Arthur Frank has been writing about illness and the body since the late 1980s, when he wrote his first book At the Will of the Body, a memoir of critical illness, while also writing an omnibus review article Bringing Bodies Back In published in Theory, Culture, Society and subsequently expanded...
Published 06/06/13
This talk is chaired by Prof Anna Furse who is currently embarking on a creative collaboration with Prof Nicola Clayton. This event promises to be of interest to arts/science collaborators in particular.icola Clayton is a Professor of Comparative Cognition in the Department of Psychology at...
Published 05/09/13
The Centre of the Body was delighted to host Theatre Director Jenny Sealey MBE and Live Artist Noemi Lakmaier for our third interdisciplinary dialogue Disability and the Artists Presence, supported by the Wellcome Trust.ealey and Lakmaier, each from a very different approach to performance, make...
Published 03/21/13