rd 2021. Although diversity is one of the core values of the Olympics, Japan has lagged far behind other countries in terms of diversity including gender equality. According to Euromonitor International’s Economies and Consumers data, the income gap between male and female consumers in Japan was 33% in 2020. However, after the sexist comment made by the former Olympics committee chief executive was rebuked by...
Published 07/27/21
The impact of COVID-19 raised awareness about the environmental consequences that consumption habits have on the planet. Companies that demonstrate purpose-driven solutions and sustainable commitments as part of the core business are increasing to remain relevant. As a result, three trends are currently standing out in Latin America namely, casualisation, sustainability and digitalisation. Due to the effects of the pandemic, consumers are increasing their interest in brands that offer a...
Published 07/26/21
This episode is the first of our new podcast series on “Restarting Europe” where Food and Nutrition Analyst Margaux Laine and Consultant Maria Bogdanova look at the opportunities the opening of economies brings for retail. The rates of vaccination are picking up in Europe and governments in the United Kingdom and Denmark are going as far as announcing they prepare to lift all restrictions by July and October this year. Now many of us have been homebound for an extensive period, going into our...
Published 07/02/21