Kiley and Nan continue the conversation on how to generate abundance through everyday living. In Episode 18, they share daily practices designed to help you recognize the bounty that fills our lives and how gratitude is a tool of manifestation. In other words, when you put vibes of abundance out into the universe, she will answer your call.
Published 07/09/24
What does it mean to have abundance in your life? So many of us live with a scarcity mindset, when in realiity we have so much to be grateful for every day. In Episode 17, Kiley and Nan share best practices on tapping into the flow of abundance and ways to shift your energy to welcome new opportunities.
Published 07/03/24
What's the difference between being smart and being wise? In episode 16, Kiley and Nan dig a little deeper into the concept of discernment, and how it's an act of not just listening to the mind, but also the body.
Published 06/19/24
We all know smart people, but to be considered wise requires something more. Discernment is how we transform curiosity into wisdom. In this week's episode, Kiley and Nan dig into the value of discernment and why it's an important skill to hone in any relationship.
Published 06/13/24
Kiley and Nan continue the conversation on how to be mindful of the media you ingest each day.  How do you navigate information that is triggering?  When faced with a buffet of information, it is vital to use discernment as your guide to create a media menu that best feeds your soul.
Published 06/04/24
Do we ingest the media we watch? Can watching low vibe media affect your psyche?  In episode 13, Kiley and Nan explore what it means to be on a media diet. We all need to escape from the grind, and in 2024 we need to be extra mindful of what media we allow to fill our time.
Published 05/28/24
Is scheduling sex unsexy?  Depends on the person. Kiley and Nan pick back up talking about sex in Episode 12. They get personal about their daily sex lives and share tips on how to be mindful of cultivating a healthy sex life.
Published 05/21/24
Do we have sex cycles as women? In Episode, 11, Kiley and Nan have a sex talk about the challenges and benefits of having a healthy sex life. Your sex life is unique to you.  It's important to be curious about what experiences have shaped it to understand what is truly healthy and in alignment with your needs in the present.
Published 05/14/24
When we let go of someone or something, we often think of it as a loss...but in fact letting go is an act of winning. In Episode 10, Kiley and Nan talk through the signals given to us when it is time to move on from a job, relationship or anything that is not serving your wellbeing.  Letting go is a process, and it is the only way we move forward towards the joy of a fulfilling life.
Published 05/07/24
Mindfulness is as easy as you make it, at least that's the approach Kiley and Nan take trying to weave into lives as busy working moms. Technically the first episode they ever recorded (pardon the rookie sound), they share tips on how mindfulness can be as simple as taking a moment to smell your morning coffee, or doing some deep breathing while sitting in the car. Because, like any everyday practice, mindfulness has to work for your schedule.
Published 04/23/24
In Episode 8, Kiley and Nan dive into how to conquer the scarcity mindset.  The way we think and dream shape how abundance appears in our lives. The energetic forces around money,  partnership, career and community all shift when our thoughts are in alignment with our goals.
Published 04/16/24
There are many different ways we parent. In Episode 7, Kiley and Nan talk shop on the importance of meeting people where they are, whether they are your child or your aging parent. Because when it comes to conscious parenting, there is no one way to do it.
Published 04/09/24
Is Imposture Syndrome a response to toxic culture? In Episode 6, Kiley and Nan talk through ways to navigate feelings of insecurity, and the reality that competence doesn't have to equate confidence.  Sometimes, faking it until you make it is just the magic needed for manifestation.
Published 04/02/24
How do we maintain balance with so many balls in the air? In Episode 5, Kiley and Nan dig into ways to better manage the laundry list of life. It all starts with identifying how you uniquely work best and adapting in support of alignment.
Published 03/26/24
Triggers make us upset and uncomfortable, but can they also teach us something important about lasting happiness? In this episode, Kiley and Nan share their own experience with triggers and present the importance of not reacting to a trigger, but instead finding a way to respond from a place of healing and compassion.
Published 03/19/24
How do we let beauty bloom throughout the gray journey of aging? In today's episode, Kiley and Nan delve into how we learn to define beauty and what it means in relationship to aging gracefully. 
Published 03/12/24
Why do we create? In this episode, Kiley and Nan explore creativity, why it is important and how to integrate it into everyday life. From Andre 3000 and Elizabeth Gilbert to Pema Chödrön and Rick Rubin, there are so many visionaries to look to when it comes to lighting inspiration.
Published 03/05/24
Kiley and Nan dive into why intentions make more sense than resolutions, how January is the worst month to start anything and the idea of quantum manifestation...whatever that means.
Published 02/27/24