As the tide turns in the fight against coronavirus, Oliver Hides asks what happens next? Will we soon return to life as we lived it before? Or will Covid-19 have changed the way we live, work and – most importantly - think?
Published 03/17/21
Published 03/17/21
With the General Election campaign past its halfway point, what are we to make of the show so far? A panel of experts takes the temperature of the battle for Number 10
Published 11/27/19
The Eye on Wales team focus on the big issues, offering in-depth explorations of the day's most pressing stories and broadcasting rarely-heard voices.
Published 11/20/19
Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam, and activists Sian Stephen and Hugh Thomas talk about their experience with the movement, and what is driving them to take action.
Published 11/13/19
Presenter Oliver Hides explores how changes by Natural Resources Wales to its rules for controlling pest birds such as crows and magpies have left many in the countryside unhappy.
Published 11/06/19
Oliver Hides and studio guests discuss what voters can expect in the forthcoming General Election campaign. How will the campaign be waged, messages framed and leaders presented?
Published 10/30/19
Eye on Wales hears from a woman who says the lowest point in learning to live from a wheelchair was the isolation until someone showed her how to take control of her support money
Published 10/23/19
Eye On Wales tells the story patients who rely on an intravenous liquid known as home parenteral nutrition or HPN to survive. What happened when the supply reduced this summer?
Published 10/16/19
Wales has one of the most liberal approaches to home education in Europe. But could that light-touch approach be about to change?
Published 10/09/19
Stephen Fairclough and the Eye on Wales team focus on how Tower Colliery's owners, the miners who bought Wales's last deep pit, see tourism as the next stage of its working life.
Published 03/20/19
Grangetown is now officially the most diverse part of Cardiff, overtaking that of neighbouring Butetown. Selma Chalabi talks to the residents to find out how they're getting along.
Published 03/13/19
Stephen Fairclough hears how a year-long inquiry has concluded that too many survivors of domestic and sexual violence are being failed by the system that's meant to help them.
Published 03/06/19
The family of a Cardiff man jailed without charge in war-torn Yemen tell of their anguish over his plight and how they feel let down by government efforts to secure his release.
Published 02/27/19
Back in 1999 it was described as a watershed moment for policing. Twenty years on, Stephen Fairclough and guests debate the legacy of the inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence
Published 02/20/19
Stephen Fairclough and the Eye team hear how the lives of two women - one aged 85, the other 90 - were saved when their parents put them on trains and into the care of strangers.
Published 02/13/19
15 year old Rebecca tells her story of how she was cyber bullied after a friend innocently posted a photo of her online which made her look like she was wearing less than she was.
Published 02/06/19
Stephen Fairclough and guests debate how to balance the need to improve and invest in our city centres against the desire to retain their character and local independent businesses
Published 01/31/19
Stephen Fairclough takes to the campaign trail with some of the candidates for the first Welsh youth parliament elections and hears about their aims and ambitions.
Published 12/05/18
In October 2018, Storm Callum battered South Wales . It was the worst flooding event in 50 years. At least 326 homes were affected. Two flood victims tell their story.
Published 11/28/18
Stephen Fairclough meets families bereaved by the suspicious deaths of loved ones abroad, and hears calls for more government support for others in the same position.
Published 11/21/18
Stephen Fairclough and a panel of experts discuss the pros and cons of introducing a universal basic income for everyone - whether employed or unemployed – in Wales
Published 11/07/18
The tolls across the two Severn bridges are abolished on 17 December. But how much difference will this make? Stephen Fairclough hears arguments for and against.
Published 10/31/18
ME/CFS patients in Wales say they're not getting the diagnosis and treatment they need. They have called it a 'humanitarian crisis'. Eye On Wales finds out more.
Published 10/24/18
With a root and branch review of the railways due to get underway soon, Stephen Fairclough asks if there are lessons to be learnt from the way the trains are now run in Wales
Published 10/17/18